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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Jan12115327Dec29Oct282724Aug211912111030May151428Apr27251619Mar521Jan631Dec30Oct1127Sep262529Aug2812Apr212Mar28Feb26Nov524Oct2221191330Sep28252422212018171097sm8350-common: Build android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0.vendorsm8350-common: Add vendor.nxp.nxpnfc_aidl.INxpNfc/defaultsm8350-common: Build Widevine DRM HAL dependenciessm8350-common: Migrate to AIDL ClearKey DRM HALsm8350-common: Add prebuilt protobuf 3.9.1 to vendor partition.Merge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteenthirteenthirteensm8350-common: Switch to common QTI vibrator HALsm8350-common: sepolicy: Label more wakeup dirssm8350-common: rootdir: Set up missing fingerprint data dirssm8350-common: rootdir: Update dir's for camerasm8350-common: vibrator: Add support to awinic_haptic nodesm8350-common: Add redwood supportsm8350-common: Switch to common QTI vibrator HALMerge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteensm8350-common: sepolicy: Label more wakeup dirssm8350-common: rootdir: Set up missing fingerprint data dirssm8350-common: rootdir: Update dir's for camerasm8350-common: vibrator: Add support to awinic_haptic nodesm8350-common: Add redwood supportsm8350-common: sepolicy: Migrate to snxxx NFC AIDL HALsm8350-common: Build AIDL NXP NFC HALsm8350-common: gps: Add NULL check before object accesssm8350-common: gps: Fix compilation on Usm8350-common: Replace isolated_app with isolated_app_allsm8350-common: Migrate to restructured sepolicy_vndrsm8350-common: Build libprotobuf-cpp-lite-3.9.1-vendorcompatsm8350-common: Update makefile to use the AIDL Wifi Vendor HAL.Merge branch lineage-20 from LineageOS into thirteenfixup! sm8350-common: Configure common Powershare HIDLsm8350-common: Include vendor/debugfs.configsm8350-common: Set PRODUCT_SET_DEBUGFS_RESTRICTIONSsm8350-common: Build Lineage Health HALfixup! sm8350-common: Update display blobs from Sony Xperia 1 III (XQ-BC72) 61.2.A.0.410sm8350-common: ueventd: Remove all permissions from /sys/devices/soc0/serial_numbersm8350-common: Implement xtra-daemon control via propertysm8350-common: gps: Remove all Wno-error flagssm8350-common: gps: Implement list empty error code for msg_qsm8350-common: gps: Address logical-op-parentheses warningsm8350-common: gps: Reorder initializations list to satisfy warningssm8350-common: gps: Resolve unused parameter warnings