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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Sep1219Jul131210632123Jun8Mar523Feb183Nov16Sep11Aug26Jul96126Jun1630May2621Apr154Nov131Oct28252317Aug1647Jul4330Jun2824Mar24Sep1825Apr2231Mar201068Dec17Nov138Oct324Sep23827Aug251715141226Jul1854229Jun28228726May12Apr22Jul13Jun930May251917141230Apr272019onclite: Label FPC fingerprint hwserviceonclite: Use LLVM binutils and default clangonclite: Use libhidlbase-v32 for goodixonclite: Update graphics firmware from A10 releaseonclite: Drop unused firmwaresonclite: Move /vendor/ueventd.rc to /vendor/etc/ueventd.rconclite: Move WCNSS_cfg.dat to vendoronclite: Convert WiFi firmware symlink to install_symlink targetonclite: Declare IMS libs as symlinks during extractiononclite: Explicitly disable protected management framesonclite: Build required libraries for 14onclite: Set ro.hardware.egl to adrenoonclite: Inherit non_ab_device.mkonclite: Override fastboot-info.txtonclite: Correct target bootloader nameonclite: Move to new RFS install_symlink targetsonclite: Add a device specific FCMonclite: Include lineage FCMonclite: Inherit from QTI FCMonclite: Use the common device compatibility matrix from QCOMonclite: Set manifest target-level to 5onclite: Disable the usage of ConfigStore.onclite: Raise VINTF target level to 4onclite: Drop redundant manifest entriesonclite: doze: Enable use_resource_processor for all sysui depsonclite: doze: Migrate to CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListeneronclite: doze: Convert to SwitchPreferenceCompatonclite: Enforce vintf kernel requirementsonclite: Switch to USB 1.3-basic HALonclite: Remove deprecated trust HALonclite: Update libstdc++.vendor target nameonclite: Update makefile to use the AIDL Wifi Vendor HAL.onclite: Switch to two-stage init mountingMerge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteenthirteenthirteenonclite: Remove vendor RenderScript implementationMerge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteenonclite: use TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM instead of manual path.onclite: overlay: Allow seamless Doze state transitionsonclite: AOSP WFD doesn't support protected Wi-Fi Display buffersMerge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteen