From 62649d833bdb35eb86cff0c9c16e96e45042df91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Waddell <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 17:18:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add encoder for aptX and encoder for aptX HD source code.

Bug: 226572369
Test: In follow-up CL
Change-Id: I3cc67c9f1466fc8518c81160fbf3034b7ae6807b
 .../encoder_for_aptx/include/aptXbtenc.h      |   52 +
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxEncoder.h |   80 +
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxParameters.h     |  247 +++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxTables.h  |  424 +++++
 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CBStruct.h |   28 +
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/CodewordPacker.h     |   59 +
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/DitherGenerator.h    |  102 ++
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/ProcessSubband.c     |   43 +
 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Qmf.h      |  142 ++
 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QmfConv.c  |  327 ++++
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/QuantiseDifference.c |  711 +++++++++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Quantiser.h   |   27 +
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctions.h   |  184 +++
 .../src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h              |  515 +++++++
 .../encoder_for_aptx/src/SyncInserter.h       |  217 +++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/aptXbtenc.c   |  218 +++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/swversion.h   |    8 +
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/include/aptXHDbtenc.h  |   49 +
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxEncoder.h      |   87 ++
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxParameters.h   |  248 +++
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxTables.h       | 1365 +++++++++++++++++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CBStruct.h  |   28 +
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CodewordPacker.h   |   50 +
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/DitherGenerator.h  |  101 ++
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/ProcessSubband.c   |   43 +
 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Qmf.h    |  150 ++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QmfConv.c   |  337 ++++
 .../src/QuantiseDifference.c                  |  763 +++++++++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Quantiser.h |   27 +
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctions.h |  183 +++
 .../src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h              |  520 +++++++
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SyncInserter.h     |  114 ++
 .../encoder_for_aptxhd/src/aptXHDbtenc.c      |  179 +++
 .../embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/swversion.h |    8 +
 34 files changed, 7636 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/include/aptXbtenc.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxEncoder.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxParameters.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxTables.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CBStruct.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CodewordPacker.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/DitherGenerator.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/ProcessSubband.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Qmf.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QmfConv.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QuantiseDifference.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Quantiser.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctions.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SyncInserter.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/aptXbtenc.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/swversion.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/include/aptXHDbtenc.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxEncoder.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxParameters.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxTables.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CBStruct.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CodewordPacker.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/DitherGenerator.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/ProcessSubband.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Qmf.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QmfConv.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QuantiseDifference.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Quantiser.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctions.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SyncInserter.h
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/aptXHDbtenc.c
 create mode 100644 system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/swversion.h

diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/include/aptXbtenc.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/include/aptXbtenc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47aa29309c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/include/aptXbtenc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ *
+ *  This file exposes a public interface to allow clients to invoke aptX
+ *  encoding on 4 new PCM samples, generating 2 new codeword (one for the
+ *  left channel and one for the right channel).
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef APTXBTENC_H
+#define APTXBTENC_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifdef _DLLEXPORT
+#define APTXBTENCEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+/* SizeofAptxbtenc returns the size (in byte) of the memory
+ * allocation required to store the state of the encoder */
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int SizeofAptxbtenc(void);
+/* aptxbtenc_version can be used to extract the version number
+ * of the aptX encoder */
+APTXBTENCEXPORT const char* aptxbtenc_version(void);
+/* aptxbtenc_init is used to initialise the encoder structure.
+ * _state should be a pointer to the encoder structure (stereo).
+ * endian represent the endianness of the output data
+ * (0=little endian. Big endian otherwise)
+ * The function returns 1 if an error occurred during the initialisation.
+ * The function returns 0 if no error occurred during the initialisation. */
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_init(void* _state, short endian);
+/* aptxbtenc_setsync_mode is used to initialise the sync mode in the encoder state structure.
+ * _state should be a pointer to the encoder structure (stereo, though strictly-speaking it is dual channel).
+ * 'sync_mode' is an enumerated type  {stereo=0, dualmono=1, no_sync=2}
+ * The function returns 0 if no error occurred during the initialisation. */
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_setsync_mode(void* _state, int32_t sync_mode);
+/* StereoEncode will take 8 audio samples (16-bit per sample)
+ * and generate one 32-bit codeword with autosync inserted. */
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_encodestereo(void* _state, void* _pcmL, void* _pcmR, void* _buffer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} //  /extern "C"
+#endif //APTXBTENC_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxEncoder.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxEncoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81b75d04a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxEncoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ *  All declarations relevant for aptxEncode. This function allows clients
+ *  to invoke bt-aptX encoding on 4 new PCM samples,
+ *  generating 4 new quantised codes. A separate function allows the
+ *  packing of the 4 codes into a 16-bit word.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "DitherGenerator.h"
+#include "Quantiser.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctionsCommon.h"
+#include "Qmf.h"
+ /* Function to carry out a single-channel aptX encode on 4 new PCM samples */
+XBT_INLINE_ void aptxEncode(int32_t pcm[4], Qmf_storage* Qmf_St, Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt)
+   int32_t predVals[4];
+   int32_t qCodes[4];
+   int32_t aqmfOutputs[4];
+   /* Extract the previous predicted values and quantised codes into arrays */
+   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+   {
+      predVals[i] = EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_predVal;
+      qCodes[i] = EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[i].qCode;
+   }
+   /* Update codeword history, then generate new dither values. */
+   EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory = xbtEncupdateCodewordHistory(qCodes, EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory);
+   EncoderDataPt->m_dithSyncRandBit = xbtEncgenerateDither(EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory, EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs);
+   /* Run the analysis QMF */
+   QmfAnalysisFilter(pcm, Qmf_St, predVals, aqmfOutputs);
+   /* Run the quantiser for each subband */
+   quantiseDifferenceLL(aqmfOutputs[0], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[0], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0]);
+   quantiseDifferenceLH(aqmfOutputs[1], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[1], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1]);
+   quantiseDifferenceHL(aqmfOutputs[2], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[2], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2]);
+   quantiseDifferenceHH(aqmfOutputs[3], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[3], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3]);
+XBT_INLINE_ void aptxPostEncode(Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt)
+   /* Run the remaining subband processing for each subband */
+   /* Manual inlining on the 4 subband */
+   processSubbandLL(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[0],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0].m_iqdata);
+   processSubband(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[1],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1].m_iqdata);
+   processSubbandHL(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[2],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2].m_iqdata);
+   processSubband(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[3],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3].m_iqdata);
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxParameters.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxParameters.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8a7d04532a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxParameters.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ *
+ *  General shared aptX parameters.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "CBStruct.h"
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ inline
+#elif defined  __clang__
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ static inline
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ inline
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ static
+/* Signed saturate to a 24bit value */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t ssat24(int32_t val)
+   if (val > 8388607)  val = 8388607;
+   if (val < -8388608) val = -8388608;
+   return val;
+typedef union u_reg64
+   uint64_t u64;
+   int64_t s64;
+   struct s_u32
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      uint32_t h;
+      uint32_t l;
+      uint32_t l;
+      uint32_t h;
+   } u32;
+   struct s_s32
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      int32_t h;
+      int32_t l;
+      int32_t l;
+      int32_t h;
+   } s32;
+} reg64_t;
+typedef union u_reg32
+   uint32_t u32;
+   int32_t s32;
+   struct s_u16
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      uint16_t h;
+      uint16_t l;
+      uint16_t l;
+      uint16_t h;
+   } u16;
+   struct s_s16
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      int16_t h;
+      int16_t l;
+      int16_t l;
+      int16_t h;
+   } s16;
+} reg32_t;
+/* Each aptX enc/dec round consumes/produces 4 PCM samples */
+static const uint32_t numPcmSamples = 4;
+/* Symbolic constants for PCM data indicies. */
+enum {FirstPcm=0, SecondPcm=1, ThirdPcm=2, FourthPcm=3};
+/* Symbolic constants for sync modes. */
+enum {stereo=0, dualmono=1, no_sync=2};
+/* Number of subbands is fixed at 4 */
+#define NUMSUBBANDS 4
+/* Symbolic constants for subband identification. */
+typedef enum {LL=0, LH=1, HL=2, HH=3}  bands;
+/* Structure declaration to bind a set of subband parameters */
+typedef struct
+  const int32_t* threshTable;
+  const int32_t* threshTable_sl1;
+  const int32_t* dithTable;
+  const int32_t* dithTable_sh1;
+  const int32_t* minusLambdaDTable;
+  const int32_t* incrTable;
+  int32_t numBits;
+  int32_t maxLogDelta;
+  int32_t minLogDelta;
+  int32_t numZeros;
+} SubbandParameters;
+/* Struct required for the polecoeffcalculator function of bt-aptX encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 16 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* 2-tap delay line for previous sgn values */
+   reg32_t m_poleAdaptDelayLine;
+   /* 2 pole filter coeffs */
+   int32_t m_poleCoeff[2];
+} PoleCoeff_data;
+/* Struct required for the zerocoeffcalculator function of bt-aptX encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 100 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* The zero filter length for this subband */
+   int32_t m_numZeros;
+   /* Maximum number of zeros for any subband is 24. */
+   /* 24 zero filter coeffs */
+   int32_t m_zeroCoeff[24];
+} ZeroCoeff_data;
+/* Struct required for the prediction filtering function of bt-aptX encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 200+20=220 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Number of zeros associated with this subband */
+   int32_t m_numZeros;
+   /* Zero data delay line (circular) */
+   circularBuffer m_zeroDelayLine;
+   /* 2-tap pole data delay line */
+   int32_t m_poleDelayLine[2];
+   /* Output from zero filter */
+   int32_t m_zeroVal;
+   /* Output from overall ARMA filter */
+   int32_t m_predVal;
+} Predictor_data;
+/* Struct required for the Quantisation function of bt-aptX encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 24 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Number of bits in the quantised code for this subband */
+   int32_t codeBits;
+   /* Pointer to threshold table */
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr;
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr_sl1;
+   /* Pointer to dither table */
+   const int32_t* ditherTablePtr;
+   /* Pointer to minus Lambda table */
+   const int32_t* minusLambdaDTable;
+   /* Output quantised code */
+   int32_t qCode;
+   /* Alternative quantised code for sync purposes */
+   int32_t altQcode;
+   /* Penalty associated with choosing alternative code */
+   int32_t distPenalty;
+} Quantiser_data;
+/* Struct required for the inverse Quantisation function of bt-aptX encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 32 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Pointer to threshold table */
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr;
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr_sl1;
+   /* Pointer to dither table */
+   const int32_t* ditherTablePtr_sf1;
+   /* Pointer to increment table */
+   const int32_t* incrTablePtr;
+   /* Upper and lower bounds for logDelta */
+   int32_t maxLogDelta;
+   int32_t minLogDelta;
+   /* Delta (quantisation step size */
+   int32_t delta;
+   /* Delta, expressed as a log base 2 */
+   uint16_t logDelta;
+   /* Output dequantised signal */
+   int32_t invQ;
+   /* pointer to IQuant_tableLogT */
+   const int32_t* iquantTableLogPtr;
+} IQuantiser_data;
+/* Subband data structure bt-aptX encoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 116+220+32= 368 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Subband processing consists of inverse quantisation, predictor
+    * coefficient update, and predictor filtering. */
+   ZeroCoeff_data m_ZeroCoeffData;
+   PoleCoeff_data m_PoleCoeffData;
+   /* structure holding the data associated with the predictor */
+   Predictor_data m_predData;
+   /* iqdata holds the data associated with the instance of inverse quantiser */
+   IQuantiser_data m_iqdata;
+} Subband_data;
+/* Encoder data structure bt-aptX encoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 368*4+24+4*24 = 1592 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Subband processing consists of inverse quantisation, predictor
+    * coefficient update, and predictor filtering. */
+   Subband_data m_SubbandData[4];
+   int32_t m_codewordHistory;
+   int32_t m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   int32_t m_ditherOutputs[4];
+   /* structure holding data values for this quantiser */
+   Quantiser_data m_qdata[4];
+} Encoder_data;
+/* Number of predictor pole filter coefficients is fixed at 2 for all subbands */
+static const uint32_t numPoleFilterCoeffs = 2;
+/* Subband-specific number of predictor zero filter coefficients. */
+static const uint32_t numZeroFilterCoeffs[4] = {24, 12, 6, 12};
+/* Delta is scaled by 4 positions within the quantiser and inverse quantiser. */
+static const uint32_t deltaScale = 4;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxTables.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxTables.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e357b50e664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/AptxTables.h
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ *
+ *  All table definitions used for the quantizer.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 2-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq2bit16_sl1[3] =
+   -194080,
+   194080,
+   890562,
+static const int32_t q2incr16[3] =
+   0,
+   -33,
+   136,
+static const int32_t dq2dith16_sf1[3] =
+   194080,
+   194080,
+   502402,
+static const int32_t dq2mLamb16[2] =
+   0,
+   -77081,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 3-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq3bit16_sl1[5] =
+   -163006,
+   163006,
+   542708,
+   1120554,
+   2669238,
+static const int32_t q3incr16[5] =
+   0,
+   -8,
+   33,
+   95,
+   262,
+static const int32_t dq3dith16_sf1[5] =
+   163006,
+   163006,
+   216698,
+   361148,
+   1187538,
+static const int32_t dq3mLamb16[4] =
+   0,
+   -13423,
+   -36113,
+   -206598,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 4-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq4bit16_sl1[9] =
+   -89806,
+   89806,
+   278502,
+   494338,
+   759442,
+   1113112,
+   1652322,
+   2720256,
+   5190186,
+static const int32_t q4incr16[9] =
+   0,
+   -14,
+   6,
+   29,
+   58,
+   96,
+   154,
+   270,
+   521,
+static const int32_t dq4dith16_sf1[9] =
+   89806,
+   89806,
+   98890,
+   116946,
+   148158,
+   205512,
+   333698,
+   734236,
+   1735696,
+static const int32_t dq4mLamb16[8] =
+   0,
+   -2271,
+   -4514,
+   -7803,
+   -14339,
+   -32047,
+   -100135,
+   -250365,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 7-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq7bit16_sl1[65] =
+   -9948,
+   9948,
+   29860,
+   49808,
+   69822,
+   89926,
+   110144,
+   130502,
+   151026,
+   171738,
+   192666,
+   213832,
+   235264,
+   256982,
+   279014,
+   301384,
+   324118,
+   347244,
+   370790,
+   394782,
+   419250,
+   444226,
+   469742,
+   495832,
+   522536,
+   549890,
+   577936,
+   606720,
+   636290,
+   666700,
+   698006,
+   730270,
+   763562,
+   797958,
+   833538,
+   870398,
+   908640,
+   948376,
+   989740,
+   1032874,
+   1077948,
+   1125150,
+   1174700,
+   1226850,
+   1281900,
+   1340196,
+   1402156,
+   1468282,
+   1539182,
+   1615610,
+   1698514,
+   1789098,
+   1888944,
+   2000168,
+   2125700,
+   2269750,
+   2438670,
+   2642660,
+   2899462,
+   3243240,
+   3746078,
+   4535138,
+   5664098,
+   7102424,
+   8897462,
+static const int32_t q7incr16[65] =
+   0,
+   -21,
+   -19,
+   -17,
+   -15,
+   -12,
+   -10,
+   -8,
+   -6,
+   -4,
+   -1,
+   1,
+   3,
+   6,
+   8,
+   10,
+   13,
+   15,
+   18,
+   20,
+   23,
+   26,
+   29,
+   31,
+   34,
+   37,
+   40,
+   43,
+   47,
+   50,
+   53,
+   57,
+   60,
+   64,
+   68,
+   72,
+   76,
+   80,
+   85,
+   89,
+   94,
+   99,
+   105,
+   110,
+   116,
+   123,
+   129,
+   136,
+   144,
+   152,
+   161,
+   171,
+   182,
+   194,
+   207,
+   223,
+   241,
+   263,
+   291,
+   328,
+   382,
+   467,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+static const int32_t dq7dith16_sf1[65] =
+   9948,
+   9948,
+   9962,
+   9988,
+   10026,
+   10078,
+   10142,
+   10218,
+   10306,
+   10408,
+   10520,
+   10646,
+   10784,
+   10934,
+   11098,
+   11274,
+   11462,
+   11664,
+   11880,
+   12112,
+   12358,
+   12618,
+   12898,
+   13194,
+   13510,
+   13844,
+   14202,
+   14582,
+   14988,
+   15422,
+   15884,
+   16380,
+   16912,
+   17484,
+   18098,
+   18762,
+   19480,
+   20258,
+   21106,
+   22030,
+   23044,
+   24158,
+   25390,
+   26760,
+   28290,
+   30008,
+   31954,
+   34172,
+   36728,
+   39700,
+   43202,
+   47382,
+   52462,
+   58762,
+   66770,
+   77280,
+   91642,
+   112348,
+   144452,
+   199326,
+   303512,
+   485546,
+   643414,
+   794914,
+   1000124,
+static const int32_t dq7mLamb16[65] =
+   0,
+   -4,
+   -7,
+   -10,
+   -13,
+   -16,
+   -19,
+   -22,
+   -26,
+   -28,
+   -32,
+   -35,
+   -38,
+   -41,
+   -44,
+   -47,
+   -51,
+   -54,
+   -58,
+   -62,
+   -65,
+   -70,
+   -74,
+   -79,
+   -84,
+   -90,
+   -95,
+   -102,
+   -109,
+   -116,
+   -124,
+   -133,
+   -143,
+   -154,
+   -166,
+   -180,
+   -195,
+   -212,
+   -231,
+   -254,
+   -279,
+   -308,
+   -343,
+   -383,
+   -430,
+   -487,
+   -555,
+   -639,
+   -743,
+   -876,
+   -1045,
+   -1270,
+   -1575,
+   -2002,
+   -2628,
+   -3591,
+   -5177,
+   -8026,
+   -13719,
+   -26047,
+   -45509,
+   -39467,
+   -37875,
+   -51303,
+   0,
+/* Array of structures containing subband parameters. */
+static const SubbandParameters subbandParameters[NUMSUBBANDS] =
+  /* LL band */
+  { 0, dq7bit16_sl1, 0, dq7dith16_sf1, dq7mLamb16, q7incr16, 7, (18*256)-1, -20, 24 },
+  /* LH band */
+  { 0, dq4bit16_sl1, 0, dq4dith16_sf1, dq4mLamb16, q4incr16, 4, (21*256)-1, -23, 12 },
+  /* HL band */
+  { 0, dq2bit16_sl1, 0, dq2dith16_sf1, dq2mLamb16, q2incr16, 2, (23*256)-1, -25, 6 },
+  /* HH band */
+  { 0, dq3bit16_sl1, 0, dq3dith16_sf1, dq3mLamb16, q3incr16, 3, (22*256)-1, -24, 12 }
+#endif //APTXTABLES_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CBStruct.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CBStruct.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3d77cfebb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CBStruct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ *
+ *  Structure required to implement a circular buffer.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef CBSTRUCT_H
+#define CBSTRUCT_H
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+typedef struct circularBuffer_t
+   /* Buffer storage */
+   int32_t buffer[48];
+   /* Pointer to current buffer location */
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   /* Modulo length of circular buffer */
+   uint32_t modulo;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
+#endif //CBSTRUCT_H
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CodewordPacker.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CodewordPacker.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..688245b3213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/CodewordPacker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ *
+ *  Prototype declaration of the CodewordPacker Function
+ *
+ *  This functions allows a client to supply an array of 4 quantised codes
+ *  (1 per subband) and obtain a packed version as a 16-bit aptX codeword.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t packCodeword(Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt, uint32_t aligned)
+   int32_t syncContribution;
+   int32_t hhCode;
+   int32_t codeword;
+   /* The per-channel contribution to derive the current sync bit is the XOR of
+    * the 4 code lsbs and the random dither bit. The SyncInserter engineers it
+    * such that the XOR of the sync contributions from the left and right
+    * channel give the actual sync bit value. The per-channel sync bit
+    * contribution overwrites the HH code lsb in the packed codeword. */
+   if (aligned != no_sync)
+   {
+      syncContribution =
+         (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0].qCode ^
+            EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1].qCode ^
+            EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2].qCode ^
+            EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3].qCode ^
+            EncoderDataPt->m_dithSyncRandBit) & 0x1;
+      hhCode = (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HH].qCode & 0x6) | syncContribution;
+      /* Pack the 16-bit codeword with the appropriate number of lsbs from each
+       * quantised code (LL=7, LH=4, HL=2, HH=3). */
+      codeword =
+         (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LL].qCode & 0x7fL) |
+         ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LH].qCode & 0xfL) << 7) |
+         ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HL].qCode & 0x3L) << 11) |
+         (hhCode << 13);
+   }
+   else
+   {   // don't add sync contribution for non-autosync mode
+      codeword =
+         (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LL].qCode & 0x7fL) |
+         ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LH].qCode & 0xfL) << 7) |
+         ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HL].qCode & 0x3L) << 11) |
+         ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HH].qCode & 0x7L) << 13);
+   }
+   return codeword;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/DitherGenerator.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/DitherGenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b4c686f8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/DitherGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ *
+ *  These functions allow clients to update an internal codeword history
+ *  attribute from previously-generated quantised codes, and to generate a new
+ *  pseudo-random dither value per subband from this internal attribute.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* This function updates an internal bit-pool (private
+ * variable in DitherGenerator) based on bits obtained from
+ * previously encoded or received aptX codewords. */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t xbtEncupdateCodewordHistory(int32_t quantisedCodes[4], int32_t m_codewordHistory)
+   int32_t newBits;
+   int32_t updatedCodewordHistory;
+   const int32_t llMask = 0x3L;
+   const int32_t lhMask = 0x2L;
+   const int32_t hlMask = 0x1L;
+   const uint32_t lhShift = 1;
+   const uint32_t hlShift = 3;
+   /* Shift value to left-justify a 24-bit value in a 32-bit signed variable*/
+   const uint32_t leftJustifyShift = 8;
+   const uint32_t numNewBits = 4;
+   /* Make a 4-bit vector from particular bits from 3 quantised codes */
+   newBits = (quantisedCodes[LL] & llMask) +
+      ((quantisedCodes[LH] & lhMask) << lhShift) +
+      ((quantisedCodes[HL] & hlMask) << hlShift);
+   /* Add the 4 new bits to the codeword history. Note that this is a 24-bit
+    * value LEFT-JUSTIFIED in a 32-bit signed variable. Maintaining the history
+    * as signed is useful in the dither generation process below. */
+   updatedCodewordHistory =
+      (m_codewordHistory << numNewBits) + (newBits << leftJustifyShift);
+   return updatedCodewordHistory;
+/* Function to generate a dither value for each subband based
+ * on the current contents of the codewordHistory bit-pool. */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t xbtEncgenerateDither(int32_t m_codewordHistory, int32_t* m_ditherOutputs)
+   int32_t history24b;
+   int32_t upperAcc, lowerAcc;
+   int32_t accSum;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t ditherSample;
+   int32_t m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   /* Fixed value to multiply codeword history variable by */
+   const uint32_t dithConstMultiplier = 0x4f1bbbL;
+   /* Shift value to left-justify a 24-bit value in a 32-bit signed variable*/
+   const uint32_t leftJustifyShift = 8;
+   /* AND mask to retain only the lower 24 bits of a variable */
+   const int32_t keepLower24bitsMask = 0xffffffL;
+   /* Convert the codeword history to a 24-bit signed value. This can be done
+    * cheaply with a 8-position right-shift since it is maintained as 24-bits
+    * value left-justified in a signed 32-bit variable. */
+   history24b = m_codewordHistory >> (leftJustifyShift - 1);
+   /* Multiply the history by a fixed constant. The constant has already been
+    * shifted right by 1 position to compensate for the left-shift introduced
+    * on the product by the fractional multiplier. */
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)history24b * (int64_t)dithConstMultiplier);
+   /* Get the upper and lower 24-bit values from the accumulator, and form
+    * their sum. */
+   upperAcc = ((int32_t)(tmp_acc >> 24)) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
+   lowerAcc = ((int32_t)tmp_acc) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
+   accSum = upperAcc + lowerAcc;
+   /* The dither sample is the 2 msbs of lowerAcc and the 22 lsbs of accSum */
+   ditherSample = ((lowerAcc >> 22) + (accSum << 2)) & keepLower24bitsMask;
+   /* The sign bit of 24-bit accSum is saved as a random bit to
+    * assist in the aptX sync insertion process. */
+   m_dithSyncRandBit = (accSum >> 23) & 0x1;
+   /* Successive dither outputs for the 4 subbands are versions of ditherSample
+    * offset by a further 5-position left shift for each subband. Also apply a
+    * constant left-shift of 8 to turn the values into signed 24-bit values
+    * left-justified in the 32-bit ditherOutput variable. */
+   m_ditherOutputs[HH] = ditherSample << leftJustifyShift;
+   m_ditherOutputs[HL] = ditherSample << (5 + leftJustifyShift);
+   m_ditherOutputs[LH] = ditherSample << (10 + leftJustifyShift);
+   m_ditherOutputs[LL] = ditherSample << (15 + leftJustifyShift);
+   return m_dithSyncRandBit;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/ProcessSubband.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/ProcessSubband.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0dfbb4fa8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/ProcessSubband.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctionsCommon.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctions.h"
+/*  This function carries out all subband processing (common to both encode and decode). */
+void processSubband(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisation(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFiltering(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
+/* processSubbandLL is used for the LL subband only. */
+void processSubbandLL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisation(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFilteringLL(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
+/* processSubbandHL is used for the HL subband only. */
+void processSubbandHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisationHL(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFilteringHL(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Qmf.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Qmf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acc6696b747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Qmf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ *
+ *  This file includes the coefficient tables or the two convolution function
+ *  It also includes the definition of Qmf_storage and the prototype of all
+ *  necessary functions required to implement the QMF filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef QMF_H
+#define QMF_H
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+typedef struct
+   int16_t QmfL_buf[32];
+   int16_t QmfH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfLH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfHL_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfLL_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfHH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfI_pt;
+   int32_t QmfO_pt;
+/* Outer QMF filter for Enhanced aptX is a symmetrical 32-tap filter (16
+ * different coefficients). The table in defined in QmfConv.c */
+const int32_t Qmf_outerCoeffs[12] =
+   /* (C(1/30)C(3/28)), C(5/26), C(7/24) */
+   0xFE6302DA, 0xFFFFDA75, 0x0000AA6A,
+   /*  C(9/22), C(11/20), C(13/18), C(15/16) */
+   0xFFFE273E, 0x00041E95, 0xFFF710B5, 0x002AC12E,
+   /*  C(17/14), C(19/12), (C(21/10)C(23/8)) */
+   0x000AA328, 0xFFFD8D1F, 0x211E6BDB,
+   /* (C(25/6)C(27/4)), (C(29/2)C(31/0)) */
+   0x0DB7D8C5,  0xFC7F02B0
+const int32_t Qmf_outerCoeffs[16] =
+   730,        -413,       -9611,       43626,
+   -121026,    269973,     -585547,     2801966,
+   697128,     -160481,    27611,       8478,
+   -10043,     3511,       688,         -897
+/* Each inner QMF filter for Enhanced aptX is a symmetrical 32-tap filter (16
+ * different coefficients) */
+const int32_t Qmf_innerCoeffs[16] =
+   1033,      -584,      -13592,    61697,
+   -171156,   381799,    -828088,   3962579,
+   985888,    -226954,   39048,     11990,
+   -14203,    4966,      973,       -1268
+void AsmQmfConvI (const int32_t *p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *coeffPtr, int32_t* filterOutputs);
+void AsmQmfConvO (const int16_t *p1dl_buffPtr, const int16_t *p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *coeffPtr, int32_t* convSumDiff);
+XBT_INLINE_ void QmfAnalysisFilter(int32_t pcm[4], Qmf_storage* Qmf_St, int32_t* predVals, int32_t* aqmfOutputs)
+   int32_t convSumDiff[4];
+   int32_t filterOutputs[4];
+   int32_t lc_QmfO_pt = (Qmf_St->QmfO_pt);
+   int32_t lc_QmfI_pt = (Qmf_St->QmfI_pt);
+   /* Symbolic constants to represent the first and second set out outer filter
+    * outputs. */
+   enum { FirstOuterOutputs = 0, SecondOuterOutputs = 1 };
+   /* Load outer filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the first 2 PCM
+    * samples. Convolve the filter and get the 2 convolution results. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = (int16_t)pcm[FirstPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt] = (int16_t)pcm[FirstPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = (int16_t)pcm[SecondPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt++] = (int16_t)pcm[SecondPcm];
+   lc_QmfO_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvO(&Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt], Qmf_outerCoeffs, &convSumDiff[0]);
+   /* Load outer filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the second 2 PCM
+    * samples. Convolve the filter and get the 2 convolution results. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = (int16_t)pcm[ThirdPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt] = (int16_t)pcm[ThirdPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = (int16_t)pcm[FourthPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt++] = (int16_t)pcm[FourthPcm];
+   lc_QmfO_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvO(&Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt], Qmf_outerCoeffs, &convSumDiff[1]);
+   /* Load the first inner filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the 2
+     * convolution sum (low-pass) outer filter outputs. Convolve the filter and
+     * get the 2 convolution results. The first 2 analysis filter outputs are
+     * the sum and difference values for the first inner filter convolutions. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[0];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[0];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[1];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[1];
+   AsmQmfConvI(&Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16], &Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 1],&Qmf_innerCoeffs[0], &filterOutputs[LL]);
+   /* Load the second inner filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the 2
+    * convolution difference (high-pass) outer filter outputs. Convolve the
+    * filter and get the 2 convolution results. The second 2 analysis filter
+    * outputs are the sum and difference values for the second inner filter
+    * convolutions. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[2];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[2];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[3];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt++] = convSumDiff[3];
+   lc_QmfI_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvI(&Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt],&Qmf_innerCoeffs[0], &filterOutputs[HL]);
+   /* Subtracted the previous predicted value from the filter output on a
+    * per-subband basis. Ensure these values are saturated, if necessary.
+    * Manual unrolling */
+   aqmfOutputs[LL] = filterOutputs[LL] - predVals[LL];
+   aqmfOutputs[LL] = ssat24(aqmfOutputs[LL]);
+   aqmfOutputs[LH] = filterOutputs[LH] - predVals[LH];
+   aqmfOutputs[LH] = ssat24(aqmfOutputs[LH]);
+   aqmfOutputs[HL] = filterOutputs[HL] - predVals[HL];
+   aqmfOutputs[HL] = ssat24(aqmfOutputs[HL]);
+   aqmfOutputs[HH] = filterOutputs[HH] - predVals[HH];
+   aqmfOutputs[HH] = ssat24(aqmfOutputs[HH]);
+   (Qmf_St->QmfO_pt) = lc_QmfO_pt;
+   (Qmf_St->QmfI_pt) = lc_QmfI_pt;
+#endif //QMF_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QmfConv.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QmfConv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14e342ef5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QmfConv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ *
+ *  This file includes convolution functions required for the Qmf.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+void AsmQmfConvO(const int16_t* p1dl_buffPtr, const int16_t* p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* coeffPtr, int32_t* convSumDiff)
+   /* Since all manipulated data are "int16_t" it is possible to
+    * reduce the number of loads by using int32_t type and manipulating
+    * pairs of data
+    */
+   int32_t acc;
+   // Manual inlining as IAR compiler does not seem to do it itself...
+   // WARNING: This inlining assumes that m_qmfDelayLineLength == 16
+   int32_t tmp_round0;
+   int64_t local_acc0;
+   int64_t local_acc1;
+   int32_t coeffVal0;
+   int32_t coeffVal1;
+   int16_t data0;
+   int16_t data1;
+   int16_t data2;
+   int16_t data3;
+   int32_t phaseConv[2];
+   int32_t convSum;
+   int32_t convDiff;
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 1));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 1));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 1));
+   local_acc0 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 2));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 3));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 2));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 2));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 3));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 3));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 4));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 5));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 4));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 4));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 5));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 5));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 6));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 7));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 6));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 6));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 7));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 7));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 8));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 9));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 8));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 8));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 9));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 9));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 10));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 11));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 10));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 10));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 11));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 11));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 12));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 13));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 12));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 12));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 13));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 13));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 14));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 15));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 14));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 14));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 15));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 15));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc0 & 0x00FFFFL;
+   local_acc0 += 0x004000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc0 >> 15);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x004000L)
+      acc--;
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[0] = (int32_t)acc;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc1 & 0x00FFFFL;
+   local_acc1 += 0x004000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc1 >> 15);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x004000L)
+      acc--;
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   convSum = phaseConv[1] + phaseConv[0];
+   if (convSum > 8388607)
+      convSum = 8388607;
+   if (convSum < -8388608)
+      convSum = -8388608;
+   convDiff = phaseConv[1] - phaseConv[0];
+   if (convDiff > 8388607)
+      convDiff = 8388607;
+   if (convDiff < -8388608)
+      convDiff = -8388608;
+   *(convSumDiff) = convSum;
+   *(convSumDiff + 2) = convDiff;
+void AsmQmfConvI(const int32_t* p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* coeffPtr, int32_t* filterOutputs)
+   int32_t acc;
+   // WARNING: This inlining assumes that m_qmfDelayLineLength == 16
+   int32_t tmp_round0;
+   int64_t local_acc0;
+   int64_t local_acc1;
+   int32_t coeffVal0;
+   int32_t coeffVal1;
+   int32_t data0;
+   int32_t data1;
+   int32_t data2;
+   int32_t data3;
+   int32_t phaseConv[2];
+   int32_t convSum;
+   int32_t convDiff;
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 1));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 1));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 1));
+   local_acc0 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 2));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 3));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 2));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 2));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 3));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 3));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 4));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 5));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 4));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 4));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 5));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 5));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 6));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 7));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 6));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 6));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 7));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 7));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 8));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 9));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 8));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 8));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 9));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 9));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 10));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 11));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 10));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 10));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 11));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 11));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 12));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 13));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 12));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 12));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 13));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 13));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 14));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 15));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 14));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 14));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 15));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 15));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc0;
+   local_acc0 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc0 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[0] = (int32_t)acc;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc1;
+   local_acc1 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc1 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   convSum = phaseConv[1] + phaseConv[0];
+   if (convSum > 8388607)  convSum = 8388607;
+   if (convSum < -8388608) convSum = -8388608;
+   *(filterOutputs) = convSum;
+   convDiff = phaseConv[1] - phaseConv[0];
+   if (convDiff > 8388607)  convDiff = 8388607;
+   if (convDiff < -8388608) convDiff = -8388608;
+   *(filterOutputs + 1) = convDiff;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QuantiseDifference.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QuantiseDifference.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17e412d230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/QuantiseDifference.c
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "Quantiser.h"
+#include "AptxTables.h"
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchLL(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[32];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 32;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 16];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 16;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 8];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 8;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchHL(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta)
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   /* first iteration */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)(97040 << 1);
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   if (tmp_acc.s64 <= 0)
+      return (1);
+   else
+      return (0);
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchHH(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   qCode = 0;
+   /* first iteration */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchLH(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   /* first iteration */
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+void quantiseDifferenceHL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   absDiffSignalShifted = ssat24(absDiffSignalShifted);
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchHL(absDiffSignalShifted, delta);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   // worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08
+   // no saturation required
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+void quantiseDifferenceHH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   absDiffSignalShifted = ssat24(absDiffSignalShifted);
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchHH(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   // worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08
+   // no saturation required
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+void quantiseDifferenceLL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchLL(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   tmp_acc.s64 >>= 22;
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.l;
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   // worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08
+   // no saturation required
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+void quantiseDifferenceLH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchLH(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc -= 2;
+   acc++;
+   // worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08
+   // no saturation required
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1];
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   acc >>= 1;
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Quantiser.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Quantiser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63a32c65905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/Quantiser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ *
+ *  Function to calculate a quantised representation of an input
+ *  difference signal, based on additional dither values and step-size inputs.
