diff --git a/mh2lm-vendor.mk b/mh2lm-vendor.mk
index 19ba3680474df631ef78ed7c317f3817892bd063..0c7ba8db43d54c549500502dc2ac6aa9f4e01f86 100644
--- a/mh2lm-vendor.mk
+++ b/mh2lm-vendor.mk
@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/sensors/registry/registry/sensors_registry:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/sensors/registry/registry/sensors_registry \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/sensors/registry/registry/sensors_settings:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/sensors/registry/registry/sensors_settings \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/sensors/sns_reg_config:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/sensors/sns_reg_config \
+    vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/thermal-engine-8150.conf:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/thermal-engine-8150.conf \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan.bin:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan.bin \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan_ch0.bin:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan_ch0.bin \
     vendor/lge/mh2lm/proprietary/vendor/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan_ch1.bin:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc/wifi/CN/bdwlan_ch1.bin \
diff --git a/proprietary/vendor/etc/thermal-engine-8150.conf b/proprietary/vendor/etc/thermal-engine-8150.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57275a5f50edb5cf556a776515d459e3289002e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proprietary/vendor/etc/thermal-engine-8150.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# File empty by default.
+# Replace contents of this file with custom configuration.
+# Default configuration for SM8150 LGE MH2
+sampling           5000
+c_mode_pmic        4
+c_mode_wlc         10
+wlc_lcd_off_offset 22
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            sub6_vts
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        41500
+thresholds_clr    40000
+actions           modem1_skin
+action_info       3
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            skin_pmic
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        10000      35000      36000      37000      38000      39000      40000      42000      44000
+thresholds_clr    9000       34000      35000      36000      37000      38000      39000      41000      43000
+actions           chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat   chg_ibat
+action_info       2550       2400       2200       2100       2000       1500       700        600        300
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            batt_temp
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        35000      39500
+thresholds_clr    34000      38500
+actions           wlchg      wlchg
+action_info       700        500
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            batt_temp
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        42000
+thresholds_clr    41000
+actions           mid_wlchg
+action_info       5000
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         36000
+set_point_clr     34000
+device_max_limit  2419200
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         38000
+set_point_clr     37000
+device_max_limit  1920000
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         40000
+set_point_clr     39000
+device_max_limit  1401600
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         42000
+set_point_clr     41000
+device_max_limit  1056000
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         33000
+set_point_clr     31000
+device_max_limit  2419200
+disable           1
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         35000
+set_point_clr     34000
+device_max_limit  1920000
+disable           1
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         37000
+set_point_clr     36000
+device_max_limit  1401600
+disable           1
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         39000
+set_point_clr     37000
+device_max_limit  1056000
+disable           1
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu0
+set_point         44000
+set_point_clr     43000
+device_max_limit  1555200
+algo_type         ss
+sampling          5000
+sensor            vts
+device            cpu4
+set_point         43500
+set_point_clr     42500
+device_max_limit  825600
+disable           0
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            vts
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        44000
+thresholds_clr    43000
+actions           hotplug_6+hotplug_7
+action_info       1+1
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            vts
+sampling          5000
+thresholds        42000
+thresholds_clr    40000
+actions           gpu
+action_info       427000000
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            pa-therm0
+sampling          20
+thresholds        10000
+thresholds_clr    5000
+actions           cpu0+cpu4+gpu
+action_info       1209600+1497600+427000000
+disable           1
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            pa-therm0
+sampling          20
+thresholds        10000
+thresholds_clr    5000
+actions           cpu0+cpu4+gpu
+action_info       844800+825600+345000000
+disable           1
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            pa-therm0
+sampling          20
+thresholds        10000
+thresholds_clr    5000
+actions           cpu0+cpu4+gpu
+action_info       844800+825600+345000000
+disable           1
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            vts
+sampling          1000
+thresholds        10000
+thresholds_clr    8000
+actions           cpu4
+action_info       1286400
+disable           1
+algo_type         tmk
+device            cpu0
+algo_type         tmk
+device            cpu4
+algo_type         tmk
+device            gpu
+algo_type         monitor
+sensor            pa-therm0
+sampling          20
+thresholds        10000
+thresholds_clr    5000
+actions           cpu4
+action_info       1056000
+disable           1