diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index dfecee0ebc1c8e8db66d0ae2efcaabb22d14b8d1..272258676d19e341a3030441737e70c36eed876e 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
 soong_namespace {
-    imports: ["hardware/qcom-caf/bootctrl"],
+    imports: [
+        "hardware/qcom-caf/bootctrl",
+        "hardware/xiaomi",
+    ],
diff --git a/BoardConfigCommon.mk b/BoardConfigCommon.mk
index 358bf973594a36c541cabf1c320b2e3efa91a223..cb16b995d528922cc3ca9b0f167b0bc89a14fd75 100644
--- a/BoardConfigCommon.mk
+++ b/BoardConfigCommon.mk
@@ -183,7 +183,9 @@ BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += $(COMMON_PATH)/sepolicy/vendor
 # Soong
 SOONG_CONFIG_xiaomiSm8350Vars += \
+    fingerprint_use_extension \
+SOONG_CONFIG_xiaomiSm8350Vars_fingerprint_use_extension ?= false
 SOONG_CONFIG_xiaomiSm8350Vars_vibrator_use_effect_stream ?= false
 # Verified Boot
diff --git a/common.mk b/common.mk
index 573ca71518beefbecc48bd225559e63cf4c8886b..1882fe7e82f1c99d531cc9aa8abf0cbea8d94771 100644
--- a/common.mk
+++ b/common.mk
@@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
 # Soong namespaces
-    $(LOCAL_PATH)
+    $(LOCAL_PATH) \
+    hardware/xiaomi
 # Telephony
diff --git a/fingerprint/Android.bp b/fingerprint/Android.bp
index 3cb39f10eaf3244f2445056ac9b9ab9df9be15d6..a843932deeb9145252d2dca802ab0736fed8ffa4 100644
--- a/fingerprint/Android.bp
+++ b/fingerprint/Android.bp
@@ -1,6 +1,34 @@
+soong_config_module_type {
+    name: "fingerprint_extension",
+    module_type: "cc_defaults",
+    config_namespace: "xiaomiSm8350Vars",
+    bool_variables: ["fingerprint_use_extension"],
+    properties: [
+        "cflags",
+        "shared_libs",
+        "vintf_fragments",
+    ],
+fingerprint_extension {
+    name: "fingerprint_extension_defaults",
+    soong_config_variables: {
+        fingerprint_use_extension: {
+            cflags: ["-DUSE_EXTENSION"],
+            shared_libs: [
+                "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension@1.0",
+            ],
+            vintf_fragments: ["vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension@1.0.xml"],
+        },
+    },
 cc_binary {
     name: "android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service.xiaomi_sm8350",
-    defaults: ["hidl_defaults"],
+    defaults: [
+        "hidl_defaults",
+        "fingerprint_extension_defaults",
+    ],
     init_rc: ["android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service.xiaomi_sm8350.rc"],
     vintf_fragments: ["android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service.xiaomi_sm8350.xml"],
     vendor: true,
diff --git a/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.cpp b/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.cpp
index 1f85eaec270950b24cba1f7f809585e8fcfdab83..329b2c2863010b6affe4de5146f306c76ce9922a 100644
--- a/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.cpp
+++ b/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include <hardware/hw_auth_token.h>
 #include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/fingerprint.h>
 #include "BiometricsFingerprint.h"
 #include <inttypes.h>
@@ -204,7 +203,13 @@ Return<RequestStatus> BiometricsFingerprint::authenticate(uint64_t operationId,
     return ErrorFilter(mDevice->authenticate(mDevice, operationId, gid));
-IBiometricsFingerprint* BiometricsFingerprint::getInstance() {
+Return<int32_t> BiometricsFingerprint::extCmd(int32_t cmd, int32_t param) {
+    return mDevice->extCmd(mDevice, cmd, param);
+BiometricsFingerprint* BiometricsFingerprint::getInstance() {
     if (!sInstance) {
       sInstance = new BiometricsFingerprint();
diff --git a/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.h b/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.h
index 6d64e3d38db8939dc5796f93255d54028f640c43..5cbd59a7c07c62674d9d2d0d8f582b99f91c7122 100644
--- a/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.h
+++ b/fingerprint/BiometricsFingerprint.h
@@ -20,10 +20,14 @@
 #include <log/log.h>
 #include <android/log.h>
 #include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/fingerprint.h>
 #include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
 #include <hidl/Status.h>
 #include <android/hardware/biometrics/fingerprint/2.1/IBiometricsFingerprint.h>
+#include <vendor/xiaomi/hardware/fingerprintextension/1.0/IXiaomiFingerprint.h>
+#include "hardware/fingerprint.h"
 namespace android {
 namespace hardware {
@@ -40,14 +44,19 @@ using ::android::hardware::Void;
 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
 using ::android::sp;
+using ::vendor::xiaomi::hardware::fingerprintextension::V1_0::IXiaomiFingerprint;
+struct BiometricsFingerprint : public IBiometricsFingerprint, public IXiaomiFingerprint {
 struct BiometricsFingerprint : public IBiometricsFingerprint {
     // Method to wrap legacy HAL with BiometricsFingerprint class
-    static IBiometricsFingerprint* getInstance();
+    static BiometricsFingerprint* getInstance();
     // Methods from ::android::hardware::biometrics::fingerprint::V2_1::IBiometricsFingerprint follow.