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef QUANTISER_H
+#define QUANTISER_H
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+void quantiseDifferenceLL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifferenceHL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifferenceLH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifferenceHH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
+#endif //QUANTISER_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctions.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctions.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8e743d480c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ *
+ *  Subband processing consists of:
+ *  inverse quantisation (defined in a separate file),
+ *  predictor coefficient update (Pole and Zero Coeff update),
+ *  predictor filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+XBT_INLINE_ void updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(const int32_t invQ, const int32_t prevZfiltOutput, PoleCoeff_data* PoleCoeffDataPt)
+   int32_t adaptSum;
+   int32_t sgnP[3];
+   int32_t newCoeffs[2];
+   int32_t Bacc;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t acc2;
+   int32_t tmp3_round0;
+   int16_t tmp2_round0;
+   int16_t tmp_round0;
+   /* Various constants in various Q formats */
+   const int32_t oneQ22 = 4194304L;
+   const int32_t minusOneQ22 = -4194304L;
+   const int32_t pointFiveQ21 = 1048576L;
+   const int32_t minusPointFiveQ21 = -1048576L;
+   const int32_t pointSevenFiveQ22 = 3145728L;
+   const int32_t minusPointSevenFiveQ22 = -3145728L;
+   const int32_t oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 = 3932160L;
+   /* Symbolic indicies for the pole coefficient arrays. Here we are using a1
+    * to represent the first pole filter coefficient and a2 the second. This
+    * seems to be common ADPCM terminology. */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Symbolic indicies for the sgn array (k, k-1 and k-2 respectively) */
+   enum { k = 0, k_1 = 1, k_2 = 2 };
+   /* Form the sum of the inverse quantiser and previous zero filter values */
+   adaptSum = invQ + prevZfiltOutput;
+   adaptSum = ssat24(adaptSum);
+   /* Form the sgn of the sum just formed (note +1 and -1 are Q22) */
+   if (adaptSum < 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = minusOneQ22;
+      sgnP[k_1] = -(((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l) << 22);
+      sgnP[k_2] = -(((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h) << 22);
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = -1;
+   }
+   if (adaptSum == 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = 0L;
+      sgnP[k_1] = 0L;
+      sgnP[k_2] = 0L;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = 1;
+   }
+   if (adaptSum > 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = oneQ22;
+      sgnP[k_1] = ((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l) << 22;
+      sgnP[k_2] = ((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h) << 22;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = 1;
+   }
+   /* Clear the accumulator and form -a1(k) * sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-1)) in Q21. Clip
+    * it to +/- 0.5 (Q21) so that we can take f(a1) = 4 * a1. This is a partial
+    * result for the new a2 */
+   acc = 0;
+   acc -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] * (sgnP[k_1] >> 22);
+   tmp3_round0 = acc & 0x3L;
+   acc += 0x001;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp3_round0 == 0x001L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a2] = acc;
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] < minusPointFiveQ21)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = minusPointFiveQ21;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] > pointFiveQ21)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = pointFiveQ21;
+   }
+   /* Load the accumulator with sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-2)) right-shifted by 3. The
+    * 3-position shift is to multiply it by 0.25 and convert from Q22 to Q21.
+    * */
+   Bacc = (sgnP[k_2] >> 3);
+   /* Add the current a2 update value to the accumulator (Q21) */
+   Bacc += newCoeffs[a2];
+   /* Shift the accumulator right by 4 positions.
+    * Right 7 places to multiply by 2^(-7)
+    * Left 2 places to scale by 4 (0.25A + B -> A + 4B)
+    * Left 1 place to convert from Q21 to Q22
+    */
+   Bacc >>= 4;
+   /* Add a2(k-1) * (1 - 2^(-7)) to the accumulator. Note that the constant is
+    * expressed as Q23, hence the product is Q22. Get the accumulator value
+    * back out. */
+   acc2 = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] << 8;
+   acc2 -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] << 1;
+   Bacc <<= 8;
+   Bacc += acc2;
+   tmp2_round0 = (int16_t)Bacc & 0x01FFL;
+   Bacc += 0x0080L;
+   Bacc >>= 8;
+   if (tmp2_round0 == 0x0080L)
+   {
+      Bacc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a2] = Bacc;
+   /* Clip the new a2(k) value to +/- 0.75 (Q22) */
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] < minusPointSevenFiveQ22)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = minusPointSevenFiveQ22;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] > pointSevenFiveQ22)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = pointSevenFiveQ22;
+   }
+   PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] = newCoeffs[a2];
+   /* Form sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-1)) * (3 * 2^(-8)). The constant is Q23, hence the
+    * product is Q22. */
+    /* Add a1(k-1) * (1 - 2^(-8)) to the accumulator. The constant is Q23, hence
+     * the product is Q22. Get the value from the accumulator. */
+   acc2 = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] << 8;
+   acc2 -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1];
+   acc2 += (sgnP[k_1] << 2);
+   acc2 -= (sgnP[k_1]);
+   tmp_round0 = (int16_t)acc2 & 0x01FF;
+   acc2 += 0x0080;
+   acc = (acc2 >> 8);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x0080)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Clip the new value of a1(k) to +/- (1 - 2^4 - a2(k)). The constant 1 -
+    * 2^4 is expressed in Q22 format (as is a1 and a2) */
+   if (newCoeffs[a1] < (newCoeffs[a2] - oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22))
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a1] = newCoeffs[a2] - oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a1] > (oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 - newCoeffs[a2]))
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a1] = oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 - newCoeffs[a2];
+   }
+   PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] = newCoeffs[a1];
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f8f05e240d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+ *
+ *  Subband processing consists of:
+ *  inverse quantisation (defined in a separate file),
+ *  predictor coefficient update (Pole and Zero Coeff update),
+ *  predictor filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+enum reg64_reg{reg64_H=1,reg64_L=0};
+void processSubband(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+void processSubbandLL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+void processSubbandHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+/* Function to carry out inverse quantisation for LL, LH and HH subband types */
+XBT_INLINE_ void invertQuantisation(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, IQuantiser_data* iqdata_pt)
+   int32_t invQ;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_r64;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_accH;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   uint32_t tmp_round1;
+   unsigned u16t;
+   /* log delta leak value (Q23) */
+   const uint32_t logDeltaLeakVal = 0x7F6CL;
+   /* Turn the quantised code back into an index into the threshold table. This
+    * involves bitwise inversion of the code (if -ve) and adding 1 (phantom
+    * element at table base). Then set invQ to be +/- the threshold value,
+    * depending on the code sign. */
+   index = qCode;
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      index = (~index);
+   index = index + 1;
+   invQ = iqdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      invQ = -invQ;
+   /* Load invQ into the accumulator. Add the product of the dither value times
+    * the indexed dither table value. Then get the result back from the
+    * accumulator as an updated invQ. */
+   tmp_r64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * iqdata_pt->ditherTablePtr_sf1[index]);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h += invQ >> 1;
+   acc = tmp_r64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round1 = tmp_r64.s32.h & 0x00000001L;
+   if (tmp_r64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0 && tmp_r64.s32.l == (int32_t)0x80000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   invQ = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Scale invQ by the current delta value. Left-shift the result (in the
+    * accumulator) by 4 positions for the delta scaling. Get the updated invQ
+    * back from the accumulator. */
+   u16t = iqdata_pt->logDelta;
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)invQ * iqdata_pt->delta);
+   tmp_accL = u16t * logDeltaLeakVal;
+   tmp_accH = iqdata_pt->incrTablePtr[index];
+   acc = (int32_t)(tmp_acc >> (23 - deltaScale));
+   invQ = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Now update the value of logDelta. Load the accumulator with the index
+    * value of the logDelta increment table. Add the product of the current
+    * logDelta scaled by a leaky coefficient (16310 in Q14). Get the value back
+    * from the accumulator. */
+   tmp_accH += tmp_accL >> (32 - 17);
+   acc = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_r64.u32.l = ((uint32_t)tmp_accL << 17);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_round0 = tmp_r64.u32.l;
+   tmp_round1 = (int32_t)(tmp_r64.u64 >> 1);
+   if (tmp_round0 >= 0x80000000L)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Limit the updated logDelta between 0 and its subband-specific maximum. */
+   if (acc < 0)
+      acc = 0;
+   if (acc > iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta)
+      acc = iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta;
+   iqdata_pt->logDelta = (uint16_t)acc;
+   /* The updated value of delta is the logTable output (indexed by 5 bits from
+    * the updated logDelta) shifted by a value involving the logDelta minimum
+    * and the updated logDelta itself. */
+   iqdata_pt->delta = iqdata_pt->iquantTableLogPtr[(acc >> 3) & 0x1f] >>
+      (22 - 25 - iqdata_pt->minLogDelta - (acc >> 8));
+   iqdata_pt->invQ = invQ;
+/* Function to carry out inverse quantisation for a HL subband type */
+XBT_INLINE_ void invertQuantisationHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, IQuantiser_data* iqdata_pt)
+   int32_t invQ;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_r64;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_accH;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   uint32_t tmp_round1;
+   unsigned u16t;
+   /* log delta leak value (Q23) */
+   const uint32_t logDeltaLeakVal = 0x7F6CL;
+   /* Turn the quantised code back into an index into the threshold table. This
+    * involves bitwise inversion of the code (if -ve) and adding 1 (phantom
+    * element at table base). Then set invQ to be +/- the threshold value,
+    * depending on the code sign. */
+   index = qCode;
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      index = (~index);
+   index = index + 1;
+   invQ = iqdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      invQ = -invQ;
+   /* Load invQ into the accumulator. Add the product of the dither value times
+    * the indexed dither table value. Then get the result back from the
+    * accumulator as an updated invQ. */
+   tmp_r64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * iqdata_pt->ditherTablePtr_sf1[index]);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h += invQ >> 1;
+   acc = tmp_r64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round1 = tmp_r64.s32.h & 0x00000001L;
+   if (tmp_r64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0 && tmp_r64.u32.l == 0x80000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   invQ = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Scale invQ by the current delta value. Left-shift the result (in the
+    * accumulator) by 4 positions for the delta scaling. Get the updated invQ
+    * back from the accumulator. */
+   u16t = iqdata_pt->logDelta;
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)invQ * iqdata_pt->delta);
+   tmp_accL = u16t * logDeltaLeakVal;
+   tmp_accH = iqdata_pt->incrTablePtr[index];
+   acc = (int32_t)(tmp_acc >> (23 - deltaScale));
+   invQ = acc;
+   /* Now update the value of logDelta. Load the accumulator with the index
+    * value of the logDelta increment table. Add the product of the current
+    * logDelta scaled by a leaky coefficient (16310 in Q14). Get the value back
+    * from the accumulator. */
+   tmp_accH += tmp_accL >> (32 - 17);
+   acc = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_r64.u32.l = ((uint32_t)tmp_accL << 17);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_round0 = tmp_r64.u32.l;
+   tmp_round1 = (int32_t)(tmp_r64.u64 >> 1);
+   if (tmp_round0 >= 0x80000000L)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Limit the updated logDelta between 0 and its subband-specific maximum. */
+   if (acc < 0)
+      acc = 0;
+   if (acc > iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta)
+      acc = iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta;
+   iqdata_pt->logDelta = (uint16_t)acc;
+   /* The updated value of delta is the logTable output (indexed by 5 bits from
+    * the updated logDelta) shifted by a value involving the logDelta minimum
+    * and the updated logDelta itself. */
+   iqdata_pt->delta = iqdata_pt->iquantTableLogPtr[(acc >> 3) & 0x1f] >>
+      (22 - 25 - iqdata_pt->minLogDelta - (acc >> 8));
+   iqdata_pt->invQ = invQ;
+/* Function to carry out prediction ARMA filtering for the current subband
+ * performPredictionFiltering should only be used for HH and LH subband! */
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFiltering(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t zData0;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   if (invQ == 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 12;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 12)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 12; k++)
+   {
+      uint32_t  tmp_round0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L)
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      tmp_round0 = acc;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      if (((tmp_round0 << 23) ^ 0x80000000) == 0) acc--;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary. */
+   predVal = acc + poleVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 12] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFilteringLL(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   // store poleVal to free one register.
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = poleVal;
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   if (invQ == 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 24;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 24)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 24; k++)
+   {
+      int32_t zData0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L) {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      if (((acc << 23) ^ 0x80000000) == 0) coeffValue--;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary. */
+    // recover value of PoleVal stored at beginning of routine...
+   predVal = acc + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 24] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFilteringHL(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t zData0;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   const int32_t roundCte = 0x80000000;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   if (invQ != 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 6;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 6)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
+   {
+      uint32_t  tmp_round0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L)
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      tmp_round0 = acc;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      if (((tmp_round0 << 23) ^ roundCte) == 0) acc--;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary. */
+   predVal = acc + poleVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 6] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SyncInserter.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SyncInserter.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..347fd50b49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/SyncInserter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ *
+ *  All declarations relevant for the SyncInserter class. This class exposes a
+ *  public interface that lets a client supply two aptX encoder objects (left
+ *  and right stereo channel) and have the current quantised codes adjusted to
+ *  bury an autosync bit.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* Function to insert sync information into one of the 8 quantised codes
+ * spread across 2 aptX codewords (1 codeword per channel) */
+XBT_INLINE_ void xbtEncinsertSync(Encoder_data* leftChannelEncoder, Encoder_data* rightChannelEncoder, uint32_t* syncWordPhase)
+   /* Currently using 0x1 as the 8-bit sync pattern */
+   static const uint32_t syncWord = 0x1;
+   uint32_t tmp_var;
+   uint32_t i;
+   /* Variable to hold the XOR of all the quantised code lsbs */
+   uint32_t xorCodeLsbs;
+   /* Variable to point to the quantiser with the minimum calculated distance
+    * penalty. */
+   Quantiser_data* minPenaltyQuantiser;
+   /* Get the vector of quantiser pointers from the left and right encoders */
+   Quantiser_data* leftQuant[4];
+   Quantiser_data* rightQuant[4];
+   leftQuant[0] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   leftQuant[1] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   leftQuant[2] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   leftQuant[3] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   rightQuant[0] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   rightQuant[1] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   rightQuant[2] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   rightQuant[3] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   /* Starting quantiser traversal with the LL quantiser from the left channel.
+    * Initialise the pointer to the minimum penalty quantiser with the details
+    * of the left LL quantiser. Initialise the code lsbs XOR variable with the
+    * left LL quantised code lsbs and also XOR in the left and right random
+    * dither bit generated by the 2 encoders. */
+   xorCodeLsbs =
+      ((rightQuant[LL]->qCode) & 0x1) ^
+      leftChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit ^
+      rightChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LH];
+   /* Traverse across the LH, HL and HH quantisers from the right channel */
+   for (i = LH; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (rightQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (rightQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HL];
+   if (rightQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LL];
+   if (rightQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HH];
+   /* Traverse across all quantisers from the left channel */
+   for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (leftQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (leftQuant[LH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LH];
+   if (leftQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HL];
+   if (leftQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LL];
+   if (leftQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HH];
+   /* If the lsbs of all 8 quantised codes don't happen to equal the desired
+    * sync bit to embed, then force them to be by replacing the optimum code
+    * with the alternate code in the minimum penalty quantiser (changes the lsb
+    * of the code in this quantiser) */
+   if (xorCodeLsbs != ((syncWord >> (*syncWordPhase)) & 0x1))
+   {
+      minPenaltyQuantiser->qCode = minPenaltyQuantiser->altQcode;
+   }
+   /* Decrement the selected sync word bit modulo 8 for the next pass. */
+   tmp_var = --(*syncWordPhase);
+   (*syncWordPhase) = tmp_var & 0x7;
+XBT_INLINE_ void xbtEncinsertSyncDualMono(Encoder_data* leftChannelEncoder, Encoder_data* rightChannelEncoder, uint32_t* syncWordPhase)
+   /* Currently using 0x1 as the 8-bit sync pattern */
+   static const uint32_t syncWord = 0x1;
+   uint32_t tmp_var;
+   uint32_t i;
+   /* Variable to hold the XOR of all the quantised code lsbs */
+   uint32_t xorCodeLsbs;
+   /* Variable to point to the quantiser with the minimum calculated distance
+    * penalty. */
+   Quantiser_data* minPenaltyQuantiser;
+   /* Get the vector of quantiser pointers from the left and right encoders */
+   Quantiser_data* leftQuant[4];
+   Quantiser_data* rightQuant[4];
+   leftQuant[0] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   leftQuant[1] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   leftQuant[2] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   leftQuant[3] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   rightQuant[0] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   rightQuant[1] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   rightQuant[2] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   rightQuant[3] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   /* Starting quantiser traversal with the LL quantiser from the left channel.
