- Feb 26, 2024
Jean-François authored
Bug: 206676167 Test: m Change-Id: I914366f6cef19df5f528bb0a43b51d17b50ca1ae
- Feb 22, 2024
Jean-François authored
ScriptC won't be supported on any new architecture (for example riscv64), so throw an exception when it is used on an unsupported architecture. Note that using `Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS` includes ABIs supported due to dynamic binary translation, which do not support ScriptC. So we can't use `Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS` to determine if ScriptC is supported or not. Instead we attempt loading `libRS.so`. `libRS.so` is not present on riscv64 images, so this allows us to know if we are on a riscv64 system. A problem occurs on x86 images with binary translation for riscv64 (aka berberis): when running a riscv64 binary, the binary translation system will fallback to the x86 version of the libraries via what is called a "native bridge". This means that `libRS.so` would successfully load on those system, which we do not want because even though it would load it wouldn't run properly. This is why a separate CL in the binary translation codebase was landed that explicitly refuses to load `libRS.so`: https://android-review.git.corp.google.com/c/platform/frameworks/libs/binary_translation/+/2971952 Bug: 206676167 Test: atest CtsRsBlasTestCases:android.cts.rsblas.IntrinsicBLAS#test_L3_SGEMM_API -- --abi x86_64 Change-Id: I2ed2e2ae531046d1d00e9a2d2f864375b0bb3570
- Oct 26, 2023
Jean-François authored
Bug: 297019750 Test: m -j; m cts -j; cts-tradefed run commandAndExit cts --skip-system-status-check com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.NetworkConnectivityChecker --skip-device-info -m RenderscriptTest Change-Id: I112961a279890195aa0387b299844027e483715e
- Oct 03, 2023
Jean-François Geyelin authored
This reverts commit f55efb8a. Reason for revert: b/303246133 atest CtsRsBlasTestCases:android.cts.rsblas.IntrinsicBLAS#test_L3_SGEMM_API -- --abi x86_64 Change-Id: I0860fa2ec00174d3d3974a2f886c71dabff3823c
- Oct 02, 2023
Jean-François Geyelin authored
Bug: 297019750 Test: m -j; m cts -j; cts-tradefed run commandAndExit cts --skip-system-status-check com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.targetprep.NetworkConnectivityChecker --skip-device-info -m RenderscriptTest Change-Id: I2892ac2316e9756b017f241cc9b537e18d510b31
- Feb 07, 2023
Elliott Hughes authored
Test: N/A Change-Id: Ib9975a0bbbe2eff94e7b25a2df43174106f82097
- May 16, 2022
Jean-Luc Brouillet authored
For one of the many variants of Blend, a cut&paste error made that the options were not passed. This was not caught because no test exercised this. I've added the test (in a related CL) and fixed the bug. Bug: 178718752 Test: Ran the RS Java tests Change-Id: Ide2fef96137ffd89e4431cf15be5df398036d909 Merged-In: Ide2fef96137ffd89e4431cf15be5df398036d909 (cherry picked from commit a2c6eb2f)
- Apr 21, 2021
Xusong Wang authored
This CL marks RenderScript Java APIs as deprecated. Bug: 168711199 Test: m Test: CtsRenderscriptTestCases Test: CtsRsCppTestCases Test: CtsRsBlasTestCases Change-Id: Id271a794679d445c480d62c87ae6c8150f6901f8 Merged-In: Id271a794679d445c480d62c87ae6c8150f6901f8 (cherry picked from commit 8b4548c4)
- Apr 01, 2021
Bob Badour authored
Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 to: drm/java/Android.bp graphics/java/Android.bp identity/Android.bp identity/java/Android.bp keystore/java/Android.bp location/java/Android.bp location/tests/Android.bp lowpan/java/Android.bp media/mca/effect/java/Android.bp media/mca/filterfw/java/Android.bp media/mca/filterpacks/java/Android.bp mime/java/Android.bp mms/java/Android.bp opengl/java/Android.bp rs/java/Android.bp sax/java/Android.bp services/tests/servicestests/test-apps/PackageParsingTestManifests/Android.bp telecomm/java/Android.bp telephony/common/Android.bp tests/FlickerTests/test-apps/Android.bp Added SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 SPDX-license-identifier-BSD to: telephony/java/Android.bp Bug: 68860345 Bug: 151177513 Bug: 151953481 Test: m all Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: janitorial work Change-Id: I2ee0af9ce8f74de2172b359b41d2c52a8b8f7e6c
- Mar 30, 2021
Anton Hansson authored
All the java code used to build the framework jar and run metalava was previously defined in the toplevel Android.bp files. Move these into the subdirs where the source actually lives. This simplifies the rules themselves (no path and needless prefix) and declutters the top level Android.bp. Test: m Change-Id: I97086e309eacb879d16facb8497d9940fa5ddaf6
- Mar 07, 2021
Hans Boehm authored
The original rationale is obsolete, since contexts are now almost always shared. This call was unbalanced; there was no corresponding freeNativeAllocation call. Thus, in the rare cases in which this actually makes a difference, it's likely to lead to perpetually increasing native allocation counts, which is more likely to be confusing than helpful to the garbage collector. (Discussed with Tim and Jean-Luc, and concluded that it was best just to remove the code.) Test: Treehugger Bug: 181351667 Change-Id: I376a16732231aad0fdacd022de301464e5ac71dd
- Mar 01, 2021
Xusong Wang authored
This CL marks RenderScript Java APIs as deprecated. Bug: 168711199 Test: m Test: CtsRenderscriptTestCases Test: CtsRsCppTestCases Test: CtsRsBlasTestCases Change-Id: Id271a794679d445c480d62c87ae6c8150f6901f8
- Feb 13, 2021
Jean-Luc Brouillet authored
For one of the many variants of Blend, a cut&paste error made that the options were not passed. This was not caught because no test exercised this. I've added the test (in a related CL) and fixed the bug. Bug: 178718752 Test: Ran the RS Java tests Change-Id: Ide2fef96137ffd89e4431cf15be5df398036d909
- Nov 04, 2020
Mathew Inwood authored
These are APIs that have @UnsupportedAppUsage but for which we don't have any evidence of them currently being used, so should be safe to remove from the unsupported list. Bug: 170729553 Test: Treehugger Merged-In: I626caf7c1fe46c5ab1f39c2895b42a34319f771a Change-Id: I54e5ecd11e76ca1de3c5893e3a98b0108e735413
- Nov 02, 2020
Mathew Inwood authored
These are APIs that have @UnsupportedAppUsage but for which we don't have any evidence of them currently being used, so should be safe to remove from the unsupported list. Bug: 170729553 Test: Treehugger Merged-In: I8285daa8530260251ecad6f3f38f98e263629ca7 Change-Id: I626caf7c1fe46c5ab1f39c2895b42a34319f771a
- Oct 29, 2020
Mathew Inwood authored
These are APIs that have @UnsupportedAppUsage but for which we don't have any evidence of them currently being used, so should be safe to remove from the unsupported list. This is a resubmit of ag/12929664 with some APIs excluded that caused test failures; see bugs 171886397, 171888296, 171864568. APIs excluded: Landroid/bluetooth/le/ScanRecord;->parseFromBytes([B)Landroid/bluetooth/le/ScanRecord; Landroid/os/Process;->myPpid()I Landroid/os/SharedMemory;->getFd()I Landroid/hardware/input/InputManager;->INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH:I Bug: 170729553 Test: Treehugger Change-Id: I8285daa8530260251ecad6f3f38f98e263629ca7
