diff --git a/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/InetDiagMessage.java b/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/InetDiagMessage.java
index 4f76577caac2e63e268eb460c9466e3af3e80a76..c6a204298d58ddfc05e1bb246af4fc6ffcc56eb1 100644
--- a/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/InetDiagMessage.java
+++ b/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/InetDiagMessage.java
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
 import java.util.function.Predicate;
@@ -307,9 +309,8 @@ public class InetDiagMessage extends NetlinkMessage {
-    private static void sendNetlinkDumpRequest(FileDescriptor fd, int proto, int states, int family)
-            throws InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
-        final byte[] dumpMsg = InetDiagMessage.inetDiagReqV2(
+    private static byte [] makeNetlinkDumpRequest(int proto, int states, int family) {
+        return InetDiagMessage.inetDiagReqV2(
                 null /* id */,
@@ -318,51 +319,29 @@ public class InetDiagMessage extends NetlinkMessage {
                 0 /* pad */,
                 0 /* idiagExt */,
-        NetlinkUtils.sendMessage(fd, dumpMsg, 0, dumpMsg.length, IO_TIMEOUT_MS);
-    private static int processNetlinkDumpAndDestroySockets(FileDescriptor dumpFd,
+    private static int processNetlinkDumpAndDestroySockets(byte[] dumpReq,
             FileDescriptor destroyFd, int proto, Predicate<InetDiagMessage> filter)
-            throws InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
-        int destroyedSockets = 0;
-        while (true) {
-            final ByteBuffer buf = NetlinkUtils.recvMessage(
-                    dumpFd, DEFAULT_RECV_BUFSIZE, IO_TIMEOUT_MS);
-            while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
-                final int position = buf.position();
-                final NetlinkMessage nlMsg = NetlinkMessage.parse(buf, NETLINK_INET_DIAG);
-                if (nlMsg == null) {
-                    // Move to the position where parse started for error log.
-                    buf.position(position);
-                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse netlink message: " + hexify(buf));
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (nlMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) {
-                    return destroyedSockets;
-                }
-                if (!(nlMsg instanceof InetDiagMessage)) {
-                    Log.wtf(TAG, "Received unexpected netlink message: " + nlMsg);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                final InetDiagMessage diagMsg = (InetDiagMessage) nlMsg;
-                if (filter.test(diagMsg)) {
-                    try {
-                        sendNetlinkDestroyRequest(destroyFd, proto, diagMsg);
-                        destroyedSockets++;
-                    } catch (InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
-                        if (!(e instanceof ErrnoException
-                                && ((ErrnoException) e).errno == ENOENT)) {
-                            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to destroy socket: diagMsg=" + diagMsg + ", " + e);
-                        }
+            throws SocketException, InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
+        AtomicInteger destroyedSockets = new AtomicInteger(0);
+        Consumer<InetDiagMessage> handleNlDumpMsg = (diagMsg) -> {
+            if (filter.test(diagMsg)) {
+                try {
+                    sendNetlinkDestroyRequest(destroyFd, proto, diagMsg);
+                    destroyedSockets.getAndIncrement();
+                } catch (InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
+                    if (!(e instanceof ErrnoException
+                            && ((ErrnoException) e).errno == ENOENT)) {
+                        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to destroy socket: diagMsg=" + diagMsg + ", " + e);
-        }
+        };
+        NetlinkUtils.<InetDiagMessage>getAndProcessNetlinkDumpMessages(dumpReq,
+                NETLINK_INET_DIAG, InetDiagMessage.class, handleNlDumpMsg);
+        return destroyedSockets.get();
@@ -420,31 +399,28 @@ public class InetDiagMessage extends NetlinkMessage {
     private static void destroySockets(int proto, int states, Predicate<InetDiagMessage> filter)
             throws ErrnoException, SocketException, InterruptedIOException {
-        FileDescriptor dumpFd = null;
         FileDescriptor destroyFd = null;
         try {
-            dumpFd = NetlinkUtils.createNetLinkInetDiagSocket();
             destroyFd = NetlinkUtils.createNetLinkInetDiagSocket();
-            connectToKernel(dumpFd);
             for (int family : List.of(AF_INET, AF_INET6)) {
+                byte[] req = makeNetlinkDumpRequest(proto, states, family);
                 try {
-                    sendNetlinkDumpRequest(dumpFd, proto, states, family);
-                } catch (InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
-                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send netlink dump request: " + e);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                final int destroyedSockets = processNetlinkDumpAndDestroySockets(
-                        dumpFd, destroyFd, proto, filter);
-                Log.d(TAG, "Destroyed " + destroyedSockets + " sockets"
+                    final int destroyedSockets = processNetlinkDumpAndDestroySockets(
+                            req, destroyFd, proto, filter);
+                    Log.d(TAG, "Destroyed " + destroyedSockets + " sockets"
                         + ", proto=" + stringForProtocol(proto)
                         + ", family=" + stringForAddressFamily(family)
                         + ", states=" + states);
+                } catch (SocketException | InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
+                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send netlink dump request or receive messages: " + e);
+                    continue;
+                }
         } finally {
-            closeSocketQuietly(dumpFd);
