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Created with Raphaël 2.2.030Sep292827136119Jul16120Jun24May2017Apr10Feb26Jan12115327Dec29Oct282724Aug211912111030May151428Apr27251619Mar521Jan631Dec30Oct1127Sep262529Aug2812Apr212Mar28Feb26Nov524Oct2221191330Sep282524222120sm8350-common: Import missing 64-bit wfd libsm8350-common: Import missing 32-bit blobssm8350-common: Decommonize citsensorservicesm8350-common: extract-files improvementssm8350-common: Patch libwfdservice to resolve duplicate dependenciessm8350-common: Work around using prebuilt HWCsm8350-common: do not manually build dependenciessm8350-common: Disable ELF checks for certain librariessm8350-common: skip dependencies which aren't defined in .bpsm8350-common: fix QCOM WFD ELF checkssm8350-common: fix vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@3.0 ELF checkssm8350-common: fix com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0 ELF checkssm8350-common: Enable elf checkssm8350-common: Add vendor soong imports to extractsm8350-common: Build xiaomi-telephony-stubsm8350-common: Remove media_codecs_google_c2*sm8350-common: Use AOSP default Codec2/OMX rankssm8350-common: Remove software omx codec referencessm8350-common: Update blobs from haydn V816.0.6.0.UKKMIXMsm8350-common: Migrate sensor HAL to AIDL interfaceMerge branch lineage-21 from LineageOS into fourteensm8350-common: Partially revert "Move to QTI health AIDL service"Merge branch lineage-21 from LineageOS into fourteensm8350-common: Drop SDM LiveDisplay serviceMerge branch lineage-21 from LineageOS into fourteensm8350-common: Sync extract scripts with templatessm8350-common: Move to Xiaomi IR AIDLsm8350-common: Switch to common lineage Powershare halsm8350-common: Unset BUILD_BROKEN_INCORRECT_PARTITION_IMAGESsm8350-common: Convert WiFi firmware symlinks to install_symlink targetssm8350-common: Move to new RFS install_symlink targetsMerge branch lineage-21 from LineageOS into fourteensm8350-common: sepolicy: Remove commonized labelsMerge branch lineage-21 from LineageOS into fourteensm8350-common: Import missing IMS libsm8350-common: Build missing libraries for 14 QPR3sm8350-common: Disable UFFD GCAdapt to LMODroid by device-add scriptsm8350-common: Update blobs from V816.0.2.0.UKKMIXMsm8350-common: Update radio properties from haydn V816.0.1.0.UKKCNXM