+    * Initialise the pointer to the minimum penalty quantiser with the details
+    * of the left LL quantiser. Initialise the code lsbs XOR variable with the
+    * left LL quantised code lsbs */
+   xorCodeLsbs = leftChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LH];
+   /* Traverse across all the quantisers from the left channel */
+   for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (leftQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (leftQuant[LH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LH];
+   if (leftQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HL];
+   if (leftQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LL];
+   if (leftQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HH];
+   /* If the lsbs of all 4 quantised codes don't happen to equal the desired
+    * sync bit to embed, then force them to be by replacing the optimum code
+    * with the alternate code in the minimum penalty quantiser (changes the lsb
+    * of the code in this quantiser) */
+   if (xorCodeLsbs != ((syncWord >> (*syncWordPhase)) & 0x1))
+   {
+      minPenaltyQuantiser->qCode = minPenaltyQuantiser->altQcode;
+   }
+   /****  Insert sync on the Right channel  ****/
+   xorCodeLsbs = rightChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LH];
+   /* Traverse across all quantisers from the right channel */
+   for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (rightQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (rightQuant[LH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LH];
+   if (rightQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HL];
+   if (rightQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LL];
+   if (rightQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HH];
+   /* If the lsbs of all 4 quantised codes don't happen to equal the desired
+    * sync bit to embed, then force them to be by replacing the optimum code
+    * with the alternate code in the minimum penalty quantiser (changes the lsb
+    * of the code in this quantiser) */
+   if (xorCodeLsbs != ((syncWord >> (*syncWordPhase)) & 0x1))
+   {
+      minPenaltyQuantiser->qCode = minPenaltyQuantiser->altQcode;
+   }
+   /*  End of Right channel autosync insert*/
+   /* Decrement the selected sync word bit modulo 8 for the next pass. */
+   tmp_var = --(*syncWordPhase);
+   (*syncWordPhase) = tmp_var & 0x7;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/aptXbtenc.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/aptXbtenc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fde99262fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/aptXbtenc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "AptxTables.h"
+#include "aptXbtenc.h"
+#include "AptxEncoder.h"
+#include "SyncInserter.h"
+#include "CodewordPacker.h"
+#include "swversion.h"
+typedef struct aptxbtenc_t
+    /* m_endian should either be 0 (little endian) or 8 (big endian). */
+   int32_t m_endian;
+   /* m_sync_mode is an enumerated type and will be
+      0 (stereo sync),
+      1 (for dual mono sync), or
+      2 (for dual channel with no autosync).
+   */
+   int32_t m_sync_mode;
+   /* Autosync inserter & Checker for use with the stereo aptX codec. */
+   /* The current phase of the sync word insertion (7 down to 0) */
+   uint32_t m_syncWordPhase;
+   /* Stereo channel aptX encoder (annotated to produce Kalimba test vectors
+   * for it's I/O. This will process valid PCM from a WAV file). */
+   /* Each Encoder_data structure requires 1592 bytes */
+   Encoder_data m_encoderData[2];
+   Qmf_storage m_qmf_l;
+   Qmf_storage m_qmf_r;
+/* Log to linear lookup table used in inverse quantiser*/
+/* Size of Table: 32*4 = 128 bytes */
+static const int32_t IQuant_tableLogT[32] =
+   16384 * 256, 16744 * 256, 17112 * 256, 17488 * 256,
+   17864 * 256, 18256 * 256, 18656 * 256, 19064 * 256,
+   19480 * 256, 19912 * 256, 20344 * 256, 20792 * 256,
+   21248 * 256, 21712 * 256, 22192 * 256, 22672 * 256,
+   23168 * 256, 23680 * 256, 24200 * 256, 24728 * 256,
+   25264 * 256, 25824 * 256, 26384 * 256, 26968 * 256,
+   27552 * 256, 28160 * 256, 28776 * 256, 29408 * 256,
+   30048 * 256, 30704 * 256, 31376 * 256, 32064 * 256
+void clearmem(void* mem, int32_t sz)
+   int8_t* m = (int8_t*)mem;
+   int32_t i = 0;
+   for (; i < sz; i++)
+   {
+      *m = 0;
+      m++;
+   }
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int SizeofAptxbtenc(void)
+   return (sizeof(aptxbtenc));
+APTXBTENCEXPORT const char* aptxbtenc_version()
+   return (swversion);
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_init(void* _state, short endian)
+   aptxbtenc* state = (aptxbtenc*)_state;
+   int32_t j = 0;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t t;
+   clearmem(_state, sizeof(aptxbtenc));
+   if (state == 0)
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   state->m_syncWordPhase = 7L;
+   if (endian == 0)
+   {
+      state->m_endian = 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      state->m_endian = 8;
+   }
+   /* default setting should be stereo autosync,
+   for backwards-compatability with legacy applications that use this library */
+   state->m_sync_mode = stereo;
+   for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+   {
+      Encoder_data* encode_dat = &state->m_encoderData[j];
+      uint32_t i;
+      /* Create a quantiser and subband processor for each subband */
+      for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+      {
+         encode_dat->m_codewordHistory = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].thresholdTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].threshTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].thresholdTablePtr_sl1 = subbandParameters[i].threshTable_sl1;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].ditherTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].dithTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].minusLambdaDTable = subbandParameters[i].minusLambdaDTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].codeBits = subbandParameters[i].numBits;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].qCode = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].altQcode = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].distPenalty = 0L;
+         /* initialisation of inverseQuantiser data */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.thresholdTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].threshTable;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.thresholdTablePtr_sl1 = subbandParameters[i].threshTable_sl1;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.ditherTablePtr_sf1 = subbandParameters[i].dithTable_sh1;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.incrTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].incrTable;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.maxLogDelta = subbandParameters[i].maxLogDelta;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.minLogDelta = subbandParameters[i].minLogDelta;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i] = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.logDelta = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.invQ = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.iquantTableLogPtr = &IQuant_tableLogT[0];
+         // Initializing data for predictor filter
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         for (t = 0; t < 48; t++)
+         {
+            encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[t] = 0;
+         }
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+         /* Initialise the previous zero filter output and predictor output to zero */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroVal = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_predVal = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_numZeros = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         /* Initialise the contents of the pole data delay line to zero */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[0] = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[1] = 0L;
+         for (k = 0; k < 24; k++)
+         {
+            encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff[k] = 0;
+         }
+         // Initializing data for zerocoeff update function.
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_ZeroCoeffData.m_numZeros = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         /* Initializing data for PoleCoeff update function.
+          * Fill the adaptation delay line with +1 initially */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s32 = 0x00010001;
+         /* Zero the pole coefficients */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff[0] = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff[1] = 0L;
+      }
+   }
+   return 0;
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_setsync_mode(void* _state, int32_t sync_mode)
+   aptxbtenc* state = (aptxbtenc*)_state;
+   state->m_sync_mode = sync_mode;
+   return 0;
+APTXBTENCEXPORT int aptxbtenc_encodestereo(void* _state, void* _pcmL, void* _pcmR, void* _buffer)
+   aptxbtenc* state = (aptxbtenc*)_state;
+   int32_t* pcmL = (int32_t*)_pcmL;
+   int32_t* pcmR = (int32_t*)_pcmR;
+   int16_t* buffer = (int16_t*)_buffer;
+   int32_t    tmp_reg;
+   int16_t    tmp_out;
+   //Feed the PCM to the dual aptX encoders
+   aptxEncode(pcmL, &state->m_qmf_l, &state->m_encoderData[0]);
+   aptxEncode(pcmR, &state->m_qmf_r, &state->m_encoderData[1]);
+   // only insert sync information if we are not in non-autosync mode.
+   // The Non-autosync mode changes only take effect in the packCodeword() function.
+   if (state->m_sync_mode != no_sync)
+   {
+      if (state->m_sync_mode == stereo)
+      {
+         //Insert the autosync information into the stereo quantised codes
+         xbtEncinsertSync(&state->m_encoderData[0], &state->m_encoderData[1], &state->m_syncWordPhase);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Insert the autosync information into the two individual mono quantised codes
+         xbtEncinsertSyncDualMono(&state->m_encoderData[0], &state->m_encoderData[1], &state->m_syncWordPhase);
+      }
+   }
+   aptxPostEncode(&state->m_encoderData[0]);
+   aptxPostEncode(&state->m_encoderData[1]);
+   //Pack the (possibly adjusted) codes into a 16-bit codeword per channel
+   tmp_reg = packCodeword(&state->m_encoderData[0], state->m_sync_mode);
+   // Swap bytes to output data in big-endian as expected by bc5 code...
+   tmp_out = tmp_reg >> state->m_endian;
+   tmp_out |= tmp_reg << state->m_endian;
+   buffer[0] = (int16_t)tmp_out;
+   tmp_reg = packCodeword(&state->m_encoderData[1], state->m_sync_mode);
+   // Swap bytes to output data in big-endian as expected by bc5 code...
+   tmp_out = tmp_reg >> state->m_endian;
+   tmp_out |= tmp_reg << state->m_endian;
+   buffer[1] = (int16_t)tmp_out;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/swversion.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/swversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..792b576a8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptx/src/swversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef SWVERSION_H
+#define SWVERSION_H
+const char *swversion = "1.0.0";
+#endif  //SWVERSION_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/include/aptXHDbtenc.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/include/aptXHDbtenc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd2bc801c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/include/aptXHDbtenc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ *
+ *  This file exposes a public interface to allow clients to invoke aptX HD
+ *  encoding on 4 new PCM samples, generating 2 new codeword (one for the
+ *  left channel and one for the right channel).
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifdef _DLLEXPORT
+#define APTXHDBTENCEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+/* SizeofAptxhdbtenc returns the size (in byte) of the memory
+ * allocation required to store the state of the encoder */
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int SizeofAptxhdbtenc (void);
+/* aptxhdbtenc_version can be used to extract the version number
+ * of the aptX HD encoder */
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT const char* aptxhdbtenc_version(void);
+/* aptxhdbtenc_init is used to initialise the encoder structure.
+ * _state should be a pointer to the encoder structure (stereo).
+ * endian represent the endianness of the output data
+ * (0=little endian. Big endian otherwise)
+ * The function returns 1 if an error occurred during the initialisation.
+ * The function returns 0 if no error occurred during the initialisation. */
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int aptxhdbtenc_init(void* _state, short endian);
+/* StereoEncode will take 8 audio samples (24-bit per sample)
+ * and generate one 24-bit codeword with autosync inserted.
+ * The bitstream is compatible with be BC05 implementation. */
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int aptxhdbtenc_encodestereo(void* _state, void* _pcmL, void* _pcmR, void* _buffer);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} //  /extern "C"
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxEncoder.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxEncoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bfd5fb4f86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxEncoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ *
+ *  All declarations relevant for aptxhdEncode. This function allows clients
+ *  to invoke aptX HD encoding on 4 new PCM samples,
+ *  generating 4 new quantised codes. A separate function allows the
+ *  packing of the 4 codes into a 24-bit word.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "DitherGenerator.h"
+#include "Quantiser.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctionsCommon.h"
+#include "Qmf.h"
+/* Function to carry out a single-channel aptX HD encode on 4 new PCM samples */
+XBT_INLINE_ void aptxhdEncode(int32_t pcm[4], Qmf_storage* Qmf_St, Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt)
+   int32_t predVals[4];
+   int32_t qCodes[4];
+   int32_t aqmfOutputs[4];
+   /* Extract the previous predicted values and quantised codes into arrays */
+   predVals[0] = EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0].m_predData.m_predVal;
+   qCodes[0] = EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0].qCode;
+   predVals[1] = EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1].m_predData.m_predVal;
+   qCodes[1] = EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1].qCode;
+   predVals[2] = EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2].m_predData.m_predVal;
+   qCodes[2] = EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2].qCode;
+   predVals[3] = EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3].m_predData.m_predVal;
+   qCodes[3] = EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3].qCode;
+   /* Update codeword history, then generate new dither values. */
+   EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory = xbtEncupdateCodewordHistory(qCodes, EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory);
+   EncoderDataPt->m_dithSyncRandBit = xbtEncgenerateDither(EncoderDataPt->m_codewordHistory, EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs);
+   /* Run the analysis QMF */
+   QmfAnalysisFilter(pcm, Qmf_St, predVals, aqmfOutputs);
+   /* Run the quantiser for each subband */
+   quantiseDifference_HDLL(aqmfOutputs[0], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[0], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0]);
+   quantiseDifference_HDLH(aqmfOutputs[1], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[1], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1]);
+   quantiseDifference_HDHL(aqmfOutputs[2], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[2], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2]);
+   quantiseDifference_HDHH(aqmfOutputs[3], EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[3], EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3], &EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3]);
+XBT_INLINE_ void aptxhdPostEncode(Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt)
+   /* Run the remaining subband processing for each subband */
+   /* Manual inlining on the 4 subband */
+   processSubband_HDLL(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[0],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[0].m_iqdata);
+   processSubband_HD(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[1],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[1].m_iqdata);
+   processSubband_HDHL(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[2],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[2].m_iqdata);
+   processSubband_HD(EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3].qCode,
+      EncoderDataPt->m_ditherOutputs[3],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3],
+      &EncoderDataPt->m_SubbandData[3].m_iqdata);
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxParameters.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxParameters.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3e9dd3225d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxParameters.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ *
+ * General shared aptX HD parameters.