- Oct 28, 2020
Hongwei Wang authored
This reverts commit 72f07d6a. Reason for revert: Droidcop-triggered revert due to breakage https://android-build.googleplex.com/builds/quarterdeck?testMethod=testAppZygotePreload&testClass=android.app.cts.ServiceTest&atpConfigName=suite%2Ftest-mapping-presubmit-retry_cloud-tf&testModule=CtsAppTestCases&fkbb=6936597&lkbb=6936969&lkgb=6936551&testResults=true&branch=git_master&target=cf_x86_phone-userdebug>, bug b/171886397 Bug: 171886397 Change-Id: Ibe0f0430a3451477c1ee8ef56a596e91ea1e7672
- Oct 27, 2020
Mathew Inwood authored
These are APIs that have @UnsupportedAppUsage but for which we don't have any evidence of them currently being used, so should be safe to remove from the unsupported list. Bug: 170729553 Test: Treehugger Change-Id: I4c8fd0006f950de9955242e93968fb0996ceb372
- Jan 14, 2020
Artur Satayev authored
Existing annotations in libcore/ and frameworks/ will deleted after the migration. This also means that any java library that compiles @UnsupportedAppUsage requires a direct dependency on "unsupportedappusage" java_library. Bug: 145132366 Test: m && diff unsupportedappusage_index.csv \ git diff HEAD^ HEAD | grep '^[+-][^+-]' | grep -v '.import' Merged-In: I853372f3c6fef905553bb31be4f1bb48df735f7a Change-Id: I853372f3c6fef905553bb31be4f1bb48df735f7a
- Jan 08, 2020
Derek Sollenberger authored
This change removes usage of skia data structures and replaces them with stable C APIs. It also removes two unused java APIs that were missing their native components. Test: CTS presubmit tests Bug: 137655431 Change-Id: I18cbe0cf9dc731c4c6c1f645be0df2f462764118
Artur Satayev authored
Existing annotations in libcore/ and frameworks/ will deleted after the migration. This also means that any java library that compiles @UnsupportedAppUsage requires a direct dependency on "unsupportedappusage" java_library. Bug: 145132366 Test: m && diff unsupportedappusage_index.csv \ git diff HEAD^ HEAD | grep '^[+-][^+-]' | grep -v '.import' Change-Id: I853372f3c6fef905553bb31be4f1bb48df735f7a
- Dec 19, 2019
Austin Wang authored
This reverts commit a5264903. Reason for revert: Droidcop-triggered revert due to breakage https://android-build.googleplex.com/builds/quarterdeck?branch=git_master&target=sdk_phone_armv7-sdk&lkgb=6083299&lkbb=6085371&fkbb=6083313, bug b/146533269 Change-Id: Ie5b031d7b277cf0e09b0a9776b26bf74f5f69e70
- Dec 18, 2019
Artur Satayev authored
Existing annotations in libcore/ and frameworks/ will deleted after the migration. This also means that any java library that compiles @UnsupportedAppUsage requires a direct dependency on "unsupportedappusage" java_library. Bug: 145132366 Test: m && diff unsupportedappusage_index.csv \ git diff HEAD^ HEAD | grep '^[+-][^+-]' | grep -v '.import' Change-Id: I087bb1cecbe59f1cf0c2e770c735d7a433722c6f
- Mar 27, 2019
Leon Scroggins III authored
Test: CtsGraphicsTestCases, CtsUiRenderingTestCases, CtsRenderscriptTestCases This is significantly faster than passing the Java object down and then calling a JNI method to retrieve the pointer. See https://buganizer.corp.google.com/issues/16656908#comment19 In some cases this changes what used to be native crashes (due to android::BitmapWrapper:assertValid's LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF) into NullPointerExceptions (if a caller used a null Bitmap). In addition: - Remove unnecessary JNIEnv param from toBitmap(jlong) - Change instances of toBitmap(JNIEnv*, jobject) to the above - Replace calls to GraphicsJNI::getSkBitmap() to inline calls to toBitmap/getSkBitmap - make Canvas#nInitRaster @FastNative (FIXME: Could these be @CriticalNative?) Change-Id: I6194097be1b6e6952eba70e1e7052a5a250eed93
