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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Sep 01, 2022
    • Archie Pusaka's avatar
      floss: Pass peer's VID:PID to btif · efa52f3c
      Archie Pusaka authored
      Floss needs this field in order to emulate how metrics work in
      BlueZ. This CL calls the SDP/GATT function in bta_dm_act and pass
      the result to btif, where it is stored and also passed further to
      the upper layers.
      Bug: 240782193
      Tag: #floss
      Test: Verify VendorId field in /var/lib/bluetooth/bt_config.conf
            after pairing with an LE and Classic devices.
      Change-Id: I16f60aaf0de546b0eab3af705abb790610161489
  2. Aug 30, 2022
    • Archie Pusaka's avatar
      floss: Add Appearance field to bt_property list · 3bf2a28d
      Archie Pusaka authored
      Floss needs this field from the EIR in order to emulate how metrics
      work in BlueZ. Therefore, store the appearance into storage, and pass
      it with the callback for Floss only.
      Bug: 240782193
      Tag: #floss
      Test: Verify Appearance field in /var/lib/bluetooth/bt_config.conf
            after pairing with an LE mouse.
      Change-Id: Iac4f2fea7f1f4f711b3f99a7d416799831b1f948
  3. Aug 27, 2022
  4. Aug 26, 2022
    • Rahul Arya's avatar
      [Pandora] Move pairing interface into a separate interface · 05dd7236
      Rahul Arya authored
      As per offline discussion, all pairing/bonding related interfaces for
      both classic + LE will be moved out of Host (since Host is getting huge)
      and put in a separate interface. We can't call it SM since we have
      classic stuff in here too.
      Test: existing PTS
      Bug: 242326310
      Tag: #refactor
      Change-Id: I2704098edd72e50d53366b210a2bf425f11d3388
    • William Escande's avatar
      Merge changes Ib9530a88,I070987bc · 9b9e7577
      William Escande authored
      * changes:
        Fix admin enable/disable of Bluetooth file sharing, part 2
        Fix admin enable/disable of Bluetooth file sharing
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Etienne Ruffieux's avatar
      Move enabling state of Bluetooth sharing to system service. · 48dd6d21
      Etienne Ruffieux authored
      BluetoothOppLauncherActivity & BluetoothOppBtEnableActivity
      'enabled' state should be updated wether Bluetooth is ON or
      OFF. Previously, the state of these Activities was set with
      resource config, but since Bluetooth started replacing them
      by sysprops, we had to enable / disable these Activities in
      BluetoothOppService. However, the bt sharing tile should be
      available even when Bluetooth is OFF, and as their state is
      already updated in BluetoothManagerService when there is an
      user change, we can use that instead but with the condition
      that BluetoothOppBtEnableActivity is enabled too. All other
      Bluetooth OPP Activities enabled / disabled state are still
      handled in BluetoothOppService as they require Bluetooth to
      be ON to work anyway, and don't impact UI tiles. This fixes
      both an issue where the bt sharing tile doesn't appear when
      Bluetooth has been turned OFF, and an issue where Bluetooth
      would crash if it hadn't been turned ON before using the bt
      sharing tile.
      Test: manual
      Tag: #feature
      Bug: 242963176
      Merged-In: I67840dbd9f4cfc42026a14a1fc467fc95aa3a587
      Change-Id: I67840dbd9f4cfc42026a14a1fc467fc95aa3a587
    • Rahul Arya's avatar
      Fix admin enable/disable of Bluetooth file sharing, part 2 · e880ba62
      Rahul Arya authored
      This fixes the bluetooth package detection functionality in the case
      when *all* components are disabled. This occurs in the CTS test, but did
      not occur in manual testing of ag/19219300.
      Also did manual testing to make sure we don't regress (toggled the no_bluetooth_sharing option, verified that it appeared/disappeared)
      Bug: 239372439
      Test: atest CtsDevicePolicyManagerTestCases:DeviceOwnerTest
      Tag: #stability
      Merged-In: Ib9530a8829a946ea00a21111e459d697086f2ef8
      Change-Id: Ib9530a8829a946ea00a21111e459d697086f2ef8
    • Rahul Arya's avatar
      Fix admin enable/disable of Bluetooth file sharing · 3d169a56
      Rahul Arya authored
      This is an extremely partial fix for a mostly-broken feature. For
      fully-managed devices, this fixes the toggle for the file sharing
      option, by detecting which Bluetooth package should be used rather than
      just guessing.
      However, on work profiles, the file sharing option does not really work
      anyway, it just infinitely loads. In addition, it is not correctly
      disabled when Bluetooth stops, so the icon just remains but doesn't
      do anything.
      A full fix would add the enable/disable sequence for *work* UserHandles
      to BluetoothOppManager, so the LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY is properly enabled and
      disabled. In addition, it would fix the issue described in the linked
      bug to prevent infinite loading (dedicated bug: b/112625123).
      Tag: #stability
      Bug: 237389774
      Test: Manual, verifying the *badged* BT file sharing icon appears/disappears as needed
      Merged-In: I070987bc884947246c372c65691c4866ebd1e7c7
      Change-Id: I070987bc884947246c372c65691c4866ebd1e7c7
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Rahul Sabnis's avatar
    • Rahul Sabnis's avatar
      ScanningManager: Always set own_address_type · 0fda5595
      Rahul Sabnis authored
      This fixes a bug in the GD LE scanning manager where the own address type is always set to use the random address on startup. This bug causes the BT process to crash when we try to scan while the sysprop is set to false.
      Tag: #stability
      Bug: 243862787
      Test: system/gd/cert/run --clean --sl4a_sl4a IrkRotationTest or turn on BT after setting the sysprop to false
      Change-Id: Ifd93743f8fd8e4c6b412cb3747a67a35554e97b2
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • William Escande's avatar
      Clear native before removing HeadsetService · efd64262
      William Escande authored
      Fix: 212644286
      Test: QA testing
      Change-Id: Ic9f96affbee64382873e12bc766254ea8260f0b1
    • Rahul Arya's avatar
      [Pandora] Utilities for bidirectional streaming APIs · 6c5dc26a
      Rahul Arya authored
      The OnPair interface (as well as potential others in the future) are
      bidirectional streaming rpcs. This CL adds a utility in Kotlin to
      emulate the native-Kotlin gRPC interface on top of the Java interface
      provided (Flow -> Flow rather than callback-based).
      In Python, the native interface consumes an iterator and supplies a new
      one. So to interleave rx and tx messages, we need multiple threads. This
      CL also adds a client-side utility to simplify usage, by making it mimic
      channels (which are the grpc.aio interface, as well as what Go gRPC
      does). It means we consume one thread for every active streaming gRPC
      call, but this is unavoidable unless we use asyncio channels, which
      would require replacing all the mmi2grpc calls with async calls.
      Bug: 242326310
      Test: next CL
      Tag: #feature
      Change-Id: I526982d3163120689797919382a7dff8ff33378f
    • Rahul Arya's avatar
      [RootCanal] Add support for LinkPolicy and RoleChange in RootCanal · 24697bfd
      Rahul Arya authored
      Needed for HID PTS tests. We just "fake" the link policy and our current
      role by tracking them locally, rather than using LMP to coordinate with
      the peer. This can be changed at a future date if a test depends on this
      Bug: 239986609
      Test: HID PTS tests
      Tag: #feature
      Change-Id: I3b2b97a200b0279251fc68e37e23b8d3cfb8bdeb
    • Etienne Ruffieux's avatar
    • Grzegorz Kołodziejczyk's avatar
      le_audio: Use set scenarios for multiple context types · db78277e
      Grzegorz Kołodziejczyk authored
      Same type configuration would be shared between multiple context types.
      This will limit internal configuration handovers and stream
      reconfigurations while changing context type.
      Bug: 240145073
      Bug: 233961821
      Tag: #feature
      Sponsor: jpawlowski@
      Test: atest bluetooth_le_audio_test
      Test: atest bluetooth_le_audio_client_test
      Change-Id: Ie0c19a0a4d1958ea6e641e7a9c3297cf611a5851
    • Treehugger Robot's avatar
    • Kyunglyul Hyun's avatar
    • Thomas Girardier's avatar
      Merge "[PTS-Bot] Add 7 AVCTP test cases AVCTP/TG/CCM/BV-03-C... · 817a2b08
      Thomas Girardier authored
  5. Aug 25, 2022