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "CBStruct.h"
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ inline
+#elif defined  __clang__
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ static inline
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ inline
+   #define XBT_INLINE_ static
+/* Signed saturate to a 24bit value */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t ssat24(int32_t val)
+   if (val > 0x7FFFFF)
+      val = 0x7FFFFF;
+   if (val < -0x800000)
+      val = -0x800000;
+   return val;
+typedef union u_reg64
+   uint64_t u64;
+   int64_t s64;
+   struct s_u32
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      uint32_t h;
+      uint32_t l;
+      uint32_t l;
+      uint32_t h;
+   } u32;
+   struct s_s32
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      int32_t h;
+      int32_t l;
+      int32_t l;
+      int32_t h;
+   } s32;
+} reg64_t;
+typedef union u_reg32
+   uint32_t u32;
+   int32_t s32;
+   struct s_u16
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      uint16_t h;
+      uint16_t l;
+      uint16_t l;
+      uint16_t h;
+   } u16;
+   struct s_s16
+   {
+#ifdef __BIGENDIAN
+      int16_t h;
+      int16_t l;
+      int16_t l;
+      int16_t h;
+   } s16;
+} reg32_t;
+/* Each aptX HD enc/dec round consumes/produces 4 PCM samples */
+static const uint32_t numPcmSamples = 4;
+/* Symbolic constants for PCM data indicies. */
+   FirstPcm = 0,
+   SecondPcm = 1,
+   ThirdPcm = 2,
+   FourthPcm = 3
+/* Number of subbands is fixed at 4 */
+#define NUMSUBBANDS 4
+/* Symbolic constants for subband identification. */
+typedef enum {LL=0, LH=1, HL=2, HH=3}  bands;
+/* Structure declaration to bind a set of subband parameters */
+typedef struct
+   const int32_t* threshTable;
+   const int32_t* threshTable_sl1;
+   const int32_t* dithTable;
+   const int32_t* dithTable_sh1;
+   const int32_t* minusLambdaDTable;
+   const int32_t* incrTable;
+   int32_t numBits;
+   int32_t maxLogDelta;
+   int32_t minLogDelta;
+   int32_t numZeros;
+} SubbandParameters;
+/* Struct required for the polecoeffcalculator function of btaptXHD encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 16 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* delay line for previous sgn values */
+   reg32_t m_poleAdaptDelayLine;
+   /* 2 pole filter coeffs */
+   int32_t m_poleCoeff[2];
+} PoleCoeff_data;
+/* Struct required for the zerocoeffcalculator function of btaptXHD encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 100 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* The zero filter length for this subband */
+   int32_t m_numZeros;
+   /* Maximum number of zeros for any subband is 24. */
+   /* 24 zero filter coeffs */
+   int32_t m_zeroCoeff[24];
+} ZeroCoeff_data;
+/* Struct required for the prediction filtering function of btaptXHD encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 200+20=220 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Number of zeros associated with this subband */
+   int32_t m_numZeros;
+   /* Zero data delay line (circular) */
+   circularBuffer m_zeroDelayLine;
+   /* 2-tap pole data delay line */
+   int32_t m_poleDelayLine[2];
+   /* Output from zero filter */
+   int32_t m_zeroVal;
+   /* Output from overall ARMA filter */
+   int32_t m_predVal;
+} Predictor_data;
+/* Struct required for the Quantisation function of btaptXHD encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 24 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Number of bits in the quantised code for this subband */
+   int32_t codeBits;
+   /* Pointer to threshold table */
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr;
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr_sl1;
+   /* Pointer to dither table */
+   const int32_t* ditherTablePtr;
+   /* Pointer to minus Lambda table */
+   const int32_t* minusLambdaDTable;
+   /* Output quantised code */
+   int32_t qCode;
+   /* Alternative quantised code for sync purposes */
+   int32_t altQcode;
+   /* Penalty associated with choosing alternative code */
+   int32_t distPenalty;
+} Quantiser_data;
+/* Struct required for the inverse Quantisation function of btaptXHD encoder and decoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 32 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Pointer to threshold table */
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr;
+   const int32_t* thresholdTablePtr_sl1;
+   /* Pointer to dither table */
+   const int32_t* ditherTablePtr_sf1;
+   /* Pointer to increment table */
+   const int32_t* incrTablePtr;
+   /* Upper and lower bounds for logDelta */
+   int32_t maxLogDelta;
+   int32_t minLogDelta;
+   /* Delta (quantisation step size */
+   int32_t delta;
+   /* Delta, expressed as a log base 2 */
+   uint16_t logDelta;
+   /* Output dequantised signal */
+   int32_t invQ;
+   /* pointer to IQuant_tableLogT */
+   const int32_t* iquantTableLogPtr;
+} IQuantiser_data;
+/* Subband data structure btaptXHD encoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 116+220+32= 368 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Subband processing consists of inverse quantisation, predictor
+    * coefficient update, and predictor filtering. */
+   ZeroCoeff_data m_ZeroCoeffData;
+   PoleCoeff_data m_PoleCoeffData;
+   /* structure holding the data associated with the predictor */
+   Predictor_data m_predData;
+   /* iqdata holds the data associated with the instance of inverse quantiser */
+   IQuantiser_data m_iqdata;
+} Subband_data;
+/* Encoder data structure btaptXHD encoder*/
+/* Size of structure: 368*4+24+4*24 = 1592 Bytes */
+typedef struct
+   /* Subband processing consists of inverse quantisation, predictor
+    * coefficient update, and predictor filtering. */
+   Subband_data m_SubbandData[4];
+   int32_t m_codewordHistory;
+   int32_t m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   int32_t m_ditherOutputs[4];
+   /* structure holding data values for this quantiser */
+   Quantiser_data m_qdata[4];
+} Encoder_data;
+/* Subband-specific number of predcitor zero filter coefficients. */
+static const uint32_t numZeroFilterCoeffs[4] = {24, 12, 6, 12};
+/* Delta is scaled by 4 positions within the quantiser and inverse quantiser. */
+static const uint32_t deltaScale = 4;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxTables.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxTables.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5db25e9b36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/AptxTables.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1365 @@
+ *
+ *  All table definitions used for the quantizer.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 4-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq4bit24_sl1[9] =
+   -95044,
+   95044,
+   295844,
+   528780,
+   821332,
+   1226438,
+   1890540,
+   3344850,
+   6450664,
+static const int32_t q4incr24[9] =
+   0,
+   -17,
+   5,
+   30,
+   62,
+   105,
+   177,
+   334,
+   518,
+static const int32_t dq4dith24_sf1[9] =
+   95044,
+   95044,
+   105754,
+   127180,
+   165372,
+   39736,
+   424366,
+   1029946,
+   2075866,
+static const int32_t dq4mLamb24[8] =
+   0,
+   -2678,
+   -5357,
+   -9548,
+   31409,
+   -96158,
+   -151395,
+   -261480,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 5-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq5bit24_sl1[17] =
+   -45754,
+   45754,
+   138496,
+   234896,
+   337336,
+   448310,
+   570738,
+   708380,
+   866534,
+   1053262,
+   1281958,
+   1577438,
+   1993050,
+   2665984,
+   3900982,
+   5902844,
+   8897462,
+static const int32_t q5incr24[17] =
+   0,
+   -18,
+   -8,
+   2,
+   13,
+   25,
+   38,
+   53,
+   70,
+   90,
+   115,
+   147,
+   192,
+   264,
+   398,
+   521,
+   521,
+static const int32_t dq5dith24_sf1[17] =
+   45754,
+   45754,
+   46988,
+   49412,
+   53026,
+   57950,
+   64478,
+   73164,
+   84988,
+   101740,
+   126958,
+   168522,
+   247092,
+   425842,
+   809154,
+   1192708,
+   1801910,
+static const int32_t dq5mLamb24[16] =
+   0,
+   -309,
+   -606,
+   -904,
+   -1231,
+   -1632,
+   -2172,
+   -2956,
+   -4188,
+   -6305,
+   -10391,
+   -19643,
+   -44688,
+   -95828,
+   -95889,
+   -152301,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 6-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq6bit24_sl1[33] =
+   -21236,
+   21236,
+   63830,
+   106798,
+   150386,
+   194832,
+   240376,
+   287258,
+   335726,
+   386034,
+   438460,
+   493308,
+   550924,
+   611696,
+   676082,
+   744626,
+   817986,
+   896968,
+   982580,
+   1076118,
+   1179278,
+   1294344,
+   1424504,
+   1574386,
+   1751090,
+   1966260,
+   2240868,
+   2617662,
+   3196432,
+   4176450,
+   5658260,
+   7671068,
+   10380372,
+static const int32_t q6incr24[33] =
+   0,
+   -21,
+   -16,
+   -12,
+   -7,
+   -2,
+   3,
+   8,
+   13,
+   19,
+   24,
+   30,
+   36,
+   43,
+   50,
+   57,
+   65,
+   74,
+   83,
+   93,
+   104,
+   117,
+   131,
+   147,
+   166,
+   189,
+   219,
+   259,
+   322,
+   427,
+   521,
+   521,
+   521,
+static const int32_t dq6dith24_sf1[33] =
+   21236,
+   21236,
+   21360,
+   21608,
+   21978,
+   22468,
+   23076,
+   23806,
+   24660,
+   25648,
+   26778,
+   28070,
+   29544,
+   31228,
+   33158,
+   35386,
+   37974,
+   41008,
+   44606,
+   48934,
+   54226,
+   60840,
+   69320,
+   80564,
+   96140,
+   119032,
+   155576,
+   221218,
+   357552,
+   622468,
+   859344,
+   1153464,
+   1555840,
+static const int32_t dq6mLamb24[32] =
+   0,
+   -31,
+   -62,
+   -93,
+   -123,
+   -152,
+   -183,
+   -214,
+   -247,
+   -283,
+   -323,
+   -369,
+   -421,
+   -483,
+   -557,
+   -647,
+   -759,
+   -900,
+   -1082,
+   -1323,
+   -1654,
+   -2120,
+   -2811,
+   -3894,
+   -5723,
+   -9136,
+   -16411,
+   -34084,
+   -66229,
+   -59219,
+   -73530,
+   -100594,
+/* Quantisation threshold, logDelta increment and dither tables for 9-bit codes */
+static const int32_t dq9bit24_sl1[257] =
+   -2436,
+   2436,
+   7308,
+   12180,
+   17054,
+   21930,
+   26806,
+   31686,
+   36566,
+   41450,
+   46338,
+   51230,
+   56124,
+   61024,
+   65928,
+   70836,
+   75750,
+   80670,
+   85598,
+   90530,
+   95470,
+   100418,
+   105372,
+   110336,
+   115308,
+   120288,
+   125278,
+   130276,
+   135286,
+   140304,
+   145334,
+   150374,
+   155426,
+   160490,
+   165566,
+   170654,
+   175756,
+   180870,
+   185998,
+   191138,
+   196294,
+   201466,
+   206650,
+   211850,
+   217068,
+   222300,
+   227548,
+   232814,
+   238096,
+   243396,
+   248714,
+   254050,
+   259406,
+   264778,
+   270172,
+   275584,
+   281018,
+   286470,
+   291944,
+   297440,
+   302956,
+   308496,
+   314056,
+   319640,
+   325248,
+   330878,
+   336532,
+   342212,
+   347916,
+   353644,
+   359398,
+   365178,
+   370986,
+   376820,
+   382680,
+   388568,
+   394486,
+   400430,
+   406404,
+   412408,
+   418442,
+   424506,
+   430600,
+   436726,
+   442884,
+   449074,
+   455298,
+   461554,
+   467844,
+   474168,
+   480528,
+   486922,
+   493354,
+   499820,
+   506324,
+   512866,
+   519446,
+   526064,
+   532722,
+   539420,
+   546160,
+   552940,
+   559760,
+   566624,
+   573532,
+   580482,
+   587478,
+   594520,
+   601606,
+   608740,
+   615920,
+   623148,
+   630426,
+   637754,
+   645132,
+   652560,
+   660042,
+   667576,
+   675164,
+   682808,
+   690506,
+   698262,
+   706074,
+   713946,
+   721876,
+   729868,
+   737920,
+   746036,
+   754216,
+   762460,
+   770770,
+   779148,
+   787594,
+   796108,
+   804694,
+   813354,
+   822086,
+   830892,
+   839774,
+   848736,
+   857776,
+   866896,
+   876100,
+   885386,
+   894758,
+   904218,
+   913766,
+   923406,
+   933138,
+   942964,
+   952886,
+   962908,
+   973030,
+   983254,
+   993582,
+   1004020,
+   1014566,
+   1025224,
+   1035996,
+   1046886,
+   1057894,
+   1069026,
+   1080284,
+   1091670,
+   1103186,
+   1114838,
+   1126628,
+   1138558,
+   1150634,
+   1162858,
+   1175236,
+   1187768,
+   1200462,
+   1213320,
+   1226346,
+   1239548,
+   1252928,
+   1266490,
+   1280242,
+   1294188,
+   1308334,
+   1322688,
+   1337252,
+   1352034,
+   1367044,
+   1382284,
+   1397766,
+   1413494,
+   1429478,
+   1445728,
+   1462252,
+   1479058,
+   1496158,
+   1513562,
+   1531280,
+   1549326,
+   1567710,
+   1586446,
+   1605550,
+   1625034,
+   1644914,
+   1665208,
+   1685932,
+   1707108,
+   1728754,
+   1750890,
+   1773542,
+   1796732,
+   1820488,
+   1844840,
+   1869816,
+   1895452,
+   1921780,
+   1948842,
+   1976680,
+   2005338,
+   2034868,
+   2065322,
+   2096766,
+   2129260,
+   2162880,
+   2197708,
+   2233832,
+   2271352,
+   2310384,
+   2351050,
+   2393498,
+   2437886,
+   2484404,
+   2533262,
+   2584710,
+   2639036,
+   2696578,
+   2757738,
+   2822998,
+   2892940,
+   2968278,
+   3049896,
+   3138912,
+   3236760,
+   3345312,
+   3467068,
+   3605434,
+   3765154,
+   3952904,
+   4177962,
+   4452178,
+   4787134,
+   5187290,
+   5647128,
+   6159120,
+   6720518,
+   7332904,
+   8000032,
+   8726664,
+   9518152,
+   10380372,
+static const int32_t q9incr24[257] =
+   0,
+   -22,
+   -21,
+   -21,
+   -20,
+   -20,
+   -19,
+   -19,
+   -18,
+   -18,
+   -17,
+   -17,
+   -16,
+   -16,
+   -15,
+   -14,
+   -14,
+   -13,
+   -13,
+   -12,
+   -12,
+   -11,
+   -11,
+   -10,
+   -10,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -8,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -2,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   0,
+   0,
+   1,
+   1,
+   2,
+   2,
+   3,
+   4,
+   4,
+   5,
+   5,
+   6,
+   6,
+   7,
+   8,
+   8,
+   9,
+   9,
+   10,
+   11,
+   11,
+   12,
+   12,
+   13,
+   14,
+   14,
+   15,
+   15,
+   16,
+   17,
+   17,
+   18,
+   19,
+   19,
+   20,
+   20,
+   21,
+   22,
+   22,
+   23,
+   24,
+   24,
+   25,
+   26,
+   26,
+   27,
+   28,
+   28,
+   29,
+   30,
+   30,
+   31,
+   32,
+   33,
+   33,
+   34,
+   35,
+   35,
+   36,
+   37,
+   38,
+   38,
+   39,
+   40,
+   41,
+   41,
+   42,
+   43,
+   44,
+   44,
+   45,
+   46,
+   47,
+   48,
+   48,
+   49,
+   50,
+   51,
+   52,
+   52,
+   53,
+   54,
+   55,
+   56,
+   57,
+   58,
+   58,
+   59,
+   60,
+   61,
+   62,
+   63,
+   64,
+   65,
+   66,
+   67,
+   68,
+   69,
+   69,
+   70,
+   71,
+   72,
+   73,
+   74,
+   75,
+   77,
+   78,
+   79,
+   80,
+   81,
+   82,
+   83,
+   84,
+   85,
+   86,
+   87,
+   89,
+   90,
+   91,
+   92,
+   93,
+   94,
+   96,
+   97,
+   98,
+   99,
+   101,
+   102,
+   103,
+   105,
+   106,
+   107,
+   109,
+   110,
+   112,
+   113,
+   115,
+   116,
+   118,
+   119,
+   121,
+   122,
+   124,
+   125,
+   127,
+   129,
+   130,
+   132,
+   134,
+   136,
+   137,
+   139,
+   141,
+   143,
+   145,
+   147,
+   149,
+   151,
+   153,
+   155,
+   158,
+   160,
+   162,
+   164,
+   167,
+   169,
+   172,
+   174,
+   177,
+   180,
+   182,
+   185,
+   188,
+   191,
+   194,
+   197,
+   201,
+   204,
+   208,
+   211,
+   215,
+   219,
+   223,
+   227,
+   232,
+   236,
+   241,
+   246,
+   251,
+   257,
+   263,
+   269,
+   275,
+   283,
+   290,
+   298,
+   307,
+   317,
+   327,
+   339,
+   352,
+   367,
+   384,
+   404,
+   429,
+   458,
+   494,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+   522,
+static const int32_t dq9dith24_sf1[257] =
+   2436,
+   2436,
+   2436,
+   2436,
+   2438,
+   2438,
+   2438,
+   2440,
+   2442,
+   2442,
+   2444,
+   2446,
+   2448,
+   2450,
+   2454,
+   2456,
+   2458,
+   2462,
+   2464,
+   2468,
+   2472,
+   2476,
+   2480,
+   2484,
+   2488,
+   2492,
+   2498,
+   2502,
+   2506,
+   2512,
+   2518,
+   2524,
+   2528,
+   2534,
+   2540,
+   2548,
+   2554,
+   2560,
+   2568,
+   2574,
+   2582,
+   2588,
+   2596,
+   2604,
+   2612,
+   2620,
+   2628,
+   2636,
+   2646,
+   2654,
+   2664,
+   2672,
+   2682,
+   2692,
+   2702,
+   2712,
+   2722,
+   2732,
+   2742,
+   2752,
+   2764,
+   2774,
+   2786,
+   2798,
+   2810,
+   2822,
+   2834,
+   2846,
+   2858,
+   2870,
+   2884,
+   2896,
+   2910,
+   2924,
+   2938,
+   2952,
+   2966,
+   2980,
+   2994,
+   3010,
+   3024,
+   3040,
+   3056,
+   3070,
+   3086,
+   3104,
+   3120,
+   3136,
+   3154,
+   3170,
+   3188,
+   3206,
+   3224,
+   3242,
+   3262,
+   3280,
+   3300,
+   3320,
+   3338,
+   3360,
+   3380,
+   3400,
+   3422,
+   3442,
+   3464,
+   3486,
+   3508,
+   3532,
+   3554,
+   3578,
+   3602,
+   3626,
+   3652,
+   3676,
+   3702,
+   3728,
+   3754,
+   3780,
+   3808,
+   3836,
+   3864,
+   3892,
+   3920,
+   3950,
+   3980,
+   4010,
+   4042,
+   4074,
+   4106,
+   4138,
+   4172,
+   4206,
+   4240,
+   4276,
+   4312,
+   4348,
+   4384,
+   4422,
+   4460,
+   4500,
+   4540,
+   4580,
+   4622,
+   4664,
+   4708,
+   4752,
+   4796,
+   4842,
+   4890,
+   4938,
+   4986,
+   5036,
+   5086,
+   5138,
+   5192,
+   5246,
+   5300,
+   5358,
+   5416,
+   5474,
+   5534,
+   5596,
+   5660,
+   5726,
+   5792,
+   5860,
+   5930,
+   6002,
+   6074,
+   6150,
+   6226,
+   6306,
+   6388,
+   6470,
+   6556,
+   6644,
+   6736,
+   6828,
+   6924,
+   7022,
+   7124,
+   7228,
+   7336,
+   7448,
+   7562,
+   7680,
+   7802,
+   7928,
+   8058,
+   8192,
+   8332,
+   8476,
+   8624,
+   8780,
+   8940,
+   9106,
+   9278,
+   9458,
+   9644,
+   9840,
+   10042,
+   10252,
+   10472,
+   10702,
+   10942,
+   11194,
+   11458,
+   11734,
+   12024,
+   12328,
+   12648,
+   12986,
+   13342,
+   13720,
+   14118,
+   14540,
+   14990,
+   15466,
+   15976,
+   16520,
+   17102,
+   17726,
+   18398,
+   19124,
+   19908,
+   20760,
+   21688,
+   22702,
+   23816,
+   25044,
+   26404,
+   27922,
+   29622,
+   31540,
+   33720,
+   36222,
+   39116,
+   42502,
+   46514,
+   51334,
+   57218,
+   64536,
+   73830,
+   85890,
+   101860,
+   123198,
+   151020,
+   183936,
+   216220,
+   243618,
+   268374,
+   293022,
+   319362,
+   347768,
+   378864,
+   412626,
+   449596,
+static const int32_t dq9mLamb24[256] =
+   0,
+   0,
+   0,
+   -1,
+   0,
+   0,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   0,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -2,
+   -1,
+   -1,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -1,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -2,
+   -3,
+   -2,
+   -3,
+   -2,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -3,
+   -4,
+   -3,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -5,
+   -4,
+   -4,
+   -5,
+   -4,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -6,
+   -5,
+   -5,
+   -6,
+   -5,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -6,
+   -7,
+   -6,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -7,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -8,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -9,
+   -10,
+   -10,
+   -10,
+   -10,
+   -10,
+   -11,
+   -11,
+   -11,
+   -11,
+   -11,
+   -12,
+   -12,
+   -12,
+   -12,
+   -13,
+   -13,
+   -13,
+   -14,
+   -14,
+   -14,
+   -15,
+   -15,
+   -15,
+   -15,
+   -16,
+   -16,
+   -17,
+   -17,
+   -17,
+   -18,
+   -18,
+   -18,
+   -19,
+   -19,
+   -20,
+   -21,
+   -21,
+   -22,
+   -22,
+   -23,
+   -23,
+   -24,
+   -25,
+   -26,
+   -26,
+   -27,
+   -28,
+   -29,
+   -30,
+   -31,
+   -32,
+   -33,
+   -34,
+   -35,
+   -36,
+   -37,
+   -39,
+   -40,
+   -42,
+   -43,
+   -45,
+   -47,
+   -49,
+   -51,
+   -53,
+   -55,
+   -58,
+   -60,
+   -63,
+   -66,
+   -69,
+   -73,
+   -76,
+   -80,
+   -85,
+   -89,
+   -95,
+   -100,
+   -106,
+   -113,
+   -119,
+   -128,
+   -136,
+   -146,
+   -156,
+   -168,
+   -182,
+   -196,
+   -213,
+   -232,
+   -254,
+   -279,
+   -307,
+   -340,
+   -380,
+   -425,
+   -480,
+   -545,
+   -626,
+   -724,
+   -847,
+   -1003,
+   -1205,
+   -1471,
+   -1830,
+   -2324,
+   -3015,
+   -3993,
+   -5335,
+   -6956,
+   -8229,
+   -8071,
+   -6850,
+   -6189,
+   -6162,
+   -6585,
+   -7102,
+   -7774,
+   -8441,
+   -9243,
+/* Array of structures containing subband parameters. */
+static const SubbandParameters subbandParameters[NUMSUBBANDS] =
+   /* LL band */
+   {
+     0, dq9bit24_sl1, 0, dq9dith24_sf1, dq9mLamb24, q9incr24, 9, (18 * 256) - 1, -20, 24
+   },
+   /* LH band */
+   {
+     0, dq6bit24_sl1, 0, dq6dith24_sf1, dq6mLamb24, q6incr24, 6, (21 * 256) - 1, -23, 12
+   },
+   /* HL band */
+   {
+    0, dq4bit24_sl1, 0, dq4dith24_sf1, dq4mLamb24, q4incr24, 4, (23 * 256) - 1, -25, 6
+   },
+   /* HH band */
+   {
+    0, dq5bit24_sl1, 0, dq5dith24_sf1, dq5mLamb24, q5incr24, 5, (22 * 256) - 1, -24, 12
+   }
+#endif //APTXTABLES_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CBStruct.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CBStruct.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95e4d59e488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CBStruct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ *
+ * Structure required to implement a circular buffer.
