- Feb 17, 2021
Treehugger Robot authored
Igor Murashkin authored
Example file: $> unzip CtsApkVerityTestAppPrebuilt.dm manifest.json ; cat manifest.json { "packageName": "android.appsecurity.cts.apkveritytestapp", "versionCode": 30 } Cherry-picked from 12af11d6 Test: adb install-multiple -r foo.apk foo.dm Test: atest FrameworksServicesTests:com.android.server.pm.dex.DexMetadataHelperTest Bug: 179295368 Merged-In: I7a3c442bb27da5948bc9ead146c77213de6b56cc Change-Id: I7a3c442bb27da5948bc9ead146c77213de6b56cc
Brad Ebinger authored
Shawn Willden authored
Chih-hung Hsieh authored
James.cf Lin authored
Expose OPTIONS portion of capability exchange APIs. Bug: 174166957 Test: atest CtsTelephonyTestCases Change-Id: I21277fce055f31400f2018b6f81102225cb7c7c8
Treehugger Robot authored
Cody Kesting authored
* changes: Notify status callbacks when a VCN enters Safemode. Change all 'safemode' references to use 'safe mode'. Define VcnStatusCallback register/unregister.
Benedict Wong authored
Colin Cross authored
James Mattis authored
Brian Stack authored
Shawn Willden authored
This allows apps to request that AndroidKeyStore generate attestation keys that can be used to sign attestations of other keys that the app generates or imports. Bug: 163606833 Test: atest CtsKeystoreTests Change-Id: I943a6922271cbe909cb3a9d67021663b5646aa70
Lorenzo Colitti authored
Anton Hansson authored
Jooyung Han authored
Bug: 180472752 Test: atest FrameworksTelephonyTests: com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccUtilsTest TeleServiceTests: SimPhonebookProviderTest Change-Id: I1a8c0dabee3ca90fcdeca263a4c943e01fbae75e
James Mattis authored
Unit test automation for setOemNetworkPreference() API functionality on ConnectivityService. Bug: 178632672 Bug: 176494815 Bug: 170068946 Test: atest FrameworksNetTests Change-Id: Ib76917f0fa78b736207f82d99137a6cf49481b20
Treehugger Robot authored
Treehugger Robot authored
Cody Kesting authored
This CL updates VcnManagementService to notify VcnStatusCallbacks when the VCN for their specified subscription group enters Safemode. In order to be notified, the registering app must also have permissions for the specified permission. Bug: 163433613 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Change-Id: I3242ad0ee1dc406aef56253f884c2544a994869e
Cody Kesting authored
Bug: 163433613 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Change-Id: I5daced209e4e6d8d1b87385b3f64660322908fa0
Cody Kesting authored
This CL defines VcnStatusCallbacks, which are callbacks used to register for status updates to a specific subscription group. These Callbacks may be registered with VcnManager at any time, but will only be invoked for the specifies subscription group and only if the registering app has carrier privileges for that subscription. Bug: 163433613 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Change-Id: Iefd284ae2d09676d195e2a12bf660be3596da59b
Benedict Wong authored
This change exposes the Basics of the VCN API surface, including: - VCN Configurations - VCN Gateway Configuration superclass (Builder in subclasses) - VcnManger with configuration management APIs Bug: 168833866 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Test: atest android.net.vcn Change-Id: Ia1b3597d903dd84267f66546a90437f9ac45b2de
Treehugger Robot authored
Benedict Wong authored
Remi NGUYEN VAN authored
Tethering API stubs depend on connectivity stubs for classes like MacAddress or LinkAddress, so connectivity stubs cannot depend on Tethering stubs or there would be a circular dependency. This means ConnectivityManager API surface cannot reference Tethering API constants. Instead, use the literal in ConnectivityManager. This means that both ConnectivityManager and TetheringManager specify the constant value. An alternative considered was to have TetheringManager depend on the ConnectivityManager constants, but considering that ConnectivityManager only has some of the constants, this would be more confusing. Breaking the constants by mistake is unlikely as their values are part of the API surface, so will always be in sync. Bug: 171540887 Test: m Change-Id: I16b6e1912fffc5ff8b3b392901d2357ffd213c72
Treehugger Robot authored
James Mattis authored
Adding support for per-app default network changes to send callbacks used in registerDefaultNetworkCallback() to those applications that have the default changed as part of the per-app flow. Bug: 179819249 Bug: 176494815 Test: atest FrameworksNetTests atest FrameworksNetIntegrationTests atest CtsNetTestCasesLatestSdk Change-Id: Id8ef987cdfbaad497929fea21b38f831c4f9b15b
Michele Berionne authored
The keyguard is not properly updated when the SIM PIN verification is performed using different means than the UI. Additional states are used before READY, so simWasLocked might be false. Bug: 160784387 Test: manual Change-Id: Ibca04e3d6a61c27d4b40f94a8a6223d9739b15ac Merged-In: Ibca04e3d6a61c27d4b40f94a8a6223d9739b15ac (cherry picked from commit d12075a9)
Lorenzo Colitti authored
- Feb 16, 2021
Cody Kesting authored
Benedict Wong authored
This change implements the Migrated callback, proxying to onIpSecTransformCreated Bug: 180163196 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Change-Id: Ibf07be667882ea35a4d7191b87d1193f38f9db3e
Chih-Hung Hsieh authored
* A bug in tidy check header filter was fixed and revealed many tidy check warnings in .h files. Allow these warnings until they are all fixed in .h files. Test: mm with new header filter bug fixes Change-Id: I8982a8afd5827ed3bc7b24d5985002123739aeb2
Treehugger Robot authored
Chris Wailes authored
This CL cleans up some warnings in the ZygoteInit.java and ZygoteServer.java files. These warnings were mostly about unused variables, protection class changes, and dead code. Some changes to code in Zygote.java and ZygoteConnection.java were needed due to function signature changes. Test: Built and booted image Merged-In: I6ba33cfcb4729a75dbbd4f908f4b46110d3bb991 Change-Id: I6ba33cfcb4729a75dbbd4f908f4b46110d3bb991
Treehugger Robot authored
Cody Kesting authored
This CL updates VcnGatewayConnection to use WakeupMessages to support Safemode detection. Safemode is entered if the VcnGatewayConnection instance takes more than SAFEMODE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds to a) go from DisconnectedState to ConnectedState, or b) exit and re-enter ConnectedState. If this timeout is exceeded, the instance will notify its managing Vcn via VcnGatewayStatusCallback#onEnteredSafemode. Bug: 178140973 Test: atest FrameworksVcnTests Change-Id: Iff40aba639b465c3959ef383f1001be419daba4d
Bram Bonné authored
Chris Wailes authored
This CL adds a setter for the install scenario data of the SessionParams object in PackageInstaller. Test: atest InstallSessionParamsUnitTest Bug: 179841918 Change-Id: I9260d58285a5d0a051d2bdafa6ba6b23a739de01
Cody Kesting authored