- Mar 06, 2019
Miao Wang authored
Bug: 124466617 Test: mm Test: CtsRenderscriptTestCases Change-Id: I4784b96b5f96749d503bd1de8360e74b72f3f5c2
- Feb 11, 2019
Hans Boehm authored
We're changing the argument type to long, since it should be roughly large enough to hold a size_t everywhere. Make style checker happy by reordering imports. Test: Treehugger Change-Id: Iccdc5fa592f56d448817f7762af1cff27b4fc2a8
- Aug 06, 2018
Mathew Inwood authored
For packages: android.renderscript This is an automatically generated CL. See go/UnsupportedAppUsage for more details. Exempted-From-Owner-Approval: Mechanical changes to the codebase which have been approved by Android API council and announced on android-eng@ Bug: 110868826 Test: m Change-Id: I016f6e720e79c48afe44f4690b5dd99fc81ae780 Merged-In: I1aa8ebca448547031b426a7b305c5c3d6fcf2652
- Aug 02, 2018
Mathew Inwood authored
For packages: android.renderscript This is an automatically generated CL. See go/UnsupportedAppUsage for more details. Exempted-From-Owner-Approval: Mechanical changes to the codebase which have been approved by Android API council and announced on android-eng@ Bug: 110868826 Test: m Change-Id: I1aa8ebca448547031b426a7b305c5c3d6fcf2652
- Mar 21, 2018
kopriva authored
Test: make ds-docs Bug: 36982027 Bug: 30636712 Change-Id: I70d6d216c714a31b7e762a203a27f6124642131e
- Jun 13, 2017
Yang Ni authored
Bug: 28053584 Stop CloseGuarding for two reasons: 1) KernelID and FieldID objects are constructed in auto-generated (RenderScript reflected) Java code. It would be impossible for a user to explicitly call destroy() on them. Guarding them would leave a lot of noisy warnings in logcat. 2) These KernelID and FieldID objects are not big compared to other RenderScript objects, e.g. Allocations. They occupy almost no native resources except for a native pointer. Leaving their destruction to Java GC would be completely acceptable, since any delay in reclaiming them is unlikely to cause memory pressure. Test: CTS on x86_64 emulator Change-Id: I587b5561a0b2bdbf0b2e95bf2995c20d5f5faf9d
- May 05, 2017
Yang Ni authored
Bug: 28053584 To avoid holding the resource (surface) for too long. Test: CTS on x86_64 emulator Change-Id: I2fdec107c2a16b7dadbf78a9aee79c33423a3676
- May 04, 2017
Yang Ni authored
Bug: 28053584 On destroying the intrinsic, destroy its contained Allocation right away. Test: CTS on x86_64 emulator Change-Id: I5ca0da33b620c3291b7cafda31a6cc83eb7461a0
- Apr 20, 2017
- Apr 18, 2017
Yang Ni authored
Bug: 24555166 Test: RSTest on x86_64 emulator Change-Id: I0c8c970ce85989c3213fb4986e517ac0be5beb26
- Mar 03, 2017
Yang Ni authored
Bug: 28053769 These objects are tiny and unlikely to cause memory issues. In addition, llvm-rs-cc auto-generated code contains such objects, which are not visibible to developers and impossible to manually destroy, leaving distracting warnings in Strict Mode. Test: RsTest with StrictMode on and CTS tests Change-Id: Iec68cca4f1259124b9f503a230c1a28b97ede1f3
- Jan 26, 2017
Elliot Waite authored
Change-Id: I40cea46efd80c448640ff69753698fe8404da40b
- Jun 14, 2016
David Gross authored
Bug: 27298560 Change-Id: I8a89c9df753d12ee8af06008d424e77bb916cd8f (cherry picked from commit 4a457853)
- Jun 02, 2016
David Gross authored
Bug: 27298560 Change-Id: I8a89c9df753d12ee8af06008d424e77bb916cd8f