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef CBSTRUCT_H
+#define CBSTRUCT_H
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+typedef struct circularBuffer_t
+   /* Buffer storage */
+   int32_t buffer[48];
+   /* Pointer to current buffer location */
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   /* Modulo length of circular buffer */
+   uint32_t modulo;
+} circularBuffer;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
+#endif //CBSTRUCT_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CodewordPacker.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CodewordPacker.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..67a9efbbbfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/CodewordPacker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ *
+ *  Prototype declaration of the CodewordPacker Function
+ *
+ *  This functions allows a client to supply an array of 4 quantised codes
+ *  (1 per subband) and obtain a packed version as a 24-bit aptX HD codeword.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* This functions allows a client to supply an array of 4 quantised codes
+ * (1 per subband) and obtain a packed version as a 24-bit aptX HD codeword. */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t packCodeword(Encoder_data* EncoderDataPt)
+   int32_t syncContribution;
+   int32_t hhCode;
+   int32_t codeword;
+   /* The per-channel contribution to derive the current sync bit is the XOR of
+    * the 4 code lsbs and the random dither bit. The SyncInserter engineers it
+    * such that the XOR of the sync contributions from the left and right
+    * channel give the actual sync bit value. The per-channel sync bit
+    * contribution overwrites the HH code lsb in the packed codeword. */
+   syncContribution =
+      (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[0].qCode ^
+         EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[1].qCode ^
+         EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[2].qCode ^
+         EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[3].qCode ^
+         EncoderDataPt->m_dithSyncRandBit) & 0x1;
+   hhCode = (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HH].qCode & 0x1eL) | syncContribution;
+   /* Pack the 24-bit codeword with the appropriate number of lsbs from each
+    * quantised code (LL=9, LH=6, HL=4, HH=5). */
+   codeword =
+      (EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LL].qCode & 0x1ff) |
+      ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[LH].qCode & 0x3f) << 9) |
+      ((EncoderDataPt->m_qdata[HL].qCode & 0xf) << 15) |
+      (hhCode << 19);
+   return codeword;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/DitherGenerator.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/DitherGenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60fb15d7f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/DitherGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ *
+ *  These functions allow clients to update an internal codeword history
+ *  attribute from previously-generated quantised codes, and to generate a new
+ *  pseudo-random dither value per subband from this internal attribute.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* This function updates an internal bit-pool (private variable in DitherGenerator)
+ * based on bits obtained from previously-encoded or received aptX HD codewords. */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t xbtEncupdateCodewordHistory(const int32_t quantisedCodes[4], int32_t m_codewordHistory)
+   int32_t newBits;
+   int32_t updatedCodewordHistory;
+   const int32_t llMask = 0x3L;
+   const int32_t lhMask = 0x2L;
+   const int32_t hlMask = 0x1L;
+   const uint32_t lhShift = 1;
+   const uint32_t hlShift = 3;
+   /* Shift value to left-justify a 24-bit value in a 32-bit signed variable*/
+   const uint32_t leftJustifyShift = 8;
+   const uint32_t numNewBits = 4;
+   /* Make a 4-bit vector from particular bits from 3 quantised codes */
+   newBits = (quantisedCodes[LL] & llMask) +
+      ((quantisedCodes[LH] & lhMask) << lhShift) +
+      ((quantisedCodes[HL] & hlMask) << hlShift);
+   /* Add the 4 new bits to the codeword history. Note that this is a 24-bit
+    * value LEFT-JUSTIFIED in a 32-bit signed variable. Maintaining the history
+    * as signed is useful in the dither generation process below. */
+   updatedCodewordHistory =
+      (m_codewordHistory << numNewBits) + (newBits << leftJustifyShift);
+   return updatedCodewordHistory;
+/* Function to generate a dither value for each subband based
+ * on the current contents of the codewordHistory bit-pool. */
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t xbtEncgenerateDither(int32_t m_codewordHistory, int32_t* m_ditherOutputs)
+   int32_t history24b;
+   int32_t upperAcc, lowerAcc;
+   int32_t accSum;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t ditherSample;
+   int32_t m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   /* Fixed value to multiply codeword history variable by */
+   const uint32_t dithConstMultiplier = 0x4f1bbbL;
+   /* Shift value to left-justify a 24-bit value in a 32-bit signed variable*/
+   const uint32_t leftJustifyShift = 8;
+   /* AND mask to retain only the lower 24 bits of a variable */
+   const int32_t keepLower24bitsMask = 0xffffffL;
+   /* Convert the codeword history to a 24-bit signed value. This can be done
+    * cheaply with a 8-position right-shift since it is maintained as 24-bits
+    * value left-justified in a signed 32-bit variable. */
+   history24b = m_codewordHistory >> (leftJustifyShift - 1);
+   /* Multiply the history by a fixed constant. The constant has already been
+    * shifted right by 1 position to compensate for the left-shift introduced
+    * on the product by the fractional multiplier. */
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)history24b * (int64_t)dithConstMultiplier);
+   /* Get the upper and lower 24-bit values from the accumulator, and form
+    * their sum. */
+   upperAcc = ((int32_t)(tmp_acc >> 24)) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
+   lowerAcc = ((int32_t)tmp_acc) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
+   accSum = upperAcc + lowerAcc;
+   /* The dither sample is the 2 msbs of lowerAcc and the 22 lsbs of accSum */
+   ditherSample = ((lowerAcc >> 22) + (accSum << 2)) & keepLower24bitsMask;
+   /* The sign bit of 24-bit accSum is saved as a random bit to
+    * assist in the apt-X sync insertion process. */
+   m_dithSyncRandBit = (accSum >> 23) & 0x1;
+   /* Successive dither outputs for the 4 subbands are versions of ditherSample
+    * offset by a further 5-position left shift for each subband. Also apply a
+    * constant left-shift of 8 to turn the values into signed 24-bit values
+    * left-justified in the 32-bit ditherOutput variable. */
+   m_ditherOutputs[HH] = ditherSample << leftJustifyShift;
+   m_ditherOutputs[HL] = ditherSample << (5 + leftJustifyShift);
+   m_ditherOutputs[LH] = ditherSample << (10 + leftJustifyShift);
+   m_ditherOutputs[LL] = ditherSample << (15 + leftJustifyShift);
+   return m_dithSyncRandBit;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/ProcessSubband.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/ProcessSubband.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4de607c382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/ProcessSubband.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctionsCommon.h"
+#include "SubbandFunctions.h"
+/* This function carries out all subband processing (common to both encode and decode). */
+void processSubband_HD(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisation(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFiltering(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
+/* processSubband_HDLL is used for the LL subband only. */
+void processSubband_HDLL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisation(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFilteringLL(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
+/* processSubband_HDLL is used for the HL subband only. */
+void processSubband_HDHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt)
+   /* Inverse quantisation */
+   invertQuantisationHL(qCode, ditherVal, iqDataPt);
+   /* Predictor pole coefficient update */
+   updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal, &SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData);
+   /* Predictor filtering */
+   performPredictionFilteringHL(iqDataPt->invQ, SubbandDataPt);
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Qmf.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Qmf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91d91b8d94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Qmf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ *
+ *  This file includes the coefficient tables or the two convolution function
+ *  It also includes the definition of Qmf_storage and the prototype of all
+ *  necessary functions required to implement the QMF filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef QMF_H
+#define QMF_H
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+typedef struct
+   int32_t QmfL_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfLH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfHL_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfLL_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfHH_buf[32];
+   int32_t QmfI_pt;
+   int32_t QmfO_pt;
+} Qmf_storage;
+/* Outer QMF filter for aptX HD is a symmetrical 32-tap filter (16
+ * different coefficients). The table  defined in QmfConv.c */
+const int32_t Qmf_outerCoeffs[12] =
+   /* (C(1/30)C(3/28)), C(5/26), C(7/24) */
+   0xFE6302DA, 0xFFFFDA75, 0x0000AA6A,
+   /*  C(9/22), C(11/20), C(13/18), C(15/16) */
+   0xFFFE273E, 0x00041E95, 0xFFF710B5, 0x002AC12E,
+   /*  C(17/14), C(19/12), (C(21/10)C(23/8)) */
+   0x000AA328, 0xFFFD8D1F, 0x211E6BDB,
+   /* (C(25/6)C(27/4)), (C(29/2)C(31/0)) */
+   0x0DB7D8C5,  0xFC7F02B0
+const int32_t Qmf_outerCoeffs[16] =
+   730,        -413,       -9611,       43626,
+   -121026,    269973,     -585547,     2801966,
+   697128,     -160481,    27611,       8478,
+   -10043,     3511,       688,         -897
+/* Each inner QMF filter for aptX HD is a symmetrical 32-tap filter (16
+ * different coefficients) */
+const int32_t Qmf_innerCoeffs[16] =
+    1033,      -584,      -13592,    61697,
+    -171156,   381799,    -828088,   3962579,
+    985888,    -226954,   39048,     11990,
+    -14203,    4966,      973,       -1268
+void AsmQmfConvI_HD (const int32_t *p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *coeffPtr, int32_t* filterOutputs);
+void AsmQmfConvO_HD(const int32_t *p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t *coeffPtr, int32_t* convSumDiff);
+XBT_INLINE_ void QmfAnalysisFilter(const int32_t pcm[4], Qmf_storage* Qmf_St, const int32_t* predVals, int32_t* aqmfOutputs)
+   int32_t convSumDiff[4];
+   int32_t filterOutputs[4];
+   int32_t lc_QmfO_pt = (Qmf_St->QmfO_pt);
+   int32_t lc_QmfI_pt = (Qmf_St->QmfI_pt);
+   /* Run the analysis QMF */
+   /* Symbolic constants to represent the first and second set out outer filter
+    * outputs. */
+   enum { FirstOuterOutputs = 0, SecondOuterOutputs = 1 };
+   /* Load outer filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the first 2 PCM
+    * samples. Convolve the filter and get the 2 convolution results. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = pcm[FirstPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt] = pcm[FirstPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = pcm[SecondPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt++] = pcm[SecondPcm];
+   lc_QmfO_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvO_HD(&Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt],
+      Qmf_outerCoeffs, &convSumDiff[0]);
+   /* Load outer filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the second 2 PCM
+    * samples. Convolve the filter and get the 2 convolution results. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = pcm[ThirdPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt] = pcm[ThirdPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 16] = pcm[FourthPcm];
+   Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt++] = pcm[FourthPcm];
+   lc_QmfO_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvO_HD(&Qmf_St->QmfL_buf[lc_QmfO_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfH_buf[lc_QmfO_pt],
+      Qmf_outerCoeffs, &convSumDiff[1]);
+   /* Load the first inner filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the 2
+    * convolution sum (low-pass) outer filter outputs. Convolve the filter and
+    * get the 2 convolution results. The first 2 analysis filter outputs are
+    * the sum and difference values for the first inner filter convolutions. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[0];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[0];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[1];
+   Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[1];
+   AsmQmfConvI_HD(&Qmf_St->QmfLL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16], &Qmf_St->QmfLH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 1],
+      &Qmf_innerCoeffs[0], &filterOutputs[LL]);
+   /* Load the second inner filter phase1 and phase2 delay lines with the 2
+    * convolution difference (high-pass) outer filter outputs. Convolve the
+    * filter and get the 2 convolution results. The second 2 analysis filter
+    * outputs are the sum and difference values for the second inner filter
+    * convolutions. */
+   Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[2];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt] = convSumDiff[2];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 16] = convSumDiff[3];
+   Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt++] = convSumDiff[3];
+   lc_QmfI_pt &= 0xF;
+   AsmQmfConvI_HD(&Qmf_St->QmfHL_buf[lc_QmfI_pt + 15], &Qmf_St->QmfHH_buf[lc_QmfI_pt],
+      &Qmf_innerCoeffs[0], &filterOutputs[HL]);
+   /* Subtracted the previous predicted value from the filter output on a
+    * per-subband basis. Ensure these values are saturated, if necessary.
+    * Manual unrolling */
+   aqmfOutputs[LL] = filterOutputs[LL] - predVals[LL];
+   if (aqmfOutputs[LL] > 8388607)  aqmfOutputs[LL] = 8388607;
+   if (aqmfOutputs[LL] < -8388608) aqmfOutputs[LL] = -8388608;
+   aqmfOutputs[LH] = filterOutputs[LH] - predVals[LH];
+   if (aqmfOutputs[LH] > 8388607)  aqmfOutputs[LH] = 8388607;
+   if (aqmfOutputs[LH] < -8388608) aqmfOutputs[LH] = -8388608;
+   aqmfOutputs[HL] = filterOutputs[HL] - predVals[HL];
+   if (aqmfOutputs[HL] > 8388607)  aqmfOutputs[HL] = 8388607;
+   if (aqmfOutputs[HL] < -8388608) aqmfOutputs[HL] = -8388608;
+   aqmfOutputs[HH] = filterOutputs[HH] - predVals[HH];
+   if (aqmfOutputs[HH] > 8388607)  aqmfOutputs[HH] = 8388607;
+   if (aqmfOutputs[HH] < -8388608) aqmfOutputs[HH] = -8388608;
+   (Qmf_St->QmfO_pt) = lc_QmfO_pt;
+   (Qmf_St->QmfI_pt) = lc_QmfI_pt;
+#endif //QMF_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QmfConv.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QmfConv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16ab0c8d76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QmfConv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ *
+ *  This file includes convolution functions required for the Qmf.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+void AsmQmfConvO_HD(const int32_t* p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* coeffPtr, int32_t* convSumDiff)
+   /* Since all manipulated data are "int16_t" it is possible to
+    * reduce the number of loads by using int32_t type and manipulating
+    * pairs of data
+    */
+   int32_t acc;
+   // Manual inlining as IAR compiler does not seem to do it itself...