     Return<uint64_t> setNotify(const sp<IBiometricsFingerprintClientCallback>& clientCallback) override;
@@ -61,6 +70,11 @@ public:
     Return<RequestStatus> setActiveGroup(uint32_t gid, const hidl_string& storePath) override;
     Return<RequestStatus> authenticate(uint64_t operationId, uint32_t gid) override;
+    // Methods from ::vendor::xiaomi::hardware::fingerprintextension::V1_0::IXiaomiFingerprint follow.
+    Return<int32_t> extCmd(int32_t cmd, int32_t param) override;
     static fingerprint_device_t* openHal();
     static void notify(const fingerprint_msg_t *msg); /* Static callback for legacy HAL implementation */
diff --git a/fingerprint/hardware/fingerprint.h b/fingerprint/hardware/fingerprint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..233f4b5720db903f79f669090640977cfa1b9973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fingerprint/hardware/fingerprint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 The LineageOS Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <hardware/hardware.h>
+#include <hardware/hw_auth_token.h>
+typedef enum fingerprint_msg_type {
+} fingerprint_msg_type_t;
+ * Fingerprint errors are meant to tell the framework to terminate the current operation and ask
+ * for the user to correct the situation. These will almost always result in messaging and user
+ * interaction to correct the problem.
+ *
+ * For example, FINGERPRINT_ERROR_CANCELED should follow any acquisition message that results in
+ * a situation where the current operation can't continue without user interaction. For example,
+ * if the sensor is dirty during enrollment and no further enrollment progress can be made,
+ */
+typedef enum fingerprint_error {
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_HW_UNAVAILABLE = 1, /* The hardware has an error that can't be resolved. */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 2, /* Bad data; operation can't continue */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_TIMEOUT = 3, /* The operation has timed out waiting for user input. */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_NO_SPACE = 4, /* No space available to store a template */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_CANCELED = 5, /* The current operation can't proceed. See above. */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE = 6, /* fingerprint with given id can't be removed */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_LOCKOUT = 7, /* the fingerprint hardware is in lockout due to too many attempts */
+    FINGERPRINT_ERROR_VENDOR_BASE = 1000 /* vendor-specific error messages start here */
+} fingerprint_error_t;
+ * Fingerprint acquisition info is meant as feedback for the current operation.  Anything but
+ * FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_GOOD will be shown to the user as feedback on how to take action on the
+ * current operation. For example, FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_IMAGER_DIRTY can be used to tell the user
+ * to clean the sensor.  If this will cause the current operation to fail, an additional
+ * FINGERPRINT_ERROR_CANCELED can be sent to stop the operation in progress (e.g. enrollment).
+ * In general, these messages will result in a "Try again" message.
+ */
+typedef enum fingerprint_acquired_info {
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_PARTIAL = 1, /* sensor needs more data, i.e. longer swipe. */
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_INSUFFICIENT = 2, /* image doesn't contain enough detail for recognition*/
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_IMAGER_DIRTY = 3, /* sensor needs to be cleaned */
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_TOO_SLOW = 4, /* mostly swipe-type sensors; not enough data collected */
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_TOO_FAST = 5, /* for swipe and area sensors; tell user to slow down*/
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_DETECTED = 6, /* when the finger is first detected. Used to optimize wakeup.
