#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2016 The CyanogenMod Project # Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The LineageOS Project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # function blob_fixup() { case "${1}" in # Correct mods gid system/etc/permissions/com.motorola.mod.xml) sed -i "s|mot_mod|oem_5020|g" "${2}" ;; # memset shim vendor/bin/charge_only_mode) for LIBMEMSET_SHIM in "$(grep -L libmemset_shim.so ${2})"; do "${PATCHELF}" --add-needed "libmemset_shim.so" "$LIBMEMSET_SHIM" done ;; # Add uhid group for fingerprint service vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service.rc) sed -i "s/system input/system uhid input/" "${2}" ;; # Replace libcutils with libprocessgroup vendor/lib/hw/audio.primary.sdm660.so) "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libcutils.so" "libprocessgroup.so" "${2}" "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libutils.so" "libutils-v32.so" "${2}" ;; # Fix camera recording vendor/lib/libmmcamera2_pproc_modules.so) sed -i "s/ro.product.manufacturer/ro.product.nopefacturer/" "${2}" ;; # Load ZAF configs from vendor vendor/lib/libzaf_core.so) sed -i "s|/system/etc/zaf|/vendor/etc/zaf|g" "${2}" ;; # Use VNDK 32 libutils vendor/lib/libaudioroute.so | vendor/lib/libmotaudioutils.so | vendor/lib/libsensorndkbridge.so | vendor/lib/libtinycompress.so | vendor/lib/libtinycompress_vendor.so) "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libutils.so" "libutils-v32.so" "${2}" ;; vendor/lib/soundfx/libspeakerbundle.so | vendor/lib/soundfx/libmmieffectswrapper.so | vendor/lib/libeqservicebridge.so | vendor/lib/motorola.hardware.audio.eqservice@1.0_vendor.so) "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libutils.so" "libutils-v32.so" "${2}" ;; # Fix missing symbol _ZN7android8hardware7details17gBnConstructorMapE lib64/motorola.hardware.vibrator@1.0.so) "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libhidlbase.so" "libhidlbase-v32.so" "${2}" ;; vendor/lib64/com.fingerprints.extension@1.0.so) "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed "libhidlbase.so" "libhidlbase-v32.so" "${2}" ;; esac } # If we're being sourced by the common script that we called, # stop right here. No need to go down the rabbit hole. if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "${0}" ]; then return fi set -e export DEVICE=beckham export DEVICE_COMMON=msm8998-common export VENDOR=motorola "./../../${VENDOR}/${DEVICE_COMMON}/extract-files.sh" "$@"