+   // WARNING: This inlining assumes that m_qmfDelayLineLength == 16
+   int32_t tmp_round0;
+   int64_t local_acc0;
+   int64_t local_acc1;
+   int32_t coeffVal0;
+   int32_t coeffVal1;
+   int32_t data0;
+   int32_t data1;
+   int32_t data2;
+   int32_t data3;
+   int32_t phaseConv[2];
+   int32_t convSum;
+   int32_t convDiff;
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 1));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 1));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 1));
+   local_acc0 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 2));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 3));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 2));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 2));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 3));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 3));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 4));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 5));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 4));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 4));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 5));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 5));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 6));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 7));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 6));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 6));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 7));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 7));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 8));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 9));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 8));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 8));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 9));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 9));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 10));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 11));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 10));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 10));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 11));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 11));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 12));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 13));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 12));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 12));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 13));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 13));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 14));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 15));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 14));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 14));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 15));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 15));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0) * (int64_t)data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1) * (int64_t)data3);
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc0;
+   local_acc0 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc0 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[0] = (int32_t)acc;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc1;
+   local_acc1 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc1 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   convSum = phaseConv[1] + phaseConv[0];
+   if (convSum > 8388607)
+      convSum = 8388607;
+   if (convSum < -8388608)
+      convSum = -8388608;
+   convDiff = phaseConv[1] - phaseConv[0];
+   if (convDiff > 8388607)
+      convDiff = 8388607;
+   if (convDiff < -8388608)
+      convDiff = -8388608;
+   *(convSumDiff) = convSum;
+   *(convSumDiff + 2) = convDiff;
+void AsmQmfConvI_HD(const int32_t* p1dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* p2dl_buffPtr, const int32_t* coeffPtr, int32_t* filterOutputs)
+   int32_t acc;
+   // WARNING: This inlining assumes that m_qmfDelayLineLength == 16
+   int32_t tmp_round0;
+   int64_t local_acc0;
+   int64_t local_acc1;
+   int32_t coeffVal0;
+   int32_t coeffVal1;
+   int32_t data0;
+   int32_t data1;
+   int32_t data2;
+   int32_t data3;
+   int32_t phaseConv[2];
+   int32_t convSum;
+   int32_t convDiff;
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 1));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 1));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 1));
+   local_acc0 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 = ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 2));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 3));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 2));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 2));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 3));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 3));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 4));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 5));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 4));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 4));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 5));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 5));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 6));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 7));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 6));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 6));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 7));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 7));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 8));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 9));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 8));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 8));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 9));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 9));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 10));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 11));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 10));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 10));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 11));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 11));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 12));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 13));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 12));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 12));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 13));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 13));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   coeffVal0 = (*(coeffPtr + 14));
+   coeffVal1 = (*(coeffPtr + 15));
+   data0 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 14));
+   data1 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 14));
+   data2 = (*(p1dl_buffPtr - 15));
+   data3 = (*(p2dl_buffPtr + 15));
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data0);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal0)*data1);
+   local_acc0 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data2);
+   local_acc1 += ((int64_t)(coeffVal1)*data3);
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc0;
+   local_acc0 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc0 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[0] = (int32_t)acc;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)local_acc1;
+   local_acc1 += 0x00400000L;
+   acc = (int32_t)(local_acc1 >> 23);
+   if ((((tmp_round0 << 8) ^ 0x40000000) == 0))
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   if (acc > 8388607)
+      acc = 8388607;
+   if (acc < -8388608)
+      acc = -8388608;
+   phaseConv[1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   convSum = phaseConv[1] + phaseConv[0];
+   if (convSum > 8388607)  convSum = 8388607;
+   if (convSum < -8388608) convSum = -8388608;
+   *(filterOutputs) = convSum;
+   convDiff = phaseConv[1] - phaseConv[0];
+   if (convDiff > 8388607)  convDiff = 8388607;
+   if (convDiff < -8388608) convDiff = -8388608;
+   *(filterOutputs + 1) = convDiff;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QuantiseDifference.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QuantiseDifference.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b069a52ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/QuantiseDifference.c
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchLL(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[128];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 128;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 64];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 64;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 32];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0)  qCode += 32;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 16];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 16;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 8];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 8;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchHL(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   /* first iteration */
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+XBT_INLINE_ int32_t BsearchHH(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[8];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 8;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+void quantiseDifference_HDHL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchHL(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   // saturation required
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+void quantiseDifference_HDHH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = BsearchHH(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   // saturation required
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+void quantiseDifference_HDLL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+   index = 0;
+   index = BsearchLL(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_acc.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_acc.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   acc++;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index] >> 1;
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x511FE3 + 0x362FEC = 874FCF
+   // saturation required
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
+int32_t BsearchLH(const int32_t absDiffSignalShifted, const int32_t delta, const int32_t* dqbitTablePrt)
+   int32_t qCode;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp;
+   int32_t lc_delta = delta << 8;
+   qCode = 0;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[16];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode = 16;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 8];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 8;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 4];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 4;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 2];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode += 2;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)lc_delta * (int64_t)dqbitTablePrt[qCode + 1];
+   tmp_acc.s32.h -= absDiffSignalShifted;
+   tmp = tmp_acc.s32.h | (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 1);
+   if (tmp <= 0) qCode++;
+   return (qCode);
+void quantiseDifference_HDLH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt)
+   int32_t absDiffSignal;
+   int32_t absDiffSignalShifted;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t dithSquared;
+   int32_t minusLambdaD;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t threshDiff;
+   reg64_t tmp_acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_reg64;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_qCode;
+   int32_t tmp_altQcode;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   int32_t _delta;
+   /* Form the absolute value of the difference signal and maintain a version
+    * that is right-shifted 4 places for delta scaling. */
+   absDiffSignal = -diffSignal;
+   if (diffSignal >= 0) absDiffSignal = diffSignal;
+   absDiffSignal = ssat24(absDiffSignal);
+   absDiffSignalShifted = absDiffSignal >> deltaScale;
+   /* Binary search for the quantised code. This search terminates with the
+    * table index of the LARGEST threshold table value for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted >= (delta * threshold)
+    */
+    /* first iteration */
+   index = BsearchLH(absDiffSignalShifted, delta, qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1);
+   /* We actually wanted the SMALLEST magnitude quantised code for which
+    * absDiffSignalShifted < (delta * threshold)
+    * i.e. the code with the next highest magnitude than the one we actually
+    * found. We could add +1 to the code magnitude to do this, but we need to
+    * subtract 1 from the code magnitude to compensate for the "phantom
+    * element" at the base of the quantisation table. These two effects cancel
+    * out, so we leave the value of code alone. However, we need to form code+1
+    * to get the proper index into the both the threshold and dither tables,
+    * since we must skip over the phantom element at the base. */
+   qdata_pt->qCode = index;
+   /* Square the dither and get the value back from the ALU
+    * (saturated/rounded). */
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)ditherVal);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round0 = (uint32_t)acc << 8;
+   acc = (acc >> 6) + 1;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   dithSquared = acc;
+   /* Form the negative difference of the dither values at index and index-1.
+    * Load the accumulator with this value divided by 2. Ensure saturation is
+    * applied to the difference calculation. */
+   minusLambdaD = qdata_pt->minusLambdaDTable[index];
+   tmp_accL = (1 << 23) - (int32_t)dithSquared;
+   tmp_acc.s64 = (int64_t)tmp_accL * minusLambdaD;
+   tmp_round0 = (int32_t)tmp_acc.s32.l << 8;
+   acc = (tmp_acc.u32.l >> 22) | (tmp_acc.s32.h << 10);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc -= 2;
+   acc++;
+   /* Add the threshold table values at index and index-1 to the accumulated
+    * value. */
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1];
+   //// worst case value for acc = 0x000d3e08 + 0x43E1DB = 511FE3
+   acc += qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   acc >>= 1;
+   // saturation required
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Form the threshold table difference at index and index-1. Ensure
+    * saturation is applied to the difference calculation. */
+   threshDiff = qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index + 1] - qdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   /* Based on the sign of the difference signal, either add or subtract the
+    * threshold table difference from the accumulated value. Recover the final
+    * accumulated value (saturated/rounded) */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+      threshDiff = -threshDiff;
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * (int64_t)threshDiff);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += acc;
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h;
+   if (tmp_reg64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 1) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 31);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   _delta = -delta << 8;
+   acc = acc << 4;
+   /* Form (absDiffSignal * 0.125) - (acc * delta), which is the final distance
+    * signal used to determine if dithering alters the quantised code value or
+    * not. */
+    // worst case value for delta is 0x7d400
+   tmp_reg64.s64 = ((int64_t)acc * (int64_t)_delta);
+   tmp_reg64.s32.h += absDiffSignal;
+   tmp_round0 = (tmp_reg64.u32.l >> 4) | (tmp_reg64.s32.h << 28);
+   acc = tmp_reg64.s32.h + (1 << 2);
+   acc >>= 3;
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x40000000L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   tmp_qCode = qdata_pt->qCode;
+   tmp_altQcode = tmp_qCode - 1;
+   /* Check the sign of the distance penalty. Get the sign from the
+    * full-precision accumulator, as done in the Kalimba code. */
+   if (tmp_reg64.s32.h < 0)
+   {
+      /* The distance is -ve. The optimum code needs decremented by 1 and the
+       * alternative code is 1 greater than this. Get the rounded version of the
+       * -ve distance penalty and negate this (form distance magnitude) before
+       *  writing the value out */
+      tmp_qCode = tmp_altQcode;
+      tmp_altQcode++;
+      acc = -acc;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->distPenalty = acc;
+   /* If the difference signal is negative, bitwise invert the code (restores
+    * sign to the magnitude). */
+   if (diffSignal < 0)
+   {
+      tmp_qCode = ~tmp_qCode;
+      tmp_altQcode = ~tmp_altQcode;
+   }
+   qdata_pt->altQcode = tmp_altQcode;
+   qdata_pt->qCode = tmp_qCode;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Quantiser.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Quantiser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e08fec47683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/Quantiser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ *
+ *  Function to calculate a quantised representation of an input
+ *  difference signal, based on additional dither values and step-size inputs.
+ *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef QUANTISER_H
+#define QUANTISER_H
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+void quantiseDifference_HDLL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifference_HDHL(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifference_HDLH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_pt);
+void quantiseDifference_HDHH(const int32_t diffSignal, const int32_t ditherVal, const int32_t delta, Quantiser_data* qdata_p);
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
+#endif //QUANTISER_H
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctions.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctions.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84cd2dd42dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ *
+ *  Subband processing consists of:
+ *  inverse quantisation (defined in a separate file),
+ *  predictor coefficient update (Pole and Zero Coeff update),
+ *  predictor filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+XBT_INLINE_ void updatePredictorPoleCoefficients(const int32_t invQ, const int32_t prevZfiltOutput, PoleCoeff_data* PoleCoeffDataPt)
+   int32_t adaptSum;
+   int32_t sgnP[3];
+   int32_t newCoeffs[2];
+   int32_t Bacc;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int32_t acc2;
+   int32_t tmp3_round0;
+   int16_t tmp2_round0;
+   int16_t tmp_round0;
+   /* Various constants in various Q formats */
+   const int32_t oneQ22 = 4194304L;
+   const int32_t minusOneQ22 = -4194304L;
+   const int32_t pointFiveQ21 = 1048576L;
+   const int32_t minusPointFiveQ21 = -1048576L;
+   const int32_t pointSevenFiveQ22 = 3145728L;
+   const int32_t minusPointSevenFiveQ22 = -3145728L;
+   const int32_t oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 = 3932160L;
+   /* Symbolic indicies for the pole coefficient arrays. Here we are using a1
+    * to represent the first pole filter coefficient and a2 the second. This
+    * seems to be common ADPCM terminology. */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Symbolic indicies for the sgn array (k, k-1 and k-2 respectively) */
+   enum { k = 0, k_1 = 1, k_2 = 2 };
+   /* Form the sum of the inverse quantiser and previous zero filter values */
+   adaptSum = invQ + prevZfiltOutput;
+   adaptSum = ssat24(adaptSum);
+   /* Form the sgn of the sum just formed (note +1 and -1 are Q22) */
+   if (adaptSum < 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = minusOneQ22;
+      sgnP[k_1] = -(((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l) << 22);
+      sgnP[k_2] = -(((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h) << 22);
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = -1;
+   }
+   if (adaptSum == 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = 0L;
+      sgnP[k_1] = 0L;
+      sgnP[k_2] = 0L;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = 1;
+   }
+   if (adaptSum > 0L)
+   {
+      sgnP[k] = oneQ22;
+      sgnP[k_1] = ((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l) << 22;
+      sgnP[k_2] = ((int32_t)PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h) << 22;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.h = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l;
+      PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s16.l = 1;
+   }
+   /* Clear the accumulator and form -a1(k) * sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-1)) in Q21. Clip
+    * it to +/- 0.5 (Q21) so that we can take f(a1) = 4 * a1. This is a partial
+    * result for the new a2 */
+   acc = 0;
+   acc -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] * (sgnP[k_1] >> 22);
+   tmp3_round0 = acc & 0x3L;
+   acc += 0x001;
+   acc >>= 1;
+   if (tmp3_round0 == 0x001L)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a2] = acc;
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] < minusPointFiveQ21)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = minusPointFiveQ21;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] > pointFiveQ21)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = pointFiveQ21;
+   }
+   /* Load the accumulator with sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-2)) right-shifted by 3. The
+    * 3-position shift is to multiply it by 0.25 and convert from Q22 to Q21. */
+   Bacc = (sgnP[k_2] >> 3);
+   /* Add the current a2 update value to the accumulator (Q21) */
+   Bacc += newCoeffs[a2];
+   /* Shift the accumulator right by 4 positions.
+    * Right 7 places to multiply by 2^(-7)
+    * Left 2 places to scale by 4 (0.25A + B -> A + 4B)
+    * Left 1 place to convert from Q21 to Q22 */
+   Bacc >>= 4;
+   /* Add a2(k-1) * (1 - 2^(-7)) to the accumulator. Note that the constant is
+    * expressed as Q23, hence the product is Q22. Get the accumulator value
+    * back out. */
+   acc2 = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] << 8;
+   acc2 -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] << 1;
+   Bacc <<= 8;
+   Bacc += acc2;
+   tmp2_round0 = (int16_t)Bacc & 0x01FFL;
+   Bacc += 0x0080L;
+   Bacc >>= 8;
+   if (tmp2_round0 == 0x0080L)
+   {
+      Bacc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a2] = Bacc;
+   /* Clip the new a2(k) value to +/- 0.75 (Q22) */
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] < minusPointSevenFiveQ22)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = minusPointSevenFiveQ22;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a2] > pointSevenFiveQ22)
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a2] = pointSevenFiveQ22;
+   }
+   PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a2] = newCoeffs[a2];
+   /* Form sgn(p(k))sgn(p(k-1)) * (3 * 2^(-8)). The constant is Q23, hence the
+    * product is Q22. */
+    /* Add a1(k-1) * (1 - 2^(-8)) to the accumulator. The constant is Q23, hence
+     * the product is Q22. Get the value from the accumulator. */
+   acc2 = PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] << 8;
+   acc2 -= PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1];
+   acc2 += (sgnP[k_1] << 2);
+   acc2 -= (sgnP[k_1]);
+   tmp_round0 = (int16_t)acc2 & 0x01FF;
+   acc2 += 0x0080;
+   acc = (acc2 >> 8);
+   if (tmp_round0 == 0x0080)
+   {
+      acc--;
+   }
+   newCoeffs[a1] = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Clip the new value of a1(k) to +/- (1 - 2^4 - a2(k)). The constant 1 -
+    * 2^4 is expressed in Q22 format (as is a1 and a2) */
+   if (newCoeffs[a1] < (newCoeffs[a2] - oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22))
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a1] = newCoeffs[a2] - oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22;
+   }
+   if (newCoeffs[a1] > (oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 - newCoeffs[a2]))
+   {
+      newCoeffs[a1] = oneMinusTwoPowerMinusFourQ22 - newCoeffs[a2];
+   }
+   PoleCoeffDataPt->m_poleCoeff[a1] = newCoeffs[a1];
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..618d4399197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SubbandFunctionsCommon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+ *
+ *  Subband processing consists of:
+ *  inverse quantisation (defined in a separate file),
+ *  predictor coefficient update (Pole and Zero Coeff update),
+ *  predictor filtering.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+enum reg64_reg
+   reg64_H = 1,
+   reg64_L = 0
+void processSubband_HD(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+void processSubband_HDLL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+void processSubband_HDHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt, IQuantiser_data* iqDataPt);
+/* Function to carry out inverse quantisation for a subband */
+XBT_INLINE_ void invertQuantisation(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, IQuantiser_data* iqdata_pt)
+   int32_t invQ;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_r64;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_accH;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   uint32_t tmp_round1;
+   unsigned u16t;
+   /* log delta leak value (Q23) */
+   const uint32_t logDeltaLeakVal = 0x7F6CL;
+   /* Turn the quantised code back into an index into the threshold table. This
+    * involves bitwise inversion of the code (if -ve) and adding 1 (phantom
+    * element at table base). Then set invQ to be +/- the threshold value,
+    * depending on the code sign. */
+   index = qCode;
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      index = (~index);
+   index = index + 1;
+   invQ = iqdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      invQ = -invQ;
+   /* Load invQ into the accumulator. Add the product of the dither value times
+    * the indexed dither table value. Then get the result back from the
+    * accumulator as an updated invQ. */
+   tmp_r64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * iqdata_pt->ditherTablePtr_sf1[index]);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h += invQ >> 1;
+   acc = tmp_r64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round1 = tmp_r64.s32.h & 0x00000001L;
+   if (tmp_r64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0 && tmp_r64.s32.l == (int32_t)0x80000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   invQ = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Scale invQ by the current delta value. Left-shift the result (in the
+    * accumulator) by 4 positions for the delta scaling. Get the updated invQ
+    * back from the accumulator. */
+   u16t = iqdata_pt->logDelta;
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)invQ * iqdata_pt->delta);
+   tmp_accL = u16t * logDeltaLeakVal;
+   tmp_accH = iqdata_pt->incrTablePtr[index];
+   acc = (int32_t)(tmp_acc >> (23 - deltaScale));
+   invQ = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Now update the value of logDelta. Load the accumulator with the index
+    * value of the logDelta increment table. Add the product of the current
+    * logDelta scaled by a leaky coefficient (16310 in Q14). Get the value back
+    * from the accumulator. */
+   tmp_accH += tmp_accL >> (32 - 17);
+   acc = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_r64.u32.l = ((uint32_t)tmp_accL << 17);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_round0 = tmp_r64.u32.l;
+   tmp_round1 = (int32_t)(tmp_r64.u64 >> 1);
+   if (tmp_round0 >= 0x80000000L)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Limit the updated logDelta between 0 and its subband-specific maximum. */
+   if (acc < 0)
+      acc = 0;
+   if (acc > iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta)
+      acc = iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta;
+   iqdata_pt->logDelta = (uint16_t)acc;
+   /* The updated value of delta is the logTable output (indexed by 5 bits from
+    * the updated logDelta) shifted by a value involving the logDelta minimum
+    * and the updated logDelta itself. */
+   iqdata_pt->delta = iqdata_pt->iquantTableLogPtr[(acc >> 3) & 0x1f] >>
+      (22 - 25 - iqdata_pt->minLogDelta - (acc >> 8));
+   iqdata_pt->invQ = invQ;
+XBT_INLINE_ void invertQuantisationHL(const int32_t qCode, const int32_t ditherVal, IQuantiser_data* iqdata_pt)
+   int32_t invQ;
+   int32_t index;
+   int32_t acc;
+   reg64_t tmp_r64;
+   int64_t tmp_acc;
+   int32_t tmp_accL;
+   int32_t tmp_accH;
+   uint32_t tmp_round0;
+   uint32_t tmp_round1;
+   unsigned u16t;
+   /* log delta leak value (Q23) */
+   const uint32_t logDeltaLeakVal = 0x7F6CL;
+   /* Turn the quantised code back into an index into the threshold table. This
+    * involves bitwise inversion of the code (if -ve) and adding 1 (phantom
+    * element at table base). Then set invQ to be +/- the threshold value,
+    * depending on the code sign. */
+   index = qCode;
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      index = (~index);
+   index = index + 1;
+   invQ = iqdata_pt->thresholdTablePtr_sl1[index];
+   if (qCode < 0)
+      invQ = -invQ;
+   /* Load invQ into the accumulator. Add the product of the dither value times
+    * the indexed dither table value. Then get the result back from the
+    * accumulator as an updated invQ. */
+   tmp_r64.s64 = ((int64_t)ditherVal * iqdata_pt->ditherTablePtr_sf1[index]);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h += invQ >> 1;
+   acc = tmp_r64.s32.h;
+   tmp_round1 = tmp_r64.s32.h & 0x00000001L;
+   if (tmp_r64.u32.l >= 0x80000000)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0 && tmp_r64.u32.l == 0x80000000L)
+      acc--;
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   invQ = (int32_t)acc;
+   /* Scale invQ by the current delta value. Left-shift the result (in the
+    * accumulator) by 4 positions for the delta scaling. Get the updated invQ
+    * back from the accumulator. */
+   u16t = iqdata_pt->logDelta;
+   tmp_acc = ((int64_t)invQ * iqdata_pt->delta);
+   tmp_accL = u16t * logDeltaLeakVal;
+   tmp_accH = iqdata_pt->incrTablePtr[index];
+   acc = (int32_t)(tmp_acc >> (23 - deltaScale));
+   invQ = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Now update the value of logDelta. Load the accumulator with the index
+    * value of the logDelta increment table. Add the product of the current
+    * logDelta scaled by a leaky coefficient (16310 in Q14). Get the value back
+    * from the accumulator. */
+   tmp_accH += tmp_accL >> (32 - 17);
+   acc = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_r64.u32.l = ((uint32_t)tmp_accL << 17);
+   tmp_r64.s32.h = tmp_accH;
+   tmp_round0 = tmp_r64.u32.l;
+   tmp_round1 = (int32_t)(tmp_r64.u64 >> 1);
+   if (tmp_round0 >= 0x80000000L)
+      acc++;
+   if (tmp_round1 == 0x40000000L)
+      acc--;
+   /* Limit the updated logDelta between 0 and its subband-specific maximum. */
+   if (acc < 0)
+      acc = 0;
+   if (acc > iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta)
+      acc = iqdata_pt->maxLogDelta;
+   iqdata_pt->logDelta = (uint16_t)acc;
+   /* The updated value of delta is the logTable output (indexed by 5 bits from
+    * the updated logDelta) shifted by a value involving the logDelta minimum
+    * and the updated logDelta itself. */
+   iqdata_pt->delta = iqdata_pt->iquantTableLogPtr[(acc >> 3) & 0x1f] >>
+      (22 - 25 - iqdata_pt->minLogDelta - (acc >> 8));
+   iqdata_pt->invQ = invQ;
+/* Function to carry out prediction ARMA filtering for the current subband 
+ * performPredictionFiltering should only be used for HH and LH subband! */
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFiltering(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   if (invQ == 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 12;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 12)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 12; k++)
+   {
+      uint32_t  tmp_round0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      int32_t zData0;
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L)
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      tmp_round0 = acc;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      if (((tmp_round0 << 23) ^ 0x80000000) == 0) acc--;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary. */
+   predVal = acc + poleVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 12] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFilteringLL(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   /* store poleVal to free one register. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = poleVal;
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   if (invQ == 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 24;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 24)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 24; k++)
+   {
+      int32_t zData0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L)
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      if (((acc << 23) ^ 0x80000000) == 0) coeffValue--;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary.
+    * recover value of PoleVal stored at beginning of routine... */
+   predVal = acc + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 24] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+XBT_INLINE_ void performPredictionFilteringHL(const int32_t invQ, Subband_data* SubbandDataPt)
+   int32_t poleVal;
+   int32_t acc;
+   int64_t accL;
+   uint32_t pointer;
+   int32_t poleDelayLine;
+   int32_t predVal;
+   int32_t* zeroCoeffPt = SubbandDataPt->m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff;
+   int32_t* poleCoeff = SubbandDataPt->m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff;
+   int32_t* cbuf_pt;
+   int32_t invQincr_pos;
+   int32_t invQincr_neg;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t oldZData;
+   const int32_t roundCte = 0x80000000;
+   /* Pole coefficient and data indicies */
+   enum { a1 = 0, a2 = 1 };
+   /* Write the newest pole input sample to the pole delay line.
+    * Ensure the sum of the current dequantised error and the previous
+    * predictor output is saturated if necessary. */
+   poleDelayLine = invQ + SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal;
+   poleDelayLine = ssat24(poleDelayLine);
+   /* Pole filter convolution. Shift convolution result 1 place to the left
+    * before retrieving it, since the pole coefficients are Q22 (data is Q23)
+    * and we want a Q23 result */
+   accL = ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a2] * (int64_t)SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2]);
+   /* Update the pole delay line for the next pass by writing the new input
+    * sample into the 2nd element */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[a2] = poleDelayLine;
+   accL += ((int64_t)poleCoeff[a1] * (int64_t)poleDelayLine);
+   poleVal = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   poleVal = ssat24(poleVal);
+   /* Create (2^(-7)) * sgn(invQ) in Q22 format. */
+   invQincr_pos = 0L;
+   if (invQ != 0)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = 0x800000;
+   }
+   if (invQ < 0L)
+   {
+      invQincr_pos = -invQincr_pos;
+   }
+   invQincr_neg = 0x0080 - invQincr_pos;
+   invQincr_pos += 0x0080;
+   pointer = (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer++) + 6;
+   cbuf_pt = &SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[pointer];
+   /* partial manual unrolling to improve performance */
+   if (SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer >= 6)
+      SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = invQ;
+   /* Iterate over the number of coefficients for this subband */
+   oldZData = invQ;
+   accL = 0;
+   for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
+   {
+      uint32_t  tmp_round0;
+      int32_t coeffValue;
+      int32_t zData0;
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+      zData0 = (*(cbuf_pt--));
+      coeffValue = *(zeroCoeffPt + k);
+      if (zData0 < 0L)
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_neg - coeffValue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         acc = invQincr_pos - coeffValue;
+      }
+      tmp_round0 = acc;
+      acc = (acc >> 8) + coeffValue;
+      if (((tmp_round0 << 23) ^ roundCte) == 0) acc--;
+      accL += (int64_t)acc * (int64_t)(oldZData);
+      oldZData = zData0;
+      *(zeroCoeffPt + k) = acc;
+   }
+   acc = (int32_t)(accL >> 22);
+   acc = ssat24(acc);
+   /* Predictor output is the sum of the pole and zero filter outputs. Ensure
+    * this is saturated, if necessary. */
+   predVal = acc + poleVal;
+   predVal = ssat24(predVal);
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroVal = acc;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_predVal = predVal;
+   /* Update the zero filter delay line by writing the new input sample to the
+    * circular buffer. */
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
+   SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer + 6] = SubbandDataPt->m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SyncInserter.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SyncInserter.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f393a0d223e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/SyncInserter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ *
+ *  All declarations relevant for the SyncInserter class. This class exposes a
+ *  public interface that lets a client supply two aptX HD encoder objects (left
+ *  and right stereo channel) and have the current quantised codes adjusted to
+ *  bury an autosync bit.
+ *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+/* Function to insert sync information into one of the 8
+ * quantised codes spread across 2 aptX HD codewords (1 codeword
+ * per channel) */
+XBT_INLINE_ void xbtEncinsertSync(Encoder_data* leftChannelEncoder, Encoder_data* rightChannelEncoder, uint32_t* syncWordPhase)
+   /* Currently using 0x1 as the 8-bit sync pattern */
+   static const uint32_t syncWord = 0x1;
+   uint32_t tmp_var;
+   uint32_t i;
+   /* Variable to hold the XOR of all the quantised code lsbs */
+   uint32_t xorCodeLsbs;
+   /* Variable to point to the quantiser with the minimum calculated distance
+    * penalty. */
+   Quantiser_data* minPenaltyQuantiser;
+   /* Get the vector of quantiser pointers from the left and right encoders */
+   Quantiser_data* leftQuant[4];
+   Quantiser_data* rightQuant[4];
+   leftQuant[0] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   leftQuant[1] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   leftQuant[2] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   leftQuant[3] = &leftChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   rightQuant[0] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[0];
+   rightQuant[1] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[1];
+   rightQuant[2] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[2];
+   rightQuant[3] = &rightChannelEncoder->m_qdata[3];
+   /* Starting quantiser traversal with the LL quantiser from the left channel.
+    * Initialise the pointer to the minimum penalty quantiser with the details
+    * of the left LL quantiser. Initialise the code lsbs XOR variable with the
+    * left LL quantised code lsbs and also XOR in the left and right random
+    * dither bit generated by the 2 encoders. */
+   xorCodeLsbs =
+      ((rightQuant[LL]->qCode) & 0x1) ^
+      leftChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit ^
+      rightChannelEncoder->m_dithSyncRandBit;
+   minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LH];
+   /* Traverse across the LH, HL and HH quantisers from the right channel */
+   for (i = LH; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (rightQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (rightQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HL];
+   if (rightQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[LL];
+   if (rightQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = rightQuant[HH];
+   /* Traverse across all quantisers from the left channel */
+   for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+   {
+      /* XOR in the lsb of the quantised code currently examined */
+      xorCodeLsbs ^= (leftQuant[i]->qCode) & 0x1;
+   }
+   /* If the distance penalty associated with a quantiser is less than the
+    * current minimum, then make that quantiser the minimum penalty
+    * quantiser. */
+   if (leftQuant[LH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LH];
+   if (leftQuant[HL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HL];
+   if (leftQuant[LL]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[LL];
+   if (leftQuant[HH]->distPenalty < minPenaltyQuantiser->distPenalty)
+      minPenaltyQuantiser = leftQuant[HH];
+   /* If the lsbs of all 8 quantised codes don't happen to equal the desired
+    * sync bit to embed, then force them to be by replacing the optimum code
+    * with the alternate code in the minimum penalty quantiser (changes the lsb
+    * of the code in this quantiser) */
+   if (xorCodeLsbs != ((syncWord >> (*syncWordPhase)) & 0x1))
+   {
+      minPenaltyQuantiser->qCode = minPenaltyQuantiser->altQcode;
+   }
+   /* Decrement the selected sync word bit modulo 8 for the next pass. */
+   tmp_var = --(*syncWordPhase);
+   (*syncWordPhase) = tmp_var & 0x7;
+#ifdef _GCC
+  #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/aptXHDbtenc.c b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/aptXHDbtenc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9eac1a378e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/aptXHDbtenc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "AptxParameters.h"
+#include "AptxTables.h"
+#include "aptXHDbtenc.h"
+#include "AptxEncoder.h"
+#include "SyncInserter.h"
+#include "CodewordPacker.h"
+#include "swversion.h"
+typedef struct aptxhdbtenc_t
+    /* m_endian should either be 0 (little endian) or 8 (big endian). */
+   int32_t m_endian;
+   /* Autosync inserter & Checker for use with the stereo aptX HD codec. */
+   /* The current phase of the sync word insertion (7 down to 0) */
+   uint32_t m_syncWordPhase;
+   /* Stereo channel aptX HD encoder (annotated to produce Kalimba test vectors
+   * for it's I/O. This will process valid PCM from a WAV file). */
+   /* Each Encoder_data structure requires 1592 bytes */
+   Encoder_data m_encoderData[2];
+   Qmf_storage m_qmf_l;
+   Qmf_storage m_qmf_r;
+} aptxhdbtenc;
+/* Constants */
+/* Log to linear lookup table used in inverse quantiser*/
+/* Size of Table: 32*4 = 128 bytes */
+static const int32_t IQuant_tableLogT[32] =
+{ 16384 * 256, 16744 * 256, 17112 * 256, 17488 * 256,
+   17864 * 256, 18256 * 256, 18656 * 256, 19064 * 256,
+   19480 * 256, 19912 * 256, 20344 * 256, 20792 * 256,
+   21248 * 256, 21712 * 256, 22192 * 256, 22672 * 256,
+   23168 * 256, 23680 * 256, 24200 * 256, 24728 * 256,
+   25264 * 256, 25824 * 256, 26384 * 256, 26968 * 256,
+   27552 * 256, 28160 * 256, 28776 * 256, 29408 * 256,
+   30048 * 256, 30704 * 256, 31376 * 256, 32064 * 256
+void clearmem_HD(void* mem, int32_t sz)
+   int8_t* m = (int8_t*)mem;
+   int32_t i = 0;
+   for (; i < sz; i++)
+   {
+      *m = 0;
+      m++;
+   }
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int SizeofAptxhdbtenc()
+   return (sizeof(aptxhdbtenc));
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT const char* aptxhdbtenc_version()
+   return (swversion);
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int aptxhdbtenc_init(void* _state, short endian)
+   aptxhdbtenc* state = (aptxhdbtenc*)_state;
+   int32_t j = 0;
+   int32_t k;
+   int32_t t;
+   clearmem_HD(_state, sizeof(aptxhdbtenc));
+   if (state == 0)
+      return 1;
+   state->m_syncWordPhase = 7L;
+   if (endian == 0)
+   {
+      state->m_endian = 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      state->m_endian = 8;
+   }
+   for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+   {
+      Encoder_data* encode_dat = &state->m_encoderData[j];
+      uint32_t i;
+      /* Create a quantiser and subband processor for each suband */
+      for (i = LL; i <= HH; i++)
+      {
+         encode_dat->m_codewordHistory = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].thresholdTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].threshTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].thresholdTablePtr_sl1 = subbandParameters[i].threshTable_sl1;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].ditherTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].dithTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].minusLambdaDTable = subbandParameters[i].minusLambdaDTable;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].codeBits = subbandParameters[i].numBits;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].qCode = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].altQcode = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_qdata[i].distPenalty = 0L;
+         /* initialisation of inverseQuantiser data */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.thresholdTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].threshTable;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.thresholdTablePtr_sl1 = subbandParameters[i].threshTable_sl1;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.ditherTablePtr_sf1 = subbandParameters[i].dithTable_sh1;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.incrTablePtr = subbandParameters[i].incrTable;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.maxLogDelta = subbandParameters[i].maxLogDelta;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.minLogDelta = subbandParameters[i].minLogDelta;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i] = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.logDelta = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.invQ = 0;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_iqdata.iquantTableLogPtr = &IQuant_tableLogT[0];
+         // Initializing data for predictor filter
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.modulo = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         for (t = 0; t < 48; t++)
+         {
+            encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.buffer[t] = 0;
+         }
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroDelayLine.pointer = 0;
+         /* Initialise the previous zero filter output and predictor output to zero */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_zeroVal = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_predVal = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_numZeros = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         /* Initialise the contents of the pole data delay line to zero */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[0] = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_predData.m_poleDelayLine[1] = 0L;
+         for (k = 0; k < 24; k++)
+         {
+            encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_ZeroCoeffData.m_zeroCoeff[k] = 0;
+         }
+         // Initializing data for zerocoeff update function.
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_ZeroCoeffData.m_numZeros = subbandParameters[i].numZeros;
+         /* Initializing data for PoleCoeff update function.
+          * Fill the adaptation delay line with +1 initially */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleAdaptDelayLine.s32 = 0x00010001;
+         /* Zero the pole coefficients */
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff[0] = 0L;
+         encode_dat->m_SubbandData[i].m_PoleCoeffData.m_poleCoeff[1] = 0L;
+      }
+   }
+   return 0;
+APTXHDBTENCEXPORT int aptxhdbtenc_encodestereo(void* _state, void* _pcmL, void* _pcmR, void* _buffer)
+   aptxhdbtenc* state = (aptxhdbtenc*)_state;
+   int32_t* pcmL = (int32_t*)_pcmL;
+   int32_t* pcmR = (int32_t*)_pcmR;
+   int32_t* buffer = (int32_t*)_buffer;
+   int32_t tmp_reg;
+   //Feed the PCM to the dual aptX HD encoders
+   aptxhdEncode(pcmL, &state->m_qmf_l, &state->m_encoderData[0]);
+   aptxhdEncode(pcmR, &state->m_qmf_r, &state->m_encoderData[1]);
+   //Insert the autosync information into the stereo quantised codes
+   xbtEncinsertSync(&state->m_encoderData[0], &state->m_encoderData[1], &state->m_syncWordPhase);
+   aptxhdPostEncode(&state->m_encoderData[0]);
+   aptxhdPostEncode(&state->m_encoderData[1]);
+   //Pack the (possibly adjusted) codes into a 24-bit codeword per channel
+   tmp_reg = packCodeword(&state->m_encoderData[0]);
+   buffer[0] = (int32_t)tmp_reg;
+   tmp_reg = packCodeword(&state->m_encoderData[1]);
+   buffer[1] = (int32_t)tmp_reg;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/swversion.h b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/swversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ca62d48845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/embdrv/encoder_for_aptxhd/src/swversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef SWVERSION_H
+#define SWVERSION_H
+const char* swversion = "1.0.0";
+#endif  //SWVERSION_H