+                                          Should be followed by one of the above messages */
+    FINGERPRINT_ACQUIRED_VENDOR_BASE = 1000 /* vendor-specific acquisition messages start here */
+} fingerprint_acquired_info_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_finger_id {
+    uint32_t gid;
+    uint32_t fid;
+} fingerprint_finger_id_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_enroll {
+    fingerprint_finger_id_t finger;
+    /* samples_remaining goes from N (no data collected, but N scans needed)
+     * to 0 (no more data is needed to build a template). */
+    uint32_t samples_remaining;
+    uint64_t msg; /* Vendor specific message. Used for user guidance */
+} fingerprint_enroll_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_iterator {
+    fingerprint_finger_id_t finger;
+    uint32_t remaining_templates;
+} fingerprint_iterator_t;
+typedef fingerprint_iterator_t fingerprint_enumerated_t;
+typedef fingerprint_iterator_t fingerprint_removed_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_acquired {
+    fingerprint_acquired_info_t acquired_info; /* information about the image */
+} fingerprint_acquired_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_authenticated {
+    fingerprint_finger_id_t finger;
+    hw_auth_token_t hat;
+} fingerprint_authenticated_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_msg {
+    fingerprint_msg_type_t type;
+    union {
+        fingerprint_error_t error;
+        fingerprint_enroll_t enroll;
+        fingerprint_enumerated_t enumerated;
+        fingerprint_removed_t removed;
+        fingerprint_acquired_t acquired;
+        fingerprint_authenticated_t authenticated;
+    } data;
+} fingerprint_msg_t;
+/* Callback function type */
+typedef void (*fingerprint_notify_t)(const fingerprint_msg_t *msg);
+/* Synchronous operation */
+typedef struct fingerprint_device {
+    /**
+     * Common methods of the fingerprint device. This *must* be the first member
+     * of fingerprint_device as users of this structure will cast a hw_device_t
+     * to fingerprint_device pointer in contexts where it's known
+     * the hw_device_t references a fingerprint_device.
+     */
+    struct hw_device_t common;
+    /*
+     * Client provided callback function to receive notifications.
+     * Do not set by hand, use the function above instead.
+     */
+    fingerprint_notify_t notify;
+    /*
+     * Set notification callback:
+     * Registers a user function that would receive notifications from the HAL
+     * The call will block if the HAL state machine is in busy state until HAL
+     * leaves the busy state.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if callback function is successfuly registered
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*set_notify)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, fingerprint_notify_t notify);
+    /*
+     * Fingerprint pre-enroll enroll request:
+     * Generates a unique token to upper layers to indicate the start of an enrollment transaction.
+     * This token will be wrapped by security for verification and passed to enroll() for
+     * verification before enrollment will be allowed. This is to ensure adding a new fingerprint
+     * template was preceded by some kind of credential confirmation (e.g. device password).
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if function failed
+     *                  otherwise, a uint64_t of token
+     */
+    uint64_t (*pre_enroll)(struct fingerprint_device *dev);
+    /*
+     * Fingerprint enroll request:
+     * Switches the HAL state machine to collect and store a new fingerprint
+     * template. Switches back as soon as enroll is complete
+     * (fingerprint_msg.type == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATE_ENROLLING &&
+     *  fingerprint_msg.data.enroll.samples_remaining == 0)
+     * or after timeout_sec seconds.
+     * The fingerprint template will be assigned to the group gid. User has a choice
+     * to supply the gid or set it to 0 in which case a unique group id will be generated.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if enrollment process can be successfully started
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     *                  A notify() function may be called indicating the error condition.
+     */
+    int (*enroll)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, const hw_auth_token_t *hat,
+                    uint32_t gid, uint32_t timeout_sec);
+    /*
+     * Finishes the enroll operation and invalidates the pre_enroll() generated challenge.
+     * This will be called at the end of a multi-finger enrollment session to indicate
+     * that no more fingers will be added.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if the request is accepted
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*post_enroll)(struct fingerprint_device *dev);
+    /*
+     * get_authenticator_id:
+     * Returns a token associated with the current fingerprint set. This value will
+     * change whenever a new fingerprint is enrolled, thus creating a new fingerprint
+     * set.
+     *
+     * Function return: current authenticator id or 0 if function failed.
+     */
+    uint64_t (*get_authenticator_id)(struct fingerprint_device *dev);
+    /*
+     * Cancel pending enroll or authenticate, sending FINGERPRINT_ERROR_CANCELED
+     * to all running clients. Switches the HAL state machine back to the idle state.
+     * Unlike enroll_done() doesn't invalidate the pre_enroll() challenge.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if cancel request is accepted
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*cancel)(struct fingerprint_device *dev);
+    /*
+     * Enumerate all the fingerprint templates found in the directory set by
+     * set_active_group()
+     * For each template found a notify() will be called with:
+     * fingerprint_msg.type == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATE_ENUMERATED
+     * fingerprint_msg.data.enumerated.finger indicating a template id
+     * fingerprint_msg.data.enumerated.remaining_templates indicating how many more
+     * enumeration messages to expect.
+     * Note: If there are no fingerprints, then this should return 0 and the first fingerprint
+     *                  enumerated should have fingerid=0 and remaining=0
+     * Function return: 0 if enumerate request is accepted
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*enumerate)(struct fingerprint_device *dev);
+    /*
+     * Fingerprint remove request:
+     * Deletes a fingerprint template.
+     * Works only within the path set by set_active_group().
+     * The fid parameter can be used as a widcard:
+     *   * fid == 0 -- delete all the templates in the group.
+     *   * fid != 0 -- delete this specific template from the group.
+     * For each template found a notify() will be called with:
+     * fingerprint_msg.type == FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATE_REMOVED
+     * fingerprint_msg.data.removed.finger indicating a template id deleted
+     * fingerprint_msg.data.removed.remaining_templates indicating how many more
+     * templates will be deleted by this operation.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 if fingerprint template(s) can be successfully deleted
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*remove)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, uint32_t gid, uint32_t fid);
+    /*
+     * Restricts the HAL operation to a set of fingerprints belonging to a
+     * group provided.
+     * The caller must provide a path to a storage location within the user's
+     * data directory.
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 on success
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*set_active_group)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, uint32_t gid,
+                            const char *store_path);
+    /*
+     * Authenticates an operation identifed by operation_id
+     *
+     * Function return: 0 on success
+     *                  or a negative number in case of error, generally from the errno.h set.
+     */
+    int (*authenticate)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, uint64_t operation_id, uint32_t gid);
+   /*
+    * Xiaomi fingerprint extension command.
+    */
+    int (*extCmd)(struct fingerprint_device *dev, int32_t cmd, int32_t param);
+    /* Reserved for backward binary compatibility */
+    void *reserved[4];
+} fingerprint_device_t;
+typedef struct fingerprint_module {
+    /**
+     * Common methods of the fingerprint module. This *must* be the first member
+     * of fingerprint_module as users of this structure will cast a hw_module_t
+     * to fingerprint_module pointer in contexts where it's known
+     * the hw_module_t references a fingerprint_module.
+     */
+    struct hw_module_t common;
+} fingerprint_module_t;
diff --git a/fingerprint/service.cpp b/fingerprint/service.cpp
index 77d1d875609774071f28af2ae40ff5f7edd9dc09..30aa9e3d6366da0597725e34343e1aa200731eeb 100644
--- a/fingerprint/service.cpp
+++ b/fingerprint/service.cpp
@@ -28,20 +28,36 @@ using android::hardware::biometrics::fingerprint::V2_1::implementation::Biometri
 using android::hardware::configureRpcThreadpool;
 using android::hardware::joinRpcThreadpool;
 using android::sp;
+using vendor::xiaomi::hardware::fingerprintextension::V1_0::IXiaomiFingerprint;
 int main() {
-    android::sp<IBiometricsFingerprint> bio = BiometricsFingerprint::getInstance();
+    android::sp<IBiometricsFingerprint> biometricsFingerprint = BiometricsFingerprint::getInstance();
+    android::sp<IXiaomiFingerprint> xiaomiFingerprint = BiometricsFingerprint::getInstance();
     configureRpcThreadpool(1, true /*callerWillJoin*/);
-    if (bio != nullptr) {
-        if (::android::OK != bio->registerAsService()) {
+    if (biometricsFingerprint != nullptr) {
+        if (::android::OK != biometricsFingerprint->registerAsService()) {
             return 1;
     } else {
         ALOGE("Can't create instance of BiometricsFingerprint, nullptr");
+    if (xiaomiFingerprint != nullptr) {
+        if (::android::OK != xiaomiFingerprint->registerAsService()) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        ALOGE("Can't create instance of XiaomiFingerprint, nullptr");
+    }
     return 0; // should never get here
diff --git a/fingerprint/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension@1.0.xml b/fingerprint/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension@1.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f93e0a0adfc80338039591c9dd77f37c7c80f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fingerprint/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension@1.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<manifest version="1.0" type="device">
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>vendor.xiaomi.hardware.fingerprintextension</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IXiaomiFingerprint</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>