diff --git a/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/NetlinkUtils.java b/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/NetlinkUtils.java
index fafa5eeef73f2b9a47161ef1b356ab96c0ebb0c8..7c2be2cfbed972b19b29e59028a630ea168d7218 100644
--- a/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/NetlinkUtils.java
+++ b/staticlibs/device/com/android/net/module/util/netlink/NetlinkUtils.java
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import static com.android.net.module.util.netlink.NetlinkConstants.RTNL_FAMILY_I
 import static com.android.net.module.util.netlink.StructNlMsgHdr.NLM_F_DUMP;
 import static com.android.net.module.util.netlink.StructNlMsgHdr.NLM_F_REQUEST;
-import android.net.ParseException;
 import android.net.util.SocketUtils;
 import android.system.ErrnoException;
 import android.system.Os;
@@ -315,49 +314,20 @@ public class NetlinkUtils {
     private NetlinkUtils() {}
-    /**
-     * Sends a netlink dump request and processes the returned dump messages
-     *
-     * @param <T> extends NetlinkMessage
-     * @param dumpRequestMessage netlink dump request message to be sent
-     * @param nlFamily netlink family
-     * @param msgClass expected class of the netlink message
-     * @param func function defined by caller to handle the dump messages
-     * @throws SocketException when fails to create socket
-     * @throws InterruptedIOException when fails to read the dumpFd
-     * @throws ErrnoException when fails to send dump request
-     * @throws ParseException when message can't be parsed
-     */
-    public static <T extends NetlinkMessage> void getAndProcessNetlinkDumpMessages(
-            byte[] dumpRequestMessage, int nlFamily, Class<T> msgClass,
+    private static <T extends NetlinkMessage> void getAndProcessNetlinkDumpMessagesWithFd(
+            FileDescriptor fd, byte[] dumpRequestMessage, int nlFamily, Class<T> msgClass,
             Consumer<T> func)
-            throws SocketException, InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException, ParseException {
-        // Create socket and send dump request
-        final FileDescriptor fd;
-        try {
-            fd = netlinkSocketForProto(nlFamily);
-        } catch (ErrnoException  e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create netlink socket " + e);
-            throw e.rethrowAsSocketException();
-        }
-        try {
-            connectToKernel(fd);
-        } catch (ErrnoException | SocketException e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to connect netlink socket to kernel " + e);
-            closeSocketQuietly(fd);
-            return;
-        }
+            throws SocketException, InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
+        // connecToKernel throws ErrnoException and SocketException, should be handled by caller
+        connectToKernel(fd);
-        try {
-            sendMessage(fd, dumpRequestMessage, 0, dumpRequestMessage.length, IO_TIMEOUT_MS);
-        } catch (InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send dump request " + e);
-            closeSocketQuietly(fd);
-            throw e;
-        }
+        // sendMessage throws InterruptedIOException and ErrnoException,
+        // should be handled by caller
+        sendMessage(fd, dumpRequestMessage, 0, dumpRequestMessage.length, IO_TIMEOUT_MS);
         while (true) {
+            // recvMessage throws ErrnoException, InterruptedIOException
+            // should be handled by caller
             final ByteBuffer buf = recvMessage(
                     fd, NetlinkUtils.DEFAULT_RECV_BUFSIZE, IO_TIMEOUT_MS);
@@ -368,17 +338,15 @@ public class NetlinkUtils {
                     // Move to the position where parse started for error log.
                     Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse netlink message: " + hexify(buf));
-                    closeSocketQuietly(fd);
-                    throw new ParseException("Failed to parse netlink message");
+                    break;
                 if (nlMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) {
-                    closeSocketQuietly(fd);
                 if (!msgClass.isInstance(nlMsg)) {
-                    Log.e(TAG, "Received unexpected netlink message: " + nlMsg);
+                    Log.wtf(TAG, "Received unexpected netlink message: " + nlMsg);
@@ -387,6 +355,32 @@ public class NetlinkUtils {
+    /**
+     * Sends a netlink dump request and processes the returned dump messages
+     *
+     * @param <T> extends NetlinkMessage
+     * @param dumpRequestMessage netlink dump request message to be sent
+     * @param nlFamily netlink family
+     * @param msgClass expected class of the netlink message
+     * @param func function defined by caller to handle the dump messages
+     * @throws SocketException when fails to connect socket to kernel
+     * @throws InterruptedIOException when fails to read the dumpFd
+     * @throws ErrnoException when fails to create dump fd, send dump request
+     *                        or receive messages
+     */
+    public static <T extends NetlinkMessage> void getAndProcessNetlinkDumpMessages(
+            byte[] dumpRequestMessage, int nlFamily, Class<T> msgClass,
+            Consumer<T> func)
+            throws SocketException, InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
+        // Create socket
+        final FileDescriptor fd = netlinkSocketForProto(nlFamily);
+        try {
+            getAndProcessNetlinkDumpMessagesWithFd(fd, dumpRequestMessage, nlFamily,
+                    msgClass, func);
+        } finally {
+            closeSocketQuietly(fd);
+        }
+    }
      * Construct a RTM_GETROUTE message for dumping multicast IPv6 routes from kernel.
@@ -439,7 +433,7 @@ public class NetlinkUtils {
                     dumpMsg, NETLINK_ROUTE, RtNetlinkRouteMessage.class,
-        } catch (SocketException | InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException | ParseException e) {
+        } catch (SocketException | InterruptedIOException | ErrnoException e) {
             Log.e(TAG, "Failed to dump multicast routes